Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Fire of Slavery Reparation is Burning

Brotha Pruitt,

The Fire of