Friday, January 16, 2009

4 of 5 A Comprehensive Review of AMERICA THE RACIST? by H Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Viban Ngo, PhD

AMERICAN THE RACIST? Vol. I. By Herbert J. Harris, Wilmington: New Paradigm Publishing, 2008, 168 pages, ISBN 0-9748362-5-7 For other details of this book: where to purchase it, etc, visit

A Review by Viban Ngo, PhD, FRGS. Today when I come across incidents of racism, call it racial segregation, my back is spin-chilled and my memory races to one infamous racist leader known to most of us. His rhetoric dominated by racist attitude and doctrine of hate of the so-called inferior races triggered the Second World War (WWII). The war caused untold lost of millions of lives, damages to property and hitherto many are still paying in cash and kind. There is no end in sight. He was an Austrian called Adolph Hitler. After the First World War in which he was badly injured, he became obsessed over the domination of Jews who had permeated all walks of life in his native Austria and Germany. He attributed the defeat of the Germans in that war partly to the Jews. Consequently, he concocted all sorts of bogus theories against them as substandard vagrants whose miscegenation with the native Germans, folkish ways, and philosophies they called religion (Judaism which he disputed) and control of Teutonic economy for their selfish benefits. He advanced that if Jews were left unchecked they could prostitute and debase the blue-eyed Aryans who were the chosen people and bearers of culture. In his personal account Mein Kampf, he heaved all sorts of vituperations against the Jews and other non-Aryan races. As such, he poisoned psyches of decent Germans thus preparing the way for the eventual pogrom of the Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and others by the Nazis and their cohorts during the Second World War. Hitler remarked that South America could not be productive and advance intellectually as North America because the Spanish conquistadors had engaged in sexual debasement of their own race by engaging in intercourse with native Americans the outcome of which was an inferior class of people we now call the Latinos. He continued that North America then predominantly peopled by pure Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic races was ideal and for that reason were to maintain their dominance over other races, in inventions, productivity and retain their intellectual vivacity in all fields and walks of life. Let us purse and ask this question: Who is a racist? A person who discriminates against another based on his or her race (sex and color), who a rational-thinking man will consider as myopic or impromentis. Racism is the false belief that ones own race is inherently superior to others. The departing point is that no one has ever created him or her, not to talk of deciding which race, color or gender he would like to have. All are created by God in His image be they Caucasians, Africans or Mongoloids, the three prototypes of man on earth. Therefore in a levelheaded world, there is no podium where one can stand to proclaim that his race, color or sex is better than that of others. He or she cannot be loved, disdained or punished for his or her race for it is not his or her creation. How can these racial attributes concern Harriss newly released book, America the Racist? and the reader? Harris is talking of racial discrimination in the USA that was instituted by Caucasians some 500 years ago as a tool in the exploitation of African Americans and peoples of African descent for their economic benefits. This is still negatively affecting the vast majority of African Americans of all walks of life in the USA. Hitler we earlier saw, without any shred of scientific underpinning was naively glamorizing that racial segregation in North America and by insinuation the maltreatment of native African Americans who to him and other Christian Caucasians were inferior barbaric people vis vis Aryans, Caucasians. As in Germany during the Second World War (1939-1945), in North America, the clamp down of native African Americans in their places by the whites, and their stoic stance to maintain that status quo led to a bloody civil war (1861-65) whose wounds still rankle today in nearly all fabric of the USA. The history of racism that had been eating the heart of America thin is clearly elucidated in this timely book America the Racist. Herbert J. Harris is of the opinion that so long as racism remains in the psyche of America, her claims of moral authority will be hollow and disingenuous. Knowing the evil and harm racism could do to any society, any work that positively discusses racism and how it could be resolved, should be digested by all to know the raison dtre. Racism has caused so much pains and death in the world and should be stamped out from all decent societies at all cost. If one reads between the lines Hitlers open animosity of the Jews, and people of color, after the German lost of the First World War (WWI) [1914-1918], he attributed to the lack of patriotism of vagrant Jews and others, one could have inferred and even prognosticated the gross outcome, the purification of the Teutonic races that was to follow. If one had read too between the lines the hate that was coming from the mouths of the Hutus in Rwanda against the Tutsis since the 1930s one could have predicted too precisely the massacre of the Tutsis by the Hutus that took place in 1994. Harris takes the recent event, Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans (2005) where the vast majority of African Americans were victims and the government was sort of apathetic, lackadaisical in coming to their rescue as evidence of racism that was still rife in the USA. The author then questioned where there was that liberty for all in one nation under God. He had forgotten that the founding fathers in 1776 had not included the black man that was then considered just up to four-fifth white and could not reason like them. Should they now be considered as equal to other races when that the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments had been promulgated? People rarely change as the leopard will never change its spots even when it grows old. The Caucasians of Southern USA, particularly those of erstwhile Confederacy who were predominantly Christians strongly believed that Africans who were captured and brought in chains from Africa in galleons to work for the Christian whites Americans were just not real human beings and were very close to animals. Some nearly believed that they had no souls. Consequently, they were treated as uncouth horses that had to be domesticated by their white owners employing drastic methods that were used to handle captured wild horses. It was believed that the domestication was to be thorough if not the partially domesticated as any wild animals African Americans were to be dangerous to their property owners. Therefore, the untamed African and his family had to be broken down to submission using all available physically and psychological tools at their disposal. On this project, Harris vividly analyzed, a Briton slave owner was invited from the West Indies to instruct the whites in Southern USA on how to subjugate their African slaves, property. This man was called James Lynch from which is derived the infamous cognomen or five-dollar word, lynching. Herbert J. Harris put verbatim the homily of this infamous racist Briton that was used as the regulations by all whites in their maltreatment of African-American slaves, niggers. Readers have to be warned that any sensitive person reading this citation that struck terror in their heartsput new thoughts into their wooly heads is likely to burst into tears and ponder upon what on earth African Americans did so wrong to the Caucasians to have undergone such torture not only for one year but also for over four hundred years. Among many others, they did not allow families to be built; men and women were branded and bandied as goods, sodomized and raped. They could be bullwhipped to nearly the point of death to exercise


