Wednesday, August 26, 2009


[Key words: heroes, heroines, drugs, substance abuse,alcohol, definition, manufacturers, scapegoat, consequences, stars, Michael Jackson, devil, Africa, Third world, God, good, evil, primitive and civilized societies]


Dr. V. Viban Ngo


I have been stirred by the premature departure of Michael Jackson caused by drugs to write on drugs, heroes and heroines. You are going to wonder what on earth heroes and heroines have got to do with drugs. First, what do we mean by drug? When we talk of drug, the term is so vague. I do not want to dabble in it but will refer you to experts’ definition: “A drug is any chemical you take that affects the way your body works. Alcohol, caffeine, aspirin and nicotine are all drugs. A drug must be able to pass from your body into your brain.” What are the connections of drugs with champions in our society? I will let you know without delay if you did not know. If you do, skip this missive and browse the World Wide Web but before you discard it, pass it on to anyone who may be in need of it. The truth is that all of us are in need this information either for ourselves, parenting, for others or simply to be informed. To a good number, when you are a normal person and doing normal things, you are not a hero. When you assume titanic imaginary size and prowess and are able to break boulders or moraines with your bare hands, we can call you a hero or heroine. You are no longer normal but uncharacteristic.

There is one way one could attain this magnitude. One could either be born a genius, hero or heroine, or one could acquire such importance by assuming or taking things that would transform one to a super natural being, a god. One could take what the Americans call substances, narcotics, amphetamines or what you euphemistically call medicine that may alter one’s defensive white blood cells negatively or positively. Drugs or medicine as variously known could pump excess blood into your circulatory system, to the brain too and make you do extraordinary positive or negative things. This does not necessarily work for all Ngong, Chin and Lukong or Tom, Dick and Harry as the Britons would render it. Some users are instead befuddled or stupefied. Others are emboldened to have provisional aptitude in which they do supernatural things after which they are worst off than when they started. In some languages, they are turned to cabbages, junkies or zombies. The moment of attending that self-induced prowess is the euphoric state. The taker of the power supplying chemical or combination of chemicals could do marvels. He could run, sing, dance, swim, fly or even engaged in physical or mental exercises without getting fatigued. Mind you, I am not glamorizing the taking of hard drugs for whatever reasons. If I do so I will be supporting and abating advertently untimely death, (if at all there is anything known as such) and criminal acts. Although I decry the taking of drugs there are some states that have used the law to allow its citizens to take drugs. On Wednesday August 2009 while we mourn the passing away of Senator Ted Kennedy, a seasoned giant of American politics at the age of 77 from brain cancer, the court in Argentina ruled that it is unconstitutional to punish anyone for having marijuana for personal consumption. Marijuana is a hard drug and I have seen the consequences throughout my global peregrination.

Often, drug takers hallucinate and are in a near state of depression. They are literarily maddened. I am not talking of the maddened crowd in the streets of Spain when they are being chased by bulls, stampede; the mesmerized bare-chested men at Squares in Kumbo who are fanning the black-back-bag-carrier, kibaranko during Ngonso Carnival often punctuated by carousals. I am not talking of the football hooliganism or those of a gang of vandals in the subways in New York, Chicago or in the suburbia of London, Ankara, Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg, Mumbai, and Lagos where dogs sometimes eat dogs in their quests for drug marts’ spaces. I mean literarily temporal madness that is self induced.


I have been skirting around the point of heroin, drug my cardinal theme. The etymology of this word is from a Greek word ‘hero’. How comes it has a suffix ‘in’? A German chemical firm came up with a morphine derivative, an effective painkiller and christened it heroin. You are wondering what hero has got to do with medicine. If a patient or a junkie took it, he gained that one day celebrity of standing on an illusionary podium in the hall of fame. It was because of the chemicals it diffused in his or her system; he or she became euphoric and had the delusion of grandeur, our hero or heroine for that moment so to say. The users have been transformed from being natural or normal to being phlegmatically abnormal. We know why a certain drug, painkiller has the effect of heroin. It is because once taken, it instantly turned you into a hero, be it ephemeral or longer depending on your system, other drugs you take, the size of your body, you health and so many factors beyond the scope of this treatise.

