Tuesday, June 25, 2013


[Keywords: Facebook, advertisement, alphabets, Arabic, bylaws, Canada, censorship, communication, copyright, English, etiquette, evolution, France, French,  friendship, grammarians, guardians, Hausastan, India,  Language, liability, linguists, media,  moderator, neophytes, Oliverian, parlance, pharming, phishing, press, rebels,  scamming, shorthand, spying, Sri Lanka, telephone, vulgarity/uncivilized language, world, writing,]

When darkness envelops the earth, keen eyes see the real colors of true men. If you do not want to see savage justice of men in the 21st century, do not take delight in having a daily dose of videos and pictures posted on the Facebook. This equally applies to YouTube, Instagam, Wiki, LinkedIn, Twitter and you can fill in the gaps.

Apparently there are no rules, bylaws, laws, etiquette or guiding principles to be followed in some of the media enumerated above. You just enter; do your things whether orderly or higgledy-piggledy and get out. When you complain of the vulgarity or selfishness or what you see and hear, you are told to pack your bag and baggage and get out of there.  You may get out or stay at your own risk. I stoically chose to stay after being initiated into it by the mother of my goddaughter in BG. If I were being roasted on spits it was all my level-headed choice. You are asked to post what you have, say what you think and feel no matter how ridiculous, constructive or damaging it is to yourself, other peoples, now or in the future. It is a dungeon of canker warms where you do not care a damn. That is freedom of speech and the sort of journalese that we are to see from now henceforth as today everyone is a reporter, trained or dilettante.  When you turn it on you have emerging from all corners of the world all toms, dicks, and harries wanting to be your friend. Thus it is a good phishing and pharming ground for the CIA, NSA, All the spying and mushrooming marketing agencies in the world. The gallimaufry of overwhelming mega data traffic is a good sign for the founders or owners as they have audiences or clienteles that cost them next to nothing for their adverts and other sinister projects. It is better than the dynamic CNN that throws away seasoned readers every week, the conservative FOX TV, Al Jazeera English where the Arabs want to revamp the grandeur that was Arabism, World Press from the next nuclear super power Iran that specializes in bashing Westerners, BBC that is losing its initial uncensored trajectory and many more that may and do ask for an arm and leg to put your advertisement in the market. The danger of lack of filter is that adults and toddlers do mingle and you cannot differentiate adults from children. The insinuating question is how dare you minors enroll with adult clubs? Nothing is done about it and will not be done until it spirals out of all proportion, until the society has deteriorated beyond Sodom and Gomorrah where men and infants exchange pictures, drawings and videos of private parts, harmful sciences and paragons burnt and basked in public bonfires.

Fishing for Friends and Foes
The moment you are in, you got out to capture many friends as you want to have. As you are looking for friends, others are looking for you. The more friends you have the better for you feel fulfilled and you are happy. Happiness here is contagious.  Nonetheless, for lack of feeding facts, you venture into a no-man’s land where under normal circumstances you would not dare to forage for information whose sources and raison d’ĂȘtre cannot be checked. You will not mind being with glitzes or budding geniuses from India, Sri Lanka, Nigeria and occasionally mute East Europeans. Other forumites are happier when you are joining them with a galaxy of your friends, foes and your booties; call it new avenues or knowledge. They will benefit as they will have a wider fishing arena at no cost to advertise or do whatever they wish. There are others who represent corporations or conglomerate who masquerade as representing themselves yet they are all out to sound the inclinations of the customers so as to know precisely what to put in their itinerary basket of trade. They come to you on the chumming up day as your friends but that will be all you ever hear from them after the day of grace. There is no honeymoon period. They go straight into business. They want to woo you to gamble, and for men, they want to get them to gentlemen’s clubs where they can change ladies. This is not for free. It is business that must be sustainable. So, expect a fee in due course of time. With others, you will be with them for a year and they will never ever send you words of greetings even on your birthday that is glaringly put there for all to see. I have a phrase that best describe them, phishers, pharmers and masquerading enemies of friendship.