BBH: Visited

(Banzso [Panso/Banso] Baptist Hospital or Bui Baptist Hospital)

Dr. Viban Ngo's Digest Vol. 1, No. 1.

"The Native Administration Cottage Hospital which was situated at the present site of the C.B.C. Primary school in Kimbo’, was purchased, for a token amount, and taken over by the Cameroon Baptist Mission in April 1949."

This quotation is from William Banboye’s book details of which I have copied below for review purposes only.
A statement was made stemming from a private letter I sent to Tav Martin Jumbam, one of our key contributors. I was not refuting anyone’s version concerning the BBH. Every contribution is welcome however great, however small and however beautiful and ugly. What I was querying was that it was not substantiated as most oral tradition, hence my citation of sources that could clarify the matter.
Did it clear doubts? Yes as confirmed by sundry including my learned Blaisius and particularly Baa Simon Tar who have clarified the involvement of Nkambe in their write ups. By virtue of this, I cited the works of Dr. Dieter Lemke MD, a Canadian physician cum pastor who worked at the same hospital and wrote a splendid memoir on his achievement upon his retirement. If our netters have forgotten it, let me reiterate: The title of that work is Man No Be God published in 2001 at New York. My conjecture is that one can have a copy at the Press Book Shop, Bamfem ward of Kumbo, Limbe (Victoria) or Bamenda. If you want to see the illustrations that accompany this book, Google this book title but there is no e-copy. The hardcopy can be bought or borrowed.
The issue here is that the hospital could have gone to Ndu or Nkambe. I did not query that but let what I have added throw light on the origin of the BBH at Kumbo.
Prior to Lemke’s work, must of us still remember him for his love of football and motorcycling, I had also read a well-researched biography of Fon Mbinglo by Shufaai woo Bastos, Prof. Dr. Dan Lantum: Fon Nso’ Sehm Ataar (1947-1972) in which this particular establishment is mentioned (p. 41). He had previously discussed this with me and I also had a smattering of another confab with Dr. Bernard Fonlon. Dr. Fonlon’s version to me is interesting He mentioned to a Dr. Johnson, a Briton then working at Nkavkeng who paid a visit to King Mbinglo and stated that he was lonely and was peremptorily given a wife by the Fon of Nso’. That is interesting but I don’t want it to be a digression. Interested persons can dig it out for it will tell of the other doctors who served prior to Dr. Chaffee.
Further more, there is oral tradition as Tangka’s rendering. However, we are privileged to have a better version intended for elementary pupils by Mr. William Banboye with dates and names and what Baa Simon Tar added today December 22, 2008. If the Viya or Wimbum people (Not Nsungli as that means chatterer and does not augur well with them) have their version, which is still good we need underpinning. But I will hate to feel that we took what would have been rightfully theirs according to the oral tradition that launched this debate. We can look at all the versions and see which is authentic. It does not necessarily mean that the reporter or the message is wrong. However, I will complete my citation for those who cannot get this book of Banboye at the end.
I met Mr. Banboye, a kind educationist in 2003 whose passion was then the preservation of Nso history and language in their pristine forms prior to his death at his residence, Tobin Tourist Home with two other colleagues. This man with a wealth of Nso’ knowledge discussed a lot with me particularly the crowning of Mbinglo as Seem III and the Ndzendzev debacle that Fai Woo Lii Wong documented as an eye witness in his booklet: The Ndzeendzev Dispute: From its beginning to its ending published in 1999. Banboye’s book Introduction to Nso’ History is a must-read for all of us and interested readers. Although it was geared for elementary and general readers, it provides the basis for Nso history and this can be confirmed by members of the Nso History Society and experts like Paul Mdzeka. I am not saying that Nso and its Neighbours by Langhee, Prof. Fanso and Yaa wo Nso’ Goheen are not useful. It is of another genre. All articles there must be read too if one is interested in writing the stuff as written by Prof. Dr. Claude Tardit on the history of Bamum. If we do not write it aliens will do so and we will start grumbling that they had distorted our stories.
BaNso Baptist Hospital (BBH) entrance today (2015). The love of God and that of American Baptist Christians brought this hospital to Kumbo, then British Southern Cameroons. 
I wish all of us could read Banboye’s book so as not to be distracted from crucial planning issues in which many of you have been making substantial contributions and we are grateful. By emphasizing on this, I am not trivializing this subject matter and the fact that the hospital could have gone to Ndu or Nkambe. If documented, we need not repeat it over and over unless we have stumbled on some vital material that we want to add. What should occupy our minds now are the planning and development projects that are badly needed in our Kingdom. Nso’ must advance with time and people should not retire at Bamenda or other coastal cities because they would not return home for lack of basic amenities.