Most titans or superstars are natural persons. They had not taken substances to enhance their prowess they naturally possessed and excelled in. It is when they want to sustain that power, skill that they inherently have that they are tempted to ask for more. In that case, God does not grant their request as they have reached the acme of their life or performance. God who made them knows their limits and is ascertained that if they exceed those limits they are doomed. Consequently, God gives those naught and no matter how serious they implore Him, they get alternative answers. For those who cannot take no for an answer, they look for any opportunity cost and that is the devil or gargoyle with a spiky tail. He will wrestle with God, the embodiment of good and jump on our weakness, chasms of our lives and impose himself in the guise to bridge those gaps. He, the devil is not only sweeter but glamorous. In this case, he will suggest through a medical doctor, a drug pusher, a dealer that you could improve your chances of success by enhancing your performances with drugs. He first starts by giving you free samples to assay. They are good, soporific and the results are glaring for all Tom, Dick and Harry to see. Some of these are drugs and some are called heroin and cracks and so on. These are in the category of banned hard drugs or substances in most democratic and civilized societies.

The person or persons administering these forbidden drugs or who has taught you how to cultivate and process them is a devil incarnate. When you enter to play that basket ball, football, swimming, boxing, singing, acting, sustain that stamina for hours or days on end, it is the drug that the devil has given you to bamboozle onlookers that you are naturally tough. It is when you have chosen the devil over God, evil over good and the cost could be the highest you or your relations will ever pay. These are phrases drug abusers who are in denial do not want to hear. With time, the natural power wanes and the only way to get you going, so to say is to take more drugs. You are hocked on the drugs. They become your life-line. The only way to go is to take more and more dosage.

Does it work? No. It is because your body needs more so that you could outdistance other competitors who are also taking drugs. Sports that were natural now become manifestations of the experimentation of drugs and the more effective the drug an athlete takes the better his performance. Chemists who are out to squeeze money from innocent and vulnerable people’s hearts are gladdened as it means enriching themselves to live in opulence we blatantly call blood money. The suppliers know their tasks. They go to the laboratories to try hard to get other concoctions that are superior to the ones other had been giving you. You take it and it actually works so well that you want a daily supply. You may not have the money to get more and there is a way out. The devil who led you there in the first place will give you the leeway. He is found in the computer, internet, extranet, and lives even in your parents and friends. He is in public places. He suggests that if you have fun with other persons you will not be short of cash to get on with what you are doing. He would even show you superstars who improved their ways of life by using it. He calls it fun. What is that way? Gamble your family savings! Is that all? He will suggest that you indulge in prostitution and even lead you to the whoredom. Ask men, women, animals and mannequins (robots) to penetrate you and give you money in return. There is danger in the horizon but you do not see it for you have been fooled that your clients or yourself are insulated from contaminants. You are blinded and deceived. They are not safe for once a lady accepted one client and went to his home to find five men ready to penetrate her. She insisted that they all wore protective gears and there was one there who stated that they took away maximum satisfaction. That was the last episode in her life.


Then, I have said nothing that is new, or that many of you are not aware of. Local media literally sing them for those who have ears and eyes to see and hear and run away from them. Even though we have said it, we have to reiterate it as doctrine to be engrained in our genes that drugs that are not prescribed by a seasoned and approved medical doctor for out sincere needs are not to be taken by any one for his escapism or creation of his ephemeral euphoric state. Hollywood stars have known of this for ages. This was known in the Middle Ages and your society in Ngonsonia [Nso’] had known of it for long. But it was never out of all proportion for it was controlled. In what was in the past known by Westerners as a primitive society or community of mine, psychedelic drugs were well known but were top secrets of the society guarded by the elders of the community. These were only given to selected and initiated individuals who needed those extraordinary powers to do extraordinary things during religious ceremonies. In brief, they were taken by masqueraders when displaying in arena before mesmerized crowds. They were taken by hooded executors of murderers and those who had sold the kingdom. One with the men following him known as the wanmabu ran for 100 miles non-stop without a sip of water. At that maddened stage, he was revered as supernatural being. Indeed, he was a hero and his power had emanated from heroin-like substance that was well controlled. This had been a well-kept secret in the society for the last 2000 years. To that society of Ngonsonia, the Europeans, S.E. Asians and Americans who open all their cats from the bag, Pandora box would be described as excited toddlers who are out for gain at all cost and with no remorse.