When you adamantly accept their friendship proposal, expect to have glaring cultural clashes if you do not want to be uncouth as some of them. I see very lonely people in crowds and very happy people mingling with welcoming crowds and getting into harm’s way.  I see confused people, enlightened ones suppressing their inner selves, I see gods, winged angels, and masquerading devils wearing green cloaks of amity using dynamites to force-enter peaceful homes in our hearts.  Some of their motifs are to destroy what we have built to right our wrongs and give us a modicum of heaven on earth we have been taught by Our Father to pray for since time immemorial. Yet we can only look on as their ways generate for us tons of money to keep some of us up with our kingly and queenly ways of life.   Often, the wages we have for our joining this forum is the fact that there are no principles or guiding rules to be followed.

Darkness of the Daylight
Is that the true manifestation of freedom we talk about in the free world? It is not all that negativity. As you will observe that we are operating in darkness and when it is dark, a keen eye can see the real colors of men. In consequence, the Facebook, YouTube, Instagam, and others space does not allow us to outline here are mirrors of our decadence in our societies. So we have to thank that global classroom media that help us to know who we are. We are by nature weak and evil peoples.

It will not be long before you are discussing houses, cars, motor bicycles you guys call now motorbikes, gorgeous blue lagoons in Greece and other serpentine scenic environs whose names the authors or posters do not even know and do not bother to know and will not know. Do not be over enthusiastic and curious as from the blue lagoons will emerge gorgeous and loving peoples, mermaids and mermen... Their bodies have no blemishes and plastic surgeons will go bankrupt in their field if we keep on producing elements like those.  It is because their pictures are burnished, polished and packaged in golden perfumed bags. Very soon the honeymoon period is over. Gradually it is tense to open the gift embalmed with golden coated papers. The revelations are dazzling or Pandora boxes.  If they do not suffocate you, they blind you. There is no win-win. Your McPhee, or whatever filtering devices you have installed to filter your messages and protect you will be unable to halt the phishing and pharming that is targeting you.  It all turns out to be like the new gadget buglers use now to enter all electronic cars. No car is safe and no member is safe. The replies or comments you send are sometimes wrongly interpreted. You are better off ignoring some comments or just click on the ‘like’ if at all you have time to kill.  Why? It is because you have suddenly become a square peg in a round hole. You may be in the wrong domain or you are a baby boomer hiding in children’s night club. If you still want to continue receiving junks, or tired, simply defriend, edit your list of so-called friends, morn over your spilling milk and stay. I passed through these to glean what I am sharing with you that may annoy or bemused you over my idiocy.

A lady once posted a picture of herself topless to comment. I commented that it had made me kinky and randy. To her, it was an awful reaction.  Remember that Americans have the eponymous “Randy” and in British, Canadian, Australian and Zimbabwean English that I know randy means eager to have sexual gratification, suffering from satyriasis, yearning to lay someone like a frustrated peacock after a peahen.  She was agitated and in wrath replied that such a reply was in bad taste as it was to infuriate members of her family that occasionally read her funny messages. It was a clear example of cultural clash. To me she was sensitive and I knew that it was to take me ages to try to convince her that I did not mean to annoy her. The next best thing that I could do was to defriend her. I did it and regretted it later. There I was missing a friend whose friendship I could only now conjecture where it could have led us to. There I was alienating myself from someone who was calling me a friend. With hindsight, she was not a friend but a pen –pal as baby boomers call such in the good old days. The question that I would ask is what would have happened if I had opened my heart to be allowed to bleed. It might have bled to death. My action was inadvertent or out of naivety. It had annoyed my friend; let us safely call her my pure acquaintance.