I would start with the brainstorming over the establishment of Kumbo University and the standardization of Lamnso orthography and its teaching at university level. People have PhDs in Hausa Bakwai, Ndebele, Shona and Kiswahili to mention just a few. What is wrong with Lamnso that Banboye called for its teaching a long time ago and had a well-led out grammar such as A Guide to Lam nso Orthography (1981); Basic Lam Nso Vocabulary (1992); and Lamnso’ in Diagrams to mention just a few for those who want to learn to speak and write it? Lamnso’ is so simple that mastering 2,000 words of it and its grammer, similar to Germanic languages you can speak it fluently. I will tell you that no non-Lamnso speaker can pass through St. Augustine’s College without speaking it.  It is not crowded with definitive articles but by simply altering the prefix of a word gives it a plural or singular formation. It is simple and sonorous as non-native speakers often tell me. Some of you have lately added other characteristics that it sounds like Russian or Polish. I will tell you that those two languages sound like Lamnso’ because the Nso were the first on earth before those peoples. Remember this when you look at the emigration from Africa of homo sapiens. 
· Still on university, the Americans recently started the American University at Yola that is attracting plenty of Nigerian students. Why can’t there be another American University at Kumbo blessed with its temperate climate, staffed by Americans and Nso intelligentsias? What of asking the Canadian Government to set up one there too at Tadu. That government gave the man of Kumbo its first pipe-borne water. There is an American University  in Lebanon that used to be so hostile to the Americans and even hitherto, one in the UK, Egypt and one in Geneva, Switzerland. I am not dismissing the Himalayan…Mouamar Ghadaffi Univ, usw. They could be there for the balance portfolio of education of Nso’ Kingdom and their neighbors. In my previous missive, I urged for caution over the euphoria of Mohammed Gadaffi’s university. I sympathized with Fr. Tatah Mbuy as it could be a Trojan horse or another Wanyeto in our fable to come and get the siblings of monkeys and fool their parents that they were playing yonder.
Truly we are desperate but Gadaffi cannot give us a university without getting some thing in return. On that note, I cited the case of the Yola University, (see my write up cited by Tav Martin Jumbam) that it was founded at Yola as a means of promoting Islam, short and simple. Mouamar Ghaddaffi is simply a smart Baranyam. He had scanned and found out the dynamism of the Wira Nso’ and their growing population as other missionaries did in the past and it could be a good base for leapfrogging to other localities. It is true that our King took that initiative to make a personal request but if he was from a tiny ethnic community, we do not think that Libya would have looked at him. It is because our King wields power in the region as Ngonso had done in the past.
· Then we have rural electrification using hydro and I was amazed at people converting motor starters and channeling tiny creeks to generate power which they stored in batteries or use directly at homes in Nso’ to preserve their perishable food, prolong their evenings, watch TVs and so on. Many are reporting one at Kingomen and it should be encouraging I would like to personally thank Hon Joseph Banadzem, MP for putting his hand on that project.
· Nso’ is windy and this natural resource could be tapped too. A lot had been written on this on intermediate technology. Also solar cell energy that can generate several megawatts of electricity is an old operation in Southern Africa and vigorously promoted now in rural Nigeria where power supplies are not there or are intermittent.
Kumbo Water Association's water tank is outlived its initial capacity. The population of Kumbo Central is approx. 150,000 inhabitants and this is not enough 
· What am I still missing; the OK Kumbo Water supply that is helping rural area with pipe-borne water and is presently at the two Mbokams in the south of the Kingdom. Special thanks to the Rev. Sisters of Kiyan who go to North America each year to raise funds for this project. It is the way forward in a state of a state where waiting for the government to develop amenities is interminable. It has taken 50 years since Southern Cameroons independence for part of its road to be tarred. Well, it will take another 50 years before there is rural electrification or have a solid university. That is a waste a human rights abuse if we do not know. The Kumbo water supply is still using asbestos pipes originally from Canada, thanks to Dr. Bernard Fonlon. The old pipes could be a time bomb if the network is not upgraded with plastic or still pipes. We have toyed on this before and I do not want to at the moment. All boils down to lack of funding. I am forgetting the improvement of roads to the market and other issues that we have to take one at a time. You could see it from the broad smiles on readers’ faces when Major Njong and his co-workers brought in road graders that started work on the Squares to Tobin road. More streets need to be built and old ones widened. In fact Kumbo should have a ring road around it and where possible a recreational parks and a buffer surrounding it where there are not houses, but vegetation. These will be good for the environment and orderliness of Kumbo City which us perhaps one of the cleanest in the former West Cameroon apart form Victoria-Limbe,  Wum, Bali and Muyuka. 