The list of banned substances taken in camera in the sporting world extends for miles on end I will refer you to the Anti-Duping Agency in your country. It starts with stimulants, sleeping pills, and then hard drugs that are not prescribed by authorized physicians. Acquiring some is easy and many do manufacture theirs at their kitchen tables using common household materials. Do not fire a question at me to get this information as I am not interested and will never touch any of the dark world stuff. However we can add to a catalogue of ways some persons are initiated into this bad habit. Unless you are dumb and deaf you must have heard or seen ways these are done. How are some people initiated into the dreaded gang of drugs in North America, Europe and Africa I know at close quarters? There are cases when weddings take place in some communities and wedding cakes are embellished with heroin, solid white powder. Amphetamines, cracks and many more are grounded and embedded in the stew and the guests and hosts after relishing are euphoric. Those becoming heroes and heroines, indulged in orgies, consequently living their provisional but illusionary heaven on earth.

It is not precise for many persons interpretation is someone taking heroin, amphetamines, and other psychedelic stuffs. A mere tablet of aspirin can be a drug. Even some that are given to babies have some alcohol in them and that is why they are soporific and send those who take them to feel good and sleeps by tempering with their senses. Some have described it to be better than blissful conjugal union. It depends on how you take it, your body mass, your state of mind, health, climate, etc, etc. Mere snuff, tobacco smoking, coffee or tea drinking, if taken to excess can become addictive drugs. Even if not taken to excess, the fact that hot tea changes our mood, tells us that there is a certain chemical in it that changes our body temperature or system that is a drug-like. ..vitamin C. That is therefore considered as drugs.


Those people who smoke or drink alcohol do not even think that they are taking drugs. Beer and spirits are drugs and if imbibed to excess can damage our health and it could be fatal. Millions die year in year out owing to drug abuse as we shall see in the sample below. There are some corrupt African governments that deliberately keep prices of beer and other alcoholic beverages low; allow the brewing of alcohol and illicit gins so that their citizens drink to dead. There are no warnings on packages of cigarettes being sold of the danger of cancer and smoke related diseases. I questioned a leading Western cigarette manufacturing firm (anonymous) why they were selling their cigarettes without health warning signs in Africa and other third world countries and the reply was: “These (African. italics) governments put their economic gains over the health and welfare of their citizens.” By insinuation, it was not their concern. The irony was that health warning signs were inscribed in phantom letters of cigarette packages in North America and Western Europe and are sold under the counter in most super marts and corner stores in North America. Where was the unity of the world if one part of it was doing a silly thing another condoned it for it was not in their back yard and that it did not have to affect them? The truth is that when people are dying in Africa as in the Horn of Africa, Central Africa and the Western Africa, Westerners are the ones collecting money to go and rescue them. The world becomes a muddle not only to aliens like Martians but to the earthlings themselves.


On alcohol as lethal drugs, when citizens of the countries are constantly drunk absenteeism is soaring and productivity is given naught. The citizens are lackadaisical when it concerns democratic government. Shrewd dictators siphon these maddened or perpetually drunk tax payers’ money they have earned by working hard with blood, sweat and tears send them abroad and do not care a damn.

There are families that use food money to buy drugs, beer, wines, spirits, and their children starve to dead. Some wines are deliberately adulterated by adding on some chemicals. Others have added red blood to enhance their values. When crooked men want to make money, they can do anything conceivable to get it. Drugs have killed many persons who had been initiated into them by the devil. Drugs have taken many to dungeons or prisons. The work of the devil is made so easy for him because most users of hard drugs have the erroneous impression that heaven is on earth or when they are in that temporal self-induced euphoric state. Who is this devil? Once more, he could be your next door neighbor you call your friend. He is a school mate. He is as young as ten years old and is being used as a distributor of drugs. He plays basket ball with you but he had got horns of a devil and wears the green gloves that will never ever make you think or believe that he could handle a grain of drug. His customers are kids who even empty their piggy bank money to buy drugs to be high during school recesses. They only sensible statement from them is that: ‘schooling is boring.’ Before you realize they have defected from school or college if at all they managed to rich that level and literature of this genre is highfalutin.

He is even a police man who distributes and is clad in his official uniform. This becomes complicated for straight law enforcement officers to know that he is supplying drugs. He is your dentist, nurse, doctor, teacher, girl friend, boyfriend, etc. He suggests that when you take the drug you are relieved of your pains.