When many submit request to you for friendship or acquaintances, they look innocent. It will not be long before they are asking for favours. A lady in the States told me that she had just returned from a business trip in Lagos Nigeria. . When we next chatted she pulled a snake from the palm front. [This is an African expression where something unexpected suddenly sprung up]. It might be a jack in the pot. She told me that she was broke and needed some financial assistance from me. My head rose to Africa where one of the deputy ministers we were supposed to help his country turned round and asked me to lend him some money. I did not need to be told that these persons were telling me to get out of their ways. The lady requested $2000 US and I beamed and asked myself if I were already a banker.  I belayed the talk and did not defriend her but never chatted with her if she were online. Her story was fantastic and even Bill Gate would not have bought it. Gradually, I was learning the action of men when suddenly enveloped by darkness in a rich departmental store. Those of you from New York will recall when there was blackout. Managers turned round to steal. The baker and the baker’s wife stole. All saints with halos over their heads turned to be devils on that day. They stole what they euphemistically call bonanza.

New shorthand worse than Pittman’s
The parlance that is used is not even found in Mars or Pluto. It is extraordinary. It does not reflect the people’s profiles or the level of their erudition.  The English written is worse than what some Naijans, my Oliverians that is Nigerians, Indians and Sri Lankans speak or write in their forums and I often wondered if they were truly British Colonies.  I mean that it is worse than what one reads in the works of Jonathan Swift, Chaucer and William Shakespeare when they were gallanting this dusty earth and written English was not standardized or lacked accepted Grammatik. This was what Chaucer wrote when the Arabs and Turkish Muslims had barred Christians from going on pilgrimages to the Holy Land and the Christians in England had to be going to the Canterbury Cathedral instead:
Thanne longen fok to goon on pilgrimages,
And palmeres for to seeken straunge strondes,
To ferne halwes, couthe in sondry londes;
And specially from every shires ende
Of Engelond to Canterbury they wende

At least we can discern what our good old Chaucer was saying if you articulate the words. Often we have to ask our interlocutors in the forum what the heck they meant. You need patience of an angler to communicate with some of your frinzd [this is how they write it].

At some stage I became like Don Quixote and told myself that I was going to don in battle regalia and have a go at them. Here I was debased to think of the unthinkable. There are no standardized spellings, grammar, quotation marks, and so on. Forumites wrote as they felt and their vernaculars can be clearly seen in their spellings. Jonathan Swift’s way of writing in the Tale of Tub where he lampoons the papists, that is the Catholics who were against their king for luxuriating with his concubines were even better. I comprehended what he was saying than some of the tommy rots that are being spread on the WWW on the assumption of anonymity. Some forumites were philandering masquerades and did not know that anything once put on the WWW remains there forever and is read by at least a million persons.   I understood all but my eyes are not dazzled by the spelling and grammar. I am instead stupefied.  When Swift discussed Socrates, Pythagoras, Aesop and others the messages were clear as this false page. There was no standardization but all attempts were made to imitate the convention of the time.

The parlance of rebels
The Facebook written language, if at all there is something like that, to me is that of rebellious neophytes who do not want to have anything to do with convention. It takes us back to the beginning where I stated that it was all wishy-washy. One is tempted to say that it is a deliberate attempt to flush the Queen’s language into the toilet. I was tempted to ponder that it was a new call for a new way of writing to be found. Do we need to use conjunctions to string our words? Do we need the Roman script to write English? A Saudi Arab classmate copied his English class notes in Arabic scripts. I was simply amazed beyond words when he read it back to me in impeccable English. I beam and said to myself that English could have been using Arabic script. If English speakers were using the Roman scripts and Arabic numerals why could they not use Arabic script provided it portrayed the message succinctly and without falsification we are talking about. See how awful it is when the French force it to their Languedoc. Let me be puerile. Varieties of French written in the Roman alphabet is full of clumsy hats and caps some modern users do not bother to wear or insert them.  Having said this, there should be no room for laziness in language learning and writing if not it could become an archival language only or torpedoed and sunk as other dialects that have died or are fast dying.  With this trend of thought, linguists ought to ascertain that learners do not give back to them ersatz stuff, written or spoken.