Again on what stirred this comment, the BBH has its archives but I am not sure that they will be proud exhuming documents to show the Viya-Wimbum (not Nsungli) were the prime candidates for the BBH before it was taken away. Tar’s write up states this clearly. Why do we provoke the Wimbum people when they do not interfere in our affairs? Bila ngiri ngwaa boo wu nuu bve’ king? The Nso did not mourn when the Divisional Office first went to Nkambe instead of the populous Nso. They are not regretting it. Peter Wame who accompanied Fr. Emonts to Nso in 1912 would have been mourning that the first Christian church should have been established at Babungo. The priest had already made up their minds from their head office in Germany. Would the Bungos blame Wira Nso’? No.
St. Elizabeth Hospital Shisong whose foundation goes back to the days of the German Priest of the Sacred Heart in 1913 has got archives too for those who are interested. We have got so much in the pipe line and the way it is going as lengle-er, we will soon run out of steam before the foundation is laid. We do not have shortage of sources but that of researchers. It takes more than commitments for scholars like Dr. Goheen, Yaa Nso’ to make their contributions and support of Nso’. We can emulate her and a lot will be done.
Also, some of the eye witnesses of the establishment of the BBH are still extant as Shuu Fai Prof. Dr. Lantum, Yaa woo Vikiiy Elizabeth O’Kelly, the Second Education Officer at Bambui in Nso’ in south England, Papa John Bah of Bamfem, the council documents (NA), as musty files are languishing there for people to read and take notes that could be digested and summarized into papers or books for all of us to read. 
For those interested in planning of Kumbo, the thesis of Mr. Lawrence Jumbam lying at the University of Yaoundé is a must as it set precedent as the works of Dr. Phyllis. Kaberry and Mrs. E. M. Chilver.
I believe that we are not turning down anyone’s contributions. It is a democratic forum and we need to say what we heard or know for posterity. If one rectifies what had been tabled or states it through another member for other reasons, be it that he or she is coy as alleged, it does not mean that his or her valid point cannot be taken or corrected if it is deem wrong or shoddy. If I have said what is tabooed let the seers tell me and ask me for check-able references.
If one asked for the sources of information, one is not challenging the veracity of the speaker or his or her freedom to speak but merely ensuring that all is correct for documentation. It must be categorically stated that what is made on this forum is recorded for eternity. Therefore, there should be no philandering unless it is intended as a joke then state so, as Ms Ann Ngong whom we are glad is back and will soon open her arsenal of jokes.
You will be amazed at how many persons read our messages particularly foreign ethnographers and social historians who are hungry for information about our magnetic Kingdom and its uniqueness in West Africa. Indian, Chinese and Japanese scholars for their countries are soon going to be the new wave of colonialists in Africa. They are coming our strongly and are devouring anything African as never before. So watch out.
Let me go to my source as I promised at the very beginning cited verbatim from Mr. Banboye in that his introductory history of Nso’:
Rev. Gebauer was the brain behind the coming of the Baptists to Nso’. The history of the Baptist Mission in Nso’ is tied up with that of Banso’ Baptist Hospital and Rev. Gebauer was influential in establishing both.
“The Baptist church in Kumbo was established by Rev. Paul Gebauer as Cameroon Baptist Mission Field Secretary and Dr. Leslie Martin Chafee the first Doctor of Banso’ Baptist Hospital who was the first missionary in charge of Kimbo Baptist church.
The Native Administration Cottage Hospital which was situated at the present site of the C.B.C. Primary school in Kimbo’, was purchased, for a token amount, and taken over by the Cameroon Baptist Mission in April 1949. The take over of the Cottage Hospital logically gave birth to the Banso’ Baptist Church. There was dire need for the Doctor’ family, missionaries, nurses and other workers and patients, to have a place for worship. There was no Baptist church in Kumbo’ then.
Banboye continues, “Prior to the purchase of the Cottage Hospital, it had been partially closed and only one nurse was left to function with one Pa John Bah. The doctor from Bamenda came once a month for two days to conduct clinics.”
Again Banboye elucidates:
“But when the newly bought Banso’ Baptist Hospital started functioning, the medical needs were so great that the Fon of Nso’, Seem III (Mbinglo) who was barely two years as Fon, sent word to the North American Baptist leadership that his people needed a doctor, that does not sleep. The request met with a favourable reply and Doctor Leslie Chaffee arrived as the first Baptist missionary doctor. Both Rev. Gebauer and Dr. Chaffee were enthusiastic about the founding of the first Baptist church in Nso’.”
I would be grateful if one could point out to me where I have minced my words by stating that the BBH was initially bought. I would also be grateful if members of the audience could tell us where in this world the Nsungli (my Viya to be politically correct) is mentioned by this methodical writer, Mr. William Banboye. Did they offer to buy the cottage hospital and take to the then Nkambe division? No!!! Where do we fit in this? It is true that most of the staff were Baptist from Ndu area that would not make us assume that it was initially intended for Nkambe. The administrators were not biased. They employed Papa Bah a protestant and some Catholic christians that I know.