Others’ rationale is that drugs can kill patients with chronic diseases, they euphemistically call euthanasia. [They better think hard for no one has ever created life and not one should ever plan to take it away for what they call mercy killing. They may have tangible reasons for isolated cases but many will hide behind suffering to kill innocent people so as to covet their possessions. The moment we will accept to kill the terminally sick so to say, we will cogitate on destroying the physically infirmed as they are perpetually suffering. It is no longer a proposition but some people have been taking laws into their hands to eliminate those they consider infirmed and that can never be right]. There is no end in sight and not domains are safe.

Pains never die unless we are clinically dead. Therefore, abusing of drugs will be with us as long as the world exists. Even animals take drugs but they are wiser than men in that they know when to call it a day. You can only free yourself by saying no emphatically on day one when you attend that birthday party and someone suggests that you take drugs. Finish that last dregs of wine before you head to the ‘head,’ washroom as what you thought was an innocent friend could be a messenger of the devil, an infidel sent to give you an unsolicited drug. If you had not taken the drug you would not have been in the sorry state you were or are in hitherto. If you did not take that first sip of wine just to socialize so to say, you would not have been drunk to have unwanted sex and a baby or to have that deadly motor accident.

Not only that you got hocked and you cannot do without it. You lost your job, your friends, your children, house and you are dying of an incurable disease because you had to indulge in out of wedlock sex so as to get money to keep up with your life style dominated by banned drugs. You even opt to become a distributor or a manufacturer and this is the riskiest business besides being in the battle field lined with anti personnel landmines. You blame your parents for not saying no vehemently while they first saw you with that first stick of cigarette or when they first found you with a syringe. They could not for in those days it was in vogue to smoke to charm girls or for girls to show that they were tough and could do what men could do too. You were being wooed by the devil and he succeeded. Eventually you die and your meager possessions if sold cannot even buy you an everlasting resting place. Your authors of life or some Samaritans had to shoulder that responsibility. They have to go to the bank to borrow and after they start asking why in this world you were even born. You had helped not even yourself or someone. You have left no mark on earth but have come to have fun at others’ expense. Your activities apart from accelerating the death of many put literally thousands behind bars. In other words, you are useless as an element that came to serve the devil instead of God. You epithet mimics that of Al Capone the gangster that unleash a reign of terror in America in the 1920s. The society or your parents are not to be blamed but yourself wherever you end up. You are the architect of your destiny.


The power they had is given to them by God. For those ‘Darwinians’ who are tempted by drugs to say that there is no God, they call it nature and that their achievements were either an accident in nature, genes they inherit from their parents or the fact that they grow in a society that measure success in competition. The persons who were the winner in the competition were the hero or heroines, not in the traditional way but they were false as they were takers of skill-enhancing drugs.

I have buried many in the morning of their lives. The list can fill a book as the New Testament and that shows that there is something awry in our world if we keep on going on like this without examining ourselves. First, I would like to underline that life without examination is not worth living! How many Michael Jacksons; How many Marvin Gayes; How many Jimmy Hendricks; How many Elvis Priestleys ….? How many Nicole Simpsons will die before the world will know that too many have died from drugs? Many die when drug swat teams burst into their homes looking for drug pushers. Task forces killed suspects or stray bullets kill nearby standers when they are chasing narcotic dealers at predawn raid in the USA, Canada, and in many Latin American countries. The case of Mexico, Columbia and a bunch of Latin American states is a gangrene that will need nerves to be cured. In the USA alone, since 2007 a total of 9,903 persons have died from narcotic related deaths. The drug cartels in the USA, Columbia, Mexico, Brazil, Afghanistan, Russia, Vietnam, a bunch of SE Asian states, and most of Latin America are sophisticated. The market for illegal drugs is limitless as there are eager desperadoes that could kill just to keep on with their life style of drugs.

As alluded to above, sometimes the hunters of hard drugs or narcotic squats are themselves corrupt and push drugs themselves; consequently it is difficult to set hardened thieves to catch professional thieves. The whole situation becomes ridiculous and one wonders when one captures the beast call drug pusher as where the head, the tail and chest are. It is a deadly beast that is completely amorphous. The task is deciphering the head, torso and other parts before knowing where to catch the beast without it attacking the catcher. It is confused and the fight for it has to start at the nursery and at individual’s family homes. These are just the tip of the iceberg. In so many countries countless numbers die from kidney related diseases and poisoning triggered by the abuse of alcohol beverages is staggering. Sadly in some there is no age limit as to when one can start drinking alcohol as in some East European states including Russia and many Sub-Saharan African states. Many gallivant our streets stack naked or are locked away by relatives who bury their heads in sand the moment they venture into the public eyes. Hard drugs or those prescribed by money driven corrupt medical doctors are sometimes responsible. The impression is that when two or three meet there must be drug sharing, beer and spirits flowing instead of God being in their midst. They break our hearts; they help to kill us softly but surely and to halt this is a task that all of us must execute.

We must stop and do what used to happen in my society sardonically known in the old days by Westerners as primitive before their civilization came or was imposed. I will tell you what they did and the society was free from drugs. Let Europeans and Euroamericans think that they invented drugs, hashish, cocaine, heroin and others. Not so! I am not going to be the one to outline them here for those dealers and killers of our children with drugs or those who crave to experiment with narcotics. No, I will give them a zero. Why do I call those trafficking in narcotics killers?

Many do think that to kill as the pogrom in Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Congo Democratic Republic, the former provinces of Yugoslavia, Cambodia and Vietnam, one has to take a machete, a loaded AK47, or a crossbow and shoot some they disagrees with. If you deliberately propagate the use of drugs that leads to addiction of users, who eventually kill to carry on with their life styles or kill to get a bigger market as in Mexico, some parts of Canada, Brazil and Europe, you cannot be exonerated from being a killer. Remember that if the dealers and suppliers were not there, the users would still have been alive and there would not have been gang wars to control drug marts. In the same vein, if landmines manufacturers and distributors were not carrying out their so-called dastard economic activities, innocent bucolic folks would not have been killed or maimed by these devices at post bellum. As aforementioned, drugs were well known in my society and they were strictly for medicinal or religious purposes. They were controlled and handled only by the initiated, medical doctors, alchemists and not any dilettante or incorrigible malcontent. For that reason, the closely guarded secret stayed for two thousand years and was never a problem in the society. Today, Westerners, S. E, Asians, and Latin Americans in particular have blatantly opened the Pandora boxes of drugs as long as those lords and princes of Hollywood open their excess money to buy them at night. Can the trend be reversed?


Suddenly there were foreigners who invaded that my ‘primitive’ society. Some glamorized drugs, openly used them and it was never controlled as in the primitive societies. In my primitive society innocent farmers turned maize fields into hashish plantations as basements are turned into growing fields and narcotic manufacturing centers in the West. It was not long before the youths saw the truth that was drugs. They avariciously took them and died in droves from overdosing…shooting to control and chase away intruders from their markets or shooting defectors whom they feared would reveal their secrets to law enforcement officers who apparently were corrupt. Does this sound like the contents of a Rio de Janeiro or New Mexico or Chicago suburbia dailies? The fear is when toddlers as young as ten years old are involved and school grounds and parks are distribution centers as in the sprawling city of Gatineau. If the users were not dying, they turned into cabbages or junkies. Many were seen maddened by the drugs they took. At the time of writing, Saturday, August 22, 2009 many still walked around in their birthday suits and the moment they realize the condition they are in, some take away their lives. In this case, the devil wins as we saw the devil won in his tug of war with the super star Michael Jackson. He had gone but the pains he left behind lingers on with his family, his fans and many of us who were not even his fans. It is because we are all human and interconnected. We all mourn for him as we did for Diana Princess of Wales. Whatever the rate of grieves, the show must go on. It is hoped that grief will fortify us to resist temptation of drug abuse, vices and to endeavor to stamp them out of our lives. Sadly, many will still come up and will be caught in the same snares as apparently was Michael Jackson and many that went before him and more lining up to drink from the same cup. We, like monkeys will still cover our eyes with a leaf assuming that our entire bodies are covered and insulated from the bullet of the hunter.

We are all vulnerable. Even many will read this article and will still be victims. Listen to what a French shop assistant who was working in a shop I was managing once told me when I confronted him on smoking profusely: “If I smoke and I am happy and I will eventually die. If I do not smoke I do not enjoy my life and I will still die. Therefore, I have decided to be smoking to enjoy my life.” The devil will still come to tell them that it they can only take one ‘joint’ of hashish and they will be cured of their pains and before they realized they are taking heroin and still craving for more. They become artificial heroes and heroines and the first drug taken is a statement that they better dig their grave not only six feet deep but twelve feet deeper. It is because their untimely death will cause uncountable heartaches and soul-searching. I am convinced that the rest of the members of the Jackson family will continue to feel guilty for these reasons.


If Michael Jackson were cornered as occasionally he was, he attributed his lifestyle to his stoic father, Joe Jackson. He is not the only one who had parents that wanted the best from him. I met a Jewish child of six at the Nepean ward of Ottawa whose mother took him to be trained as a professional swimmer, to swim like a fish several hours a day. He was fade up and did not know what to do for his father was siding with his mother. The uncles and aunts were barred from coming closer to Michael Jackson. He was in denial and that was when the devil gripping him softly but surely as cancer induced by smoke. To protect his integrity, some members of his family and friends are even suggesting that he was killed for his wealth, others that he was poisoned so as to covet his property. If he was killed when it was a well documented fact that he was a drug abuser, a fact alleged to have stemmed from the burning of his hair during a Pepsi commercial filming in 1984, how would that be separated from substance abuse and poisoning by his entourage?

Let me not digress from the Jewish child I met in the swimming pool. The only outsider the child met to tell his tale and be listened to was me. The child told me how he was being forced to be the best swimmer in the world and ended: “Sir, I am fed up. I do not know what to do. I do not have a choice,” he sadly ended. I was flabbergasted and saddened for I could not help him. In this case, I blamed the society where one is schooled to mind one’s damned business. When you are pugnacious, the reward may be a stray bullet. When I went home that night, I cried and wondered how I could help that desperate child. My apprehension then was that if I reported to the authorities, that child could be taken away by the Ottawa authorities for adoption. Today I read of a young mother in Ontario who left her child in a car in temperatures of above 30 degree Celsius to dash into a shop and do her shopping and police were called on her by a passerby. The person who called the police did a right thing. He perhaps served the life of that child and the mother will never forget her hard lesson after paying fines or serving imprisonment. With hindsight that was the right thing that I should have done. I failed my God with my naïve reasoning that I had only met him for a month and it might have been that he could have fabricated his story. At the time of writing Saturday, August 22, 2009 I am still crying for that child was tortured. He should be in his twenties now if at all he survived his ordeal. He might have grown up to be successful but the truth is that whether successful as Michael and dying in the morning of his life, the parents would still be pointed a finger at as Mr. Joe Jackson for having deprived Michael of his childhood thus pushing him to the reclusive state he was in before he eventually “committed suicide” or died mysteriously on June 25, 2009, many are in denial of.

Furthermore, when the Williams sisters: Venus and Serena Williams were being trained as tennis players by their parents, neighbors could have been telling themselves that their father was excessive. One, it was unusual for African American families to be engaged in such elitists’ sort of game. Two, they might have been ignored as no African American woman had ever reached Wimbledon and the Caucasians or Africans who were neighbors simply ignored them as beating about the bush. Therefore, when Michael Jackson blatantly talked of his father torturing him, one could say that his sort of torture was relative. I will explain below.


Even if Joe Jackson had detected the talent in his son and wanted to get the best out of him, then Michael should have known that his father was doing all that for his good. In the eyes of Joe Jackson, he did the best for his son. Many had done that in the past and their children grew up to congratulate them on a job well done. It is for that reason that the success of most of us start from home and not from without. Others like Michael had grown up to accuse their parents of being responsible for their psychological absurdity. When Michael released Thriller in 1984 and was the best selling artist ever in the universe, did he blame his father Joe Jackson? Did his father sanction the devil to enter Michael’s head to make him not to be satisfied with his achievement? Did he tell him to start chiseling his physiognomy? Mr. Tiger Wood attributes his gulf successes to his late father. He had his blessing. If he decided to misuse his wealth and direct it to drugs pushed by some Hollywood physicians as they sneak in to corrupt actors and actresses for their money, do you think he would have levied his craving for drugs with the ways he was brought up by his parents? I am poor and still looking around the world for a job that could make me happy and the people I work for. Do I of all men attribute my state of poverty to my parents, myself, the society, the devil or God or a combination of all of these characters? Can substance abuse be a panacea to my or our interminable vista of problems?

Dr. Viban Viban Ngo
Is the author of
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