Makeup over penmanship
The founders of Facebook have put the value of looks over that of penmanship. In Jonathan Swift I could recognize panicky, prettie, prathee and many more but the penmanship of Facebook forumites is just sloppy and awful. Do not tell me that it is more of Pittman’s Shorthand? Briefly, it is an unfiltered comedy of concoction. The English language that is fast becoming globalized is being butchered and I am afraid that the guardians of that language in Oxford or Cambridge will not want to shake hands with some of the Facebook patrons. My observation is that English is being prostituted by nonchalant speakers and learners. It should not be the case. When you want to learn a language, you have to do so with all your might and master all its knocks and crannies. Sit over it when you graduate and never let it sit on you.  I recall the early days of the Skype that faltered when it was about to blossom when one communicated so well. Some of the users boasted of exhibiting our prowess in typing speed without errors. We bragged of chatting up with a dozen users simultaneously because of our touch-typing skills.  'Facebookers’ owing to their lack of skill invented their spellings; let us call them shorthand that could make lexicographers, phoneticians or specialists in Esperanto run helter-skelter. Others could jump from the River Avon suspension bridge rather than see what is budding. The following are some of what they write and I will leave them to you to decipher their meaning. Cu, u, Ru, Ur, gn9th, b4, ya, kk, ya, h r de girlz, boyz, grts 2 all, fer, der,  ba, gud, and so on and so fifth.

Facebook as a great man’s homestead
Let me be honest with you. The Facebook is a great man’s house. When you play any tone in such a man’s homestead, there is ever someone to dance to it. It is so because is it peopled by many a man with contrasted characteristics, idiosyncrasies. It is for this reason that you do not judge them by their color but by their content. That is why I have CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera, National Geographic, and many more striving to have a footing in it. Therefore you have a club where the rustics rub shoulders with the gentry. You will see a gorgeous lady who claims that she is promoting information technology (IT) at some University in America but in fact she is an international slattern. She posts different pictures in which she is semi naked asking men to approve of her beauty. There is never shortage of men who would mark “like” several times over and over. One asked oneself how beneficial such rating exercises were to her pictorial prostitution.  Post an article that some of you may consider as gutter press caliber and no one will make any comment about it.  Is the reason that they are unable to read or they do not want to enter into any confrontation or academic gymnastics? We can insinuate more from their silence.

Burlesques in vogue
Nevertheless, there is something that you cannot seal your month from verbalizing, when you see uncensored macabre pictures or videos. How can you afford to be apathetic when an elderly couple is videoed being set on fire and being whipped by a crowd that looks like East Africans? They are eventually burnt alive by the crowd with leaves of eucalyptus. The pains, the anguish, the hardheartedness of the burners, the fact that there are children in the crowd reveal to us the dark interior world we are living in and where we are heading to if there is no restraint. Today, I am seeing another macabre picture of a lady burnt by her husband at several places by a hut iron. This is downright violent against women that the male dominated world stood and watches each day in India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo, The Sudan, Russia, Mexico and the rest and nothing is done. Do men really think? Do they all know that they are women’s children?
 If you think that what I have described is frightening, you are mistaken. We have seen fetuses dumped somewhere in India. I could not comprehend and I asked the person who posted the pictures and the author shied to tell me. One person in the audience told me that they were found in the dump yard in India. No name was given. I know that with modern cameras with built-in global positioning system (GPS), and the fact that dates are inscribed digitally in them, we could track down the photographer, the time and date where it was taken. Thanks to this technology. Then we do not have time to go through this exercise. Subscribers will do us a favor of simplifying location and dates for all of us if at all they want to make a contribution in our information broadcast. 
Today, I saw another that made me dumbfounded.  A naked man in some South East Asian country being excoriated stoned with bricks on the highway in what looked like India. From the ferocity of the attackers he was to breathe his last.  I held my head in my hands and asked what wrong that man committed that the police would not come to rescue him from the jaws of hell fire of what looks like school children whose hearts had been poisoned by their instructors and nonchalant adults. What I am painting here is just the tip of the iceberg. You are going to see pogroms with your naked eyes as you see happy weddings. Now I want to ask if Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations Organization (U.N.O.) does his work properly. I also want to add if there are NGOs interested in human rights extant in this world. 
It should be made loud and clear that any member of the U.N.O. whose citizens are being mistreated, be they the Boko Haram  followers arrested or hoodlums in Nigeria they had to be judged and sentenced and not allowed to be sentenced in the public by the mob that take the laws in their hands. If such were to happen as in Cameroon where the men in uniform sometimes stand and watch culprits dishing out jungle judgments  they could be expelled from the U.N.O., club of civilized men. Economic or some sort of sanctions should be imposed on such barbaric countries with appalling human rights records.