PS: We hope that this topic is belayed. Now, did you know that Dr.Gebauer was awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE) by our then Queen Elizabeth II in 1960 for his hard work at the BBH? Lastly, I am urging "Banso Baptist Hospital" place name to be changed to Bui Baptist Hospital to move with abreast with time since we do not like the colonial “ba” prefix to our Kingdom for reasons I have in my private missives discussed with some Shundzevites. You will agree that we no longer write West Cameroon State since our apparent surrender to Cameroon Republic. Banso is anachronistic, outlived its usefulness with the chasing out of the Germans after their defeat during the First World War (1915-1918) who imposed that prefix with the help of other tribes. It should be scrapped. Also, you always correct someone when they misspell or pronounce your name. You do not discard your correct name and the way it is pronounced for what foreigners likes to call you. You correct them. We rather be called Ngonso, the name of the Foundress of the Kingdom rather than the imposed BANSO. That is what the proponents of BANSO, BANZSO, PANSO as variously rendered, imply.
Viban Ngo, PhD. FRGS, MLA, (Shey Ngwerong)

Dear Martin,
I have been thrilled by the excitement generated by the supposed Kumbo University, President Moumar Ghaddaffi is alleged to be offering to Kumbo. Prior to this, I was researching on a similar topic that was intended for the city of Kano , Northern Nigeria in 2000. I looked at the intentions not long ago and asked a close friend at Kano to take pictures of the said university under construction that surfaced in some Nigerian fora. That was three months ago. Till now, I have received nothing. I think he wanted me to look it up in Google World. Then I did not know that such a thing could knock at the doors of impoverished Kumbo. As one netter commented, it could be a Trojan horse in the Greek mythology. Now I am reading such variegated versions and I think that it is a cry for a special www site for the Wir Nso' (my Nsonites). If such were to be, as that of www
Foumban, the moderator would ensure that news of this caliber is obtained from our Fon's secretary who accompanied our sovereign right to Tripoli and not based on rumours. It could then be publish on that site. Also, it is the place of the Libyan Embassy at Yaunde (Jaunde) to put the records right. It does not take long for someone to pick up a receiver and phone up the press secretary of that mission to know the truth. We are just wallowing in conjectures and this is not good for us. [NB: the politically correct version is non-Christian believer (others call it disbelievers) and NOT pagan. That term is outmoded. On those frowning and being apprehensive, I saw last year a newly completed walled-varsity at the southern suburb of Yaoundé not far from the Yaounde-Duala bus terminus built by a Bamileke. If such could be allowed, why not a KU provided it has not strings attached? It does from what you will read below. Then the rider comes. Did the Nso not allowed the Koran to be buried in Nso Palace in spite of objections from Father Arnold Kerkvliet]. However, if the intention is to be as outlined in the appended article of the Post Express of May 6, 2000 concerning Kano University, then Fr. Mbuy et al. may have reasons to fear. Do we have to replicate Jos at Kumbo? Thanks for listening. You may share this with our Profs at YU.

Post Express
Category: News
Date of Article: 06/05/2000
Topic: Libya to Build Islamic Varsity in Kano ...
Signs N30b contract
Author: Bassey Inyang, Kano
Full Text of Article:
To further promote Islamic education in the country,
the Libyan government, over the weekend in Kano,
signed a contract of $300m (N30 billion) for the
construction of an Islamic university in the city.
The $300 million school is to be known as Moumar
Gaddafi Islamic University, Kano, a name borrowed from
the Libyan strongman Col. Moumar Gaddafi. Addressing
newsmen in Kano over the development, the Director
the World Islamic Call Society (WICS), Mr. Mohammed
Ali, said his organization is handling the project on
behalf of the Libyan government, adding that the
school project would be financed from the "Jihad Tax"
paid by Libyans.

Ali disclosed that the decision to set up an Islamic
university for the propagation of the faith in Nigeria
was informed by one of the five pillars of the faith
which provides for the prosecution of a Jihad (holy
war) to spread the religion, first championed by Holy
Prophet Mohammed."Whatever we are spending is from the
pocket of the Libyan people called "Jihad Tax" it is
one of the Islamic pillars that you have to do it with
your money or through any other means" Ali, who spoke
through an interpreter stated.
According to Ali, the idea behind the university was
to ensure that the Islamic knowledge was preached
throughout Nigeria and other sub?Sahara
He stated that the idea behind the university was also
aimed at checkmating the influence of European
imperialists in Nigeria and Africa at large, adding
that at the fullness of time, the project will
facilitate the formation of the United States of
Africa (USA).
Ali said the move by Gaddafi to propagate the teaching
and learning of Islam in Nigeria was not new as the
leader of the Jamahariah was only following the
footsteps of his forefathers who helped in bringing
Islam to Western Sudan. Ali, who also spoke on the
conflicts in parts of Nigeria as a result of the
introduction of the Sharia said the conflicts were not
borne out of the Sharia but external forces from
outside the country who were bent on splitting
Nigeria. He asked Nigeria to resist foreign powers
with all resources at their disposal so as to keep the
country united.
Ali disclosed that the WICS was enjoying
 every amount
of support from the Kano State government and the
Federal Government as well, saying "President Olusegun
Obasanjo and Gaddafi are very good friends."
The Gaddafi University which is to be cited along
Gwarzo road in Kano city, will be constructed by
Messrs AG. Ferrario Ltd.
The school will cover all landscape of 137 hectres,
and will teach all conventional subjects ranging from
medicine, sciences, agriculture, engineering, arts and
a host of others.
The contract papers were signed on behalf of the
construction firm by Mr. Constantino Ferrario while
Mohammed Ali signed on behalf of the Libyan

Viban Ngo, PhD is the writer of Before You Leave For Europe and North America: A Rough Companion Guide for African Students (2007) and Shadows of Fire (2007) a novel that examines the clashes of Nso’ traditional and Western values; the works of traditional doctors, the role of the royal families in a love saga with settings at Kumbo and Dzekwa. Recommended for won Ngonso, the 'foundress' of Ngonso (Nso') Kingdom, as there are expressions in it that vimbang find difficult to comprehend. 

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