Sunday, March 22, 2009


By Viban Viban Ngo, PhD

I never read an article twice but I did read the appended article, "Arabs in Africa" by an augural writer Naiwu Osahon, not only once but thrice. Ideally, one is supposed to read seven times if one has to be in terms with the writer. Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of time and patience and want to read once and put on a period. I will urge all and sundry to read this at least once as it will make us learn something of the rocky relationship of full-blooded Africans and African Arabs and perhaps ponder upon what could be done to improve it.

Africa is the original home of man. Those who migrated to temperate climes from Africa and assume light complexions do for various reasons have feelings that they are different from their mothers and fathers who are strictly speaking full-blooded Africans. They do so for lack of scientific knowledge and unfounded doctrines inculcated on them in the past by pseudo Europeans scientists. The differences those scientists of hate toyed to articulate were erroneously fanned by pseudo scientists like Charles Darwin and many others who indirectly triggered racism [interested readers will read all in my forthcoming work, WHO IS AFRICAN AMERICAN?] This was subsequently followed by overt slavery and slave trade, colonialism and tragically today by the sticky neocolonialism that is helping to further under-develop Africa as compared with other continents.

My readers are urged to read this article so as to understand the naivety of some of their light-skinned brothers and sisters who sometimes think that they have different sort of blood in their bodies and those of full-blooded Africans are of inferior qualities. Some believe that they have different souls from Africans and perhaps a different heaven to go there when they will say adieu to this world. Is that true? This is an impertinent error. Call it bogus metaphysics!! You will know that it is not the truth. The truth is what is scientific and their theories or ruses can never be accepted by true scientists or pure believers in God. The outcome of their theories on race that can never be defended is racial discrimination that hurts feelings of the discriminated. It poisons the discriminated and their relationship with the super intelligentsia, the discriminators. That is not good for the world after us. Do we cut the bridge after traversing a turbulent river?

This discrimination had been the source of evil around the world. and this is not a modern day issue. The American fought revolutionary wars among themselves to stamp out the cancerous racism and the two World Wars have been essentially caused by racial discrimination. Then why does man allow this monster to linger on? Racial discrimination has triggered internecine conflicts that have been going on in the Sudan since the 1960s with ugly phrases as in Darfur, and the southern Sudan, "Equatoria " and else where. The case of the Sudan is because light skinned Arabs use color of one's skin as once did Europeans since the 14th Century as a pivot of discrimination for their economic domination of full-blooded Africans. We cannot fail to mention the Rwandan pogrom against the light-skinned Tutsis and the darker skinned Bantu Africans, Hutus. Color had something to do. Europeans who colonized the zone favored the Tutsis who sat on the Hutus for decades without remorse. Color or race was the remote cause of the massacre in this central African paradise in 1994 and perhaps not the fact that they had a military Hutu dictator President Juvenel Habyarimana [1973-1994] backed by the French government of Francois Mitterrand against the incumbent President Paul Kagame alleged to be a military genius.

Sadly, racism is subtly going on by assuming various guises even in those areas where millions died because of it before. Racial discrimination has been practiced by Arabs against full-blooded Africans as their economic stratagems to covet all the wealth from full-blooded Africans who are supposed to be at the bottom of the racial hierarchy. Are they? Who created this racial hierarchy of man when he is from one parentage? It was fabricated by proponents of "race" of mankind. If man emanated from one man and one woman, why should their relationship be talked of in terms of race? If your brother is light skinned and you are dark skinned does that make you to be of a different race or better race than his or hers? Who set criteria for the definition of race or races?

With wars caused by the alleged differences in races taking priority instead of pursuing economic developments, African states whose borders abut those of Arab Africans are ever pushed backwards because they divert their economic resources towards the defense of their countries. This is further acerbated by religious conflicts we need not dwell into them today. Owing to the fact that full-blooded Africans are considered by undisclosed Arab criteria as lower in the racial echelon, they are considered backward and cannot be given lucrative jobs even if they are qualified. This leads to bitter feelings and the only way out of the melee is to fight. It is for this reason that there is ever tension in Mauritania, Chad, and the Sudan and others mentioned in the aforementioned article where these two ethic communities live side by side.

Could the Arab accept the fact that the color of the skin is just for the protection of man and it has nothing to do with the quality of man and his or her intellectual capacities? Has anyone ever asked why blond blue-eyed persons are not born in the heart of the tropics but in the temperate lands? Have they ever asked why the swarthy skinned are concentrated in the tropical zones of the world and not in the temperate or tundra zones? Do they sincerely believe that the Creator, God or let those non-believers call it evolution made it possible for stupid men to only concentrate in the tropics or Africa?

Have they ever heard of African inventors and geniuses? I guess they will call that mavericks! Why does the chameleon change its color to suit its immediate environment? Why the ptarmigan does changes its color to blend with the white snow in winter and revert to brownish complexion in summer? Why do must tree snakes that live on birds assume green as that of green leaves colors instead of the brown as most desert snakes or ground snakes? Why do blacks or swarthy skinned persons turn light skinned in the temperate zone in winter? Why do pinkish persons or "whites" turn darkish upon their exposure to the direct rays of the sun? [Why are Africans in the open Savannah or Sahel swarthier and those in the forested zones where they are protected from the sun rays light-skinned? ] What happens if they are living in the sunny zones not only for thousands of years but for millions of years? Would their genes not fashion them to assume darkish complexion so as to protect them from skin cancers and other skin diseases? Why do albinos born in the tropics easily die from skin cancer?

Have you learned anything from a barrage of questions I have posed? The persons who believes that all men stemmed from one person whose original home was Africa will know why but those who do not even believe and have no scientific backings will still say that a light skinned person is more of a human being than a darkish skinned individual.

The Arabs who have in the past assimilated many African slaves and some Caucasians who still feel that a black person was inferior to them because of his dark skin will fall into this category of false scientists. Are they right? Of course they are wrong. There are no scientific underpinnings even though from time to time in order to feel good some pseudo scientist would come up with bogus theories that Caucasians are better intellectually than Africans or dark-skinned peoples. Are they? Of course not. People who insist on this allegation yearn for a third world war that will wipe out the entire earth and there will be no bones left like those of dinosaurs. Therefore, no reasoning person should ever think of race and discrimination of one based on color of the skin. Tomorrow they will stand up to say that all dark-skinned dogs be destroyed as they were inferior to white or brown skinned ones. Is that not what Adolf Hitler did before your very eyes? Can you link it with apartheid in South Africa and what is happening now between the Jews State of Israel and the Arab world? It is the evil of racial discrimination that started all that we are seeing today in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza strip, Palestine. It should be the concern of all who believe in posterity to stamp out racial discrimination where it exists for whatever reasons.

Finally, I want to see an Arab who will put up his or her hand to tell me that he has not got a drop of full-blooded African blood in him or her system? I want him or her to throw the first stone on his brother or sister he audaciously calls an untouchable "black" man who can only be denigrated in his house as a servant and at worst a slave. From my perspective, the article should have been entitled "Arabs at Home" and not Arabs in Africa for reasons I have underlined.

Dr. Viban Viban Ngo.



Egypt is still so intimidated by its glorious Black African past that its Arab government would not allow thorough research into Egypt’s past. President Gamal Abdel Nasser falsified Egyptian history when he declared Egypt an Arab Republic. Egyptian authorities refused to allow American film makers to make a film on the life of Anwar Sadat in Egypt on the ground that the actor chosen for Sadat’s role was black. When Morocco left the OAU in 1984, it aspired to become a member of the European Union.

In Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Mauritania and the rest of the Arab world, Africans are treated as the scum of the earth.. They are second-class citizens at the very best in their own countries. Blacks in these countries cannot aspire to positions of respect or aut hority. There are hardly Africans in high government positions in Arab governed African countries. Like Brazil, which is just as racially cruel against their black natives, there is no legislation favouring slavery (except in Mauritania). It is simply a way of life that’s all. Blacks do not really exist or at best are not humans.

Mauritania left the Economic Community of West African States to join the union formed by the Arab North African States. A few years ago, Mauritania sacked all black natives from their civil service positions. Black Mauritanians protest their plight to the African Union (AU) without receiving attention, because AU black leaders fear offending their Arab colleagues in the AU. In Mauritania, they have had to declare an end to slavery six times in this century alone, and still nothing has changed for the captive majority African natives. African slavery is still in their statute books. African slavery in Mauritania is what the on going quarrel between Mauritania and Senegal is about. The quarrel forced black African refugees to pour across the border from Mauritania into Senegal.

In Algeria, Arabs throw stones at black people, including diplomats, in markets and other public places. To quote Prof. Clarke, “Arabs always act as though they are not in Africa. Once when I was visiting Egypt, I told my Egyptian Arab host to get a cab ready for the next morning that I was going to Kenya. ‘So you are going to Africa to visit your people? We got no diseases here, why are you leaving us?” the host asked. Even across the Red Sea, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, blacks are treated worse than animals, after using their life’s savings to go there on pilgrimage.

Hundreds of blacks who have lived all their lives in Saudi Arabia are being repatriated daily right now, after loosing an arm or leg for some minor or trumped up offense and without regard for their comfort, welfare or rights. Racism towards black Moslems in Saudi Arabia is so strong it makes one wonder if making pilgrimage to Mecca should be one of the five pillars of the Muslim faith, and why blacks bother to be Muslim.

Col. Gadhafi saw vicious white racism in the tragic death in August 1997, of Princess Diana of Wales, the mother of a future king of England, and her Arab lover. What no one remembered to ask Gadhafi was whether he himself was disposed to allowing any daughter of his to marry even the richest black man in the world let alone a black Libyan. If one were to ask Gadhafi why Africans are not high up in his government, he might balk that all Libyans are Africans. In that case, one should go and find out the truth for oneself in the poor sections of town. One would be shocked by the plight of our African kith and kin that constitute the bulk of the population in oil rich Libya and other Northern African countries similarly afflicted with Arab racism. While pretending to champion pan-African interest, he is busy getting rid of black immigrants from Li bya.

On 9 May, 1997, in flagrant defiance of a UN embargo on flights in and out of Libya, Col. Gadhafi invaded Nigeria with his planes carrying 1,000 members of his rag-tag army, plus 500 journalists. They strategically occupied the Kano airport and his other reception facilities, with the connivance of the Nigerian Muslim dictator host. The purpose was to launch a jihad in supposedly religiously secular Nigeria, or at least precipitate a serious schism between the predominantly Moslem north of the country and the Christian and animist south. Right now the Moslem world is trying to use ‘Sharia’ to dismember Nigeria. Pakistan, Libya and Saudi Arabia, to name a few, have pumped substantial funds into Zamfara, the first of Nigeria’s Sharia states, to start the process of Islamizing, (or at least trigger mayhem and civil war), in Nigeria as in Sudan.

No nation in Africa has suffered more in the hands of the Arabs than Ethiopia. It has been going on since Arabs first invaded Africa in the 7th century CE. Recently, with Libya supporting the people of Eritrea, they destroyed the basic structure of Ethiopia, to cut her from the sea and weaken this section of Africa, and eventually all of Africa, for further Arabization. They did this mercilessly with religion.

In the last 38 years, Gadhafi at one time or the other, tried to force Libya’s unification with Egypt, Algeria etc, and has continued the effort since with Sudan. He forcibly annexed the Auzon Strip from Chad,=2 0and sponsored destabilization in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Mali, Cote d’ Ivoire, Niger, etc in pursuance of his Arabization of Africa policy, laced with inordinate imperial personal ambition. In 1998, his strategy got a fillip with the founding of his community of Sahel-Savannah States (CEN – SAD), which he was hoping to use to control the envisaged African Union (AU). The CEN – SAD, at the moment, ropes in 25 African states from West, East, and Central Africa, and includes Senegal, Cote d “Ivoire, Chad, Sudan, Somalia, Comoro Islands etc. Most of these unsuspecting African countries were stable until they joined CEN – SAD.

Col. Muammar Gadhafi pushed desperately for a United States of Africa government to be approved, set up, and launched right there and then, at the 9th ordinary Session of the Assembly of the heads of states of the African Union (AU), held in July 2007, in Accra, Ghana..

He has heightened his Arabization policy pursuit at the AU level since 2001, pretending to be promoting the Pan-African agenda of Kwame Nkrumah. Chinweizu, the renowned scholar, described Gadhafi’s Arab-Black Africa government plan at the time, “as unification of nigger monkey with python.” Arabs themselves divide Africa into North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa to instigate a division and as long as the invaders continue to occupy our land and treat us as slaves in North Africa, the two segments of the continent cannot cohabit.

In a paper pr esented at the meeting of the Arab league in Amman, Jordan, in 2001, Muammar Gadhafi spelt out the Arabization agenda against Africa in language reminiscent of Adolph Hitler’s Lebensraum, (Hitler’s sick obsession to secure a living space for political and economic expansion in Europe) for the Germans, (the superior race). Gadhafi in his address during the Amman’s Arab conference invited his Arab brothers outside of Africa to come to Africa in the following words. “The third of the Arab community living outside Africa should move in with the two-thirds (about 250 million) on the continent, and join the African Union, which is the only space we have.”

Gadhafi’s unbridled urge in modern times to enlarge Arabia inside Africa, is a continuation of the Arab war against Africans and the Arabization of African lands that started in the 7th century CE. Arabs have since settled on one-third of Africa, pushing continuously southwards towards the Atlantic Ocean. Arabs’ racial war against black Africa started with their occupation and colonization of Egypt between 637 and 642 CE, decimating the Coptic or black population.

Between 642 and 670 CE, more Arab invaders poured into Africa and occupied areas known today as Tunisa, Libya, Algeria and Morocco, where they physically eliminated most of the native (Berber) inhabitants. The Berbers that escaped death ran westwards and southwards towards the Sahara. In the 11th century CE, fresh Arab migrants of nomadic origin, migrate d into North Africa to displace and drive the remaining pastoral Berbers deeper into the Sahara desert. With Arab consolidation and backing in Northern Africa, new waves of Arab invaders and migrants pushed deeper into the Nile banks, inhabited then by the Nilotic Shiluk, and continued all the way down to where Dueim stands today, belonging then to the Dinka and Furnawi autochthons. The entire territory was known at the time as Bilad as-Sudan (the Arabic for land of the Blacks), and currently includes the Republic of Sudan. Continuing with their Arabization of African land policy through elimination, displacement, separation, marginalization and suppression, the Arab invaders of Bilad as-Sudan, over the passage of time, decimated the population of (the Nilotic Shiluk, Dinka and Furnawi autochthons) , owners of the land, and pushed to restrict the rest waiting for elimination to Darfur area and the South of the country, which the Arab invaders are now intent on taking from the native Black Africans. This is the genesis of the war in Sudan. It is a racial war. The Arabs want the Republic of Sudan, which by land mass is the largest country in Africa, to be an entirely Arab state, by exterminating the Black native population gradually to the last person.

The war in Sudan is our modern day Haiti war in terms of black liberation, and our recent fight against apartheid. Arabs are carrying out ethnic cleansing right now in Southern Sudan, with the financial support of the Arab world, particularly Libya and Saud i Arabia. China is backing them against Africa. The Janjaweed, with Sudanese and Arab governments’ backing, are trying to wipe out the black population so as to expropriate their lands, but Africans, including Nigerians, do not know where their interests should reside. The Arabs succeeded in doing the same thing in Northern Africa where the original Nubian African owners of the land have almost all been wiped out and the rest marginalized (enslaved) by their Arab invaders/settlers since 642 CE.

Islamization is not the problem in Sudan because the majority Furnawi people of Darfur are Moslems. Arabs do not consider Black Moslems authentic or of consequence. At best, they concede to blacks, the role of ordained slaves or animals, to be used as beasts of burden by the “superior Arab race.” The rule applies to all blacks, whether Moslems or non-Moslems and whether of Nigerian (Hausa/Fulani or Yoruba extractions) , Tanzanians, Ugandans, Malians or African-Americans.

A traveller in Sudan observed in 1930 that “In the eyes of the Arab rulers of Sudan, the black slaves were simply animals given by Allah to make life of Arabs comfortable.” Osama Bin Laden, in a discussion with the Sudanese-American novelist, Kola Boof, in Morocco in 1996 said, “when next you meet an Arab, you should ask what is the Arabic word for slave, you’ll discover that the words are the same “abeed.” Which is why, when an Arab looks at a black African, what he sees is a sla ve.”

In 1962, the Arab Sudanese General, Hassan Beshir Nasr, while flagging off his troops to the war front against black Africans in South Sudan, declared: “We don’t want these black slaves…….what we want is their land.” Arabs’ attitude to blacks derives from Genesis’ racist fiction of the three sons of Noah – Ham, Japheth and Shem. Arabs claim that “the accursed Ham was the progenitor of the black race; that Japheth begat the full-faced, small eyes Europeans, and that Shem fathered the handsome of face with beautiful hair Arabs,” of course.

A coalition of 50 charities in Darfur, Sudan, published a study in mid December, 2008, confirming what the world already knew that the Janjaweed and the Sudanese army, with the backing of their government, during joint or individual attacks, raped, tortured and killed Sudanese Africans and razed their villages to repopulate them with Arab nomads. They rounded up and abducted escapees from hide-outs in the bush, and at other times raided refugee camps to kidnap Africans as sex and labour slaves, working them to the bones as domestic and farm labour. The army flew their captives in planes to Khartoum at night and shared them among soldiers, like you allocate bags of commodities, and used them as sex and domestic servants. Kidnapped victims interviewed, said their captors told them that ‘they were not human beings and that they were there to serve them.’

In the five years b etween 2003 and 2008, over 300,000 Sudanese Africans were killed, 100,000 abducted and 2.7 million rendered homeless refugees, with their land appropriated by Arabs. The Khatoum government admitted 14,000 kidnaps. You can imagine what happened when the world turned a blind eye on Sudan, in the twenty years between 1983 when the conflict began, and 2003. You have to ask yourself what African leaders are doing in AU with Arabs. Arabs are Africans’ mortal foes.

Al Qaeda’s bombing of the American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, left 260 black civilians that included 12 Americans, dead. Over 4,000 Kenyans and Tanzanians were wounded. A remorseless top Arab journalist justified the attack by quoting Stalin: “You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.”

Ibn Sina (Avicenna 980–1037), Arab’s most famous and influential philosopher/ scientist in Islam, described blacks as “people who are by their very nature slaves.” He wrote: “All African women are prostitutes, and the whole race of African men are abeed (slave) stock.” He equated black people with “rats plaguing the earth.”

Ibn Khaldum, an Arab historian stated that “Blacks are characterized by levity and excitability and great emotionalism,” adding that “they are every where described as stupid.”

al-Dimashqi, an Arab pseudo scientist wrote, “the Equator is inhabited by communities of blacks who may be numbere d among the savage beasts. Their complexion and hair are burnt and they are physically and morally abnormal. Their brains almost boil from the sun’s heat…..”

Ibn al-Faqih al-Hamadhani painted this no less horrid picture of black people, “…..the zanj (the blacks) are overdone until they are burned, so that the child comes out between black, murky, malodorous, stinking, and crinkly-haired, with uneven limbs, deficient minds, and depraved passions…..”

NAIWU OSAHON Hon. Khu Mkuu (Leader, Pan-African Movement world-wide); Ameer Spiritual (Spiritual Prince) of the African race; MSc. (Salford); Dip.M.S; G.I.P.M; Dip. I.A (Liv.); D. Inst. M; G. Inst. M; G.I.W.M; A.M.N.I.M.

Awarded: Key to the City of Memphis, Tennessee, USA; Honourary Councilmanship, Memphis City Council; Honourary Citizenship, County of Shelby; Honourary Commissionership, County of Shelby, Tennessee and a silver trophy from Morehouse College, Atlanta, USA

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