Exhume not the ugly past
If you think that was all, you are still mistaken. Women pose in their birth day attire or post picture of men having dalliance with them. Now there is a question for all of us. As believers, unbelievers, law abiding citizens, God fearers, and others of other beliefs, you are not allowed to show explicit documents, forbidden pictures to children. The Facebook, and similar forums are looking for money with blood, sweat, and tears without remorse as they know that the  burlesque the accepted subject matter,  the more patrons they woo and that is “successful” business. As there are no restrictions, what are supposed to be in the matrimonial bedrooms is exposed by exhibitionists in the global arena.  What are we teaching those children? Is that what our elders taught us? Or are you going to tell us that the elders or grandees are of the past world? Whoever told you that our world was different from theirs? We are a continuum and should strive every day to do all we can to be morally better than what we were in the past. I call those exhibitionists international prostitutes. Correct me if my definition is awry. Of what good is a Russian strumpet’s nude picture in the house of an American? Randy men may approve but the chances of such a woman being with a sexually frustrated American are one to a million. Also, once a sex worker, the tendency to revert this previous profession after marriage is high. You do not want to get yourself involved with such if you want to have a peaceful life in the future.  Following up is worthless speculation.

I have earlier stated that if you want to hide anything on earth for some person put it in writing. I tell you that nude pictures and videos of men and animals attract more audiences than treatises. Is this signally the death of writing as known since time immemorial? We are seeing the next generations surrounded by electronic gadgets that solve all their problems. They no longer read now or translate as Bing does it for them. Students cheat now by writing essays in their vernaculars and the computer translate for them and they pass on to their instructors as having done their homework. Let us leave that for another topic.  So the founders of Facebook must pat themselves on the back as having done their psychological homework before launching it and they will go a long way before it is competed away by Linkln and others. I am not saying that everyone should read and write. Reading and writing is not for all and sundry as university education. After all, a good number of geniuses, inventors and others with notoriety as Master Edward Snowdon who is presently hiding in an executive airport lounge at Moscow turn out to be college dropouts. Nevertheless a modicum of seasoned academics could clean the world of some of the misunderstanding and the filthiness that we see on the WWW.

Pictorial versus written media
I was inclined to say that the level of education had something to do. By merely looking at a picture, you cannot decipher the black boxes of what make the engines or computers tick. You got to go inside and see the nitty-gritty of all their composition and their working. That makes the difference between one who wants to advance and one who is careerist. If you want to experiment, post or share my write-up this afternoon and you will have not up to five persons browse it. But post a picture of German shepherds mating as on Youtube and you will have half a million viewer in less than one week. Ask what viewers have benefited from such burlesque? Ask me what you have benefited from reading up to this juncture. Similarly, what do slatterns get from posting their pictures nude or semi-nude and asking men to approve them? The men who comment are generally married and I do not think they would want to open their doors to strumpets. By making this statement, I am not claiming that whores are not normal persons like you my cherished readers but it is their dangerous work that is problematic. We may equate them here to smokers of tobacco who know the danger from cancer yet continue and puff and puff smoke asking us to give them marks for smoking so well. Or gluttons who eat like epicureans yet continue to do so in spite of warning from the surgeon general.  Whatever, God asks us to love them as Mary Magdalene in the scripture but do we do wrong things as our way of soliciting sympathy from onlookers? Then we are simply moronic. We have a choice.

Not all are casual or fair weather friends
Also, do not dismiss all that is there, it is the trend. After a while something is going to come up and many will abandon this euphoria. However be careful as some are really out to get friends for life particularly your East Europeans, Asians and Africans members. Getting a husband after Grade 12 may be difficult for some people where there are no arranged marriages. Some persons are not even comfortable with E.Harmony, Christian Mingle, and Roosk and so on. So do not philander and some outside persons are there with seriousness of purpose and they may hang on your nick even though they are thousands of miles away from Canada or America. Also, it must be borne in mind all the time that there are devils masquerading behind Jesus Christ’s or God’s or whoever their beliefs’ leaders are to phish or pharm you. They are angels with real wings who turn out to be Lucifer, sycophants. There are girls with three thousand friends. These were not twitters but real followers. Send them a message and it will lie in their in pigeonhole for one year without being looked into. When they are overflowing they simply delete them. You are only acknowledged as a friend at the day of inauguration and that is all.  Ironically, the girl or chap who has three thousand friends in real life does not talk to her next-door neighbours even her good old friends in her school days or if I talk to mine. Do not ask me if the writer of Tom Brown’s School Days ever communicated with his school dudes. That is immaterial.

Some Revelations
Now, I am talking of things concerning moral values. The mere fact that this is surfacing is going to offend many a readers, believers or unbelievers. I am glad there are some that will approve of what the pastors or priests or people of God are saying. The naked truth is that the road to hell fire is paved with gold and all goodies imaginable and that to heaven is paved with spikes or pilings. I see a brave new world emerging in the future and ways of communicating not referred to in George Well’s 1984. It will be more than three dimensional pictorial and a metamophosizing of persons you want before you. Distance will be out of the equation. You will touch and feel them as if you were with them but their real bodies will be far away. That will lead me to revelation about myself. My first shocking experience of Skype was when a mademoiselle in Taiwan asked us to make love on Internet. Today, I am still puzzled as when she transmitted the message to me. The conundrum is still spinning my head round after years as when I received the message. Now it is the Facebook, Skype, Instagam, MSM, Youtube, Wiki, Twitter and many more in the pipe line fighting for space as Christian fought for space in the past to get Jerusalem and as Boko Haram and Al-Qaida are fighting to throw Westernism out of the Christians, Middle East, S.E. Asia and Nigeria rightly Oliveria or the Northern Hausastan some of its elements are mourning over the fact that they have to deposit £3000 in Her Majesty’s Treasury when they apply for a visiting visa to enter the UK. The human being imitate as a survival stratagem. A million such things as Facebook will blossom and what will happen is still unimaginable. I will live that for those who are able to conjecture and turn to fruition their dreams.

The good thing with Facebook is that you do not have a Mr. Abdoulaye of 419 from Burkina Faso, Nigeria (Oliveria), Mrs. Theresa Smith from Sierra Leone or Ivory Coast telling you that his parents were killed during the civil war and it was discovered that they had $18,000,000 US in a bank account in Geneva and they would appreciate it if you could accept to be the beneficiary of that amount by accepting to bank part of it for them in the North America, Australia, or Europe. They ask for your phone number and then an address to post you a present at you birth day. Those are scamming and never ever divulge such information.  Only morons fall into such traps. Having said this, people do try to pass viruses or bogus business deals on Facebook. Watch out for junks and just or never ever get involved as from the history of inception of Oliverian 419, no persons had ever benefited from it. Then you will point me one person who is happy with the telephone companies’ operating in Canada where a single telephone bill per month equals one month’s salary of a hardworking person in Congo. They all siphon money from clients who do not have ample choices and pamper them with apologias and persuasive arguments call business acumen  You can see the adage that darkness does not come before men clean their anuses with their hands that are clean during the day.

The use of uncivilized languages, grotesque pictures, burlesque writings, paintings and videos have made me to ask if there were no moderators or if it was deliberate to allow subjects discussed or posted un-moderated. That also triggered the subject of copyrights.  Patrons who post some pictures are not the owners of them. They are pirated or expurgated. They stumbled upon them, copy and pasted them. They have never heard of intellectual dishonesty and piracy! Or is this sort of piracy overwhelming and it is now ignored since it is now dominated by the Chinese also in the manufacture of all commodities? Do they know the cost of composition or production of some original pictures or drawing or literature? The authors spent sleepless nights, days and even weeks or months to capture those pictures and patrons just copy and paste them and claim credit for them. How did I discover that there was serious copyright infringement? I would ask those who have posted the picture to tell me the story behind them and they just shied away. Other just thought that they were interesting after they have copied and added on some flourishes. They are not the original authors and this is still piracy or intellectual dishonesty. If we allow these to continue, would we not be killing gradually initiatives for invention or creation? Let us ponder upon this point. Have the owners of some of the media or forums ever heard of copyright infringement and that defaulters could pay all they ever earned for it?  We briefly mentioned abusive languages that often come up. Can one sue a patron for the use of offensive or abusive or uncivilized language, pictures or whatever against one? Furthermore, we understand that users are not forced and as I once complained and I was told off that I was not obliged to stay on Facebook if I was not interested in the content of what was posted. What of responsibility and liability in the case where a member is abused by another member? Will the responsibility be shouldered by the owners of Facebook or the member who had used uncouth language? All these could be things of the past if members respect one another and follow led-down regulations. Who will police such rules? The point is that there is no guarantee where strangers with greatly diversified background meet and one does not expect another to step on another’s toes. Additionally, if I were operating it, I would ask for people not to share personal messages. If one wants to chat with person A, the content of their conversation should not be broadcast to all members or associate members. That is irrelevant and waste of time and efforts.  Lastly, it has been observed that some members do not have domiciles and true names and write or sent their flowers and pictures of their dogs, cats, chimpanzees, snakes, stable dishes in members’ geographical regions and others anonymously. My apprehension is that those people may have sinister plans. I defriend them. What of other clients? A rotten borough  would be welcomed as one will be associated with a place be it Antarctica, Berlen, Durban, Hong Kong,  Timbuktu, Ottawa, Okavango, Vibank, Nanfang, Vladivostok, Brazilia, New York, Visale, Victoria,  Kumbo, Ngong or Dar es Salaam.

The message I am passing is clear like this day light. Whatever you do as your survival strategy, protect the future. Let those who are coming after you cross the very bridge you used to traverse the turbulent river of life. Do not cut the bridge after crossing it.  Remember to always have a place in the government for the sensitive and the insensitive. I learn one rule as a FIFA soccer referee not long ago in Geneva, that the umpire is there to protect the weak from the able-bodied players. Inventors and business persons, remember that after you the world will still go on. You do not even know the date of the big bang. Remember that the dinosaur and the dodo disappeared and many others but the world will still go on with more and better inventions than what you are toying on with now.   At long last I know what you are thinking: You are asking me what on earth took me to the Facebook when it was suggested by my goddaughter’s parents in Bulgaria. If you do not know by now you will never know. However there is one penultimate thing I will tell you. I went there to see faces but I can be candid with you that you sometimes see more buttocks than faces.
Dr. Viban Viban Ngo,

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About the Author: Viban Viban NGO, a Canadian You may contact him for further information by writing to him on Email vibanngo@yahoo.com URL http://www.flagbookscanadainternationalinc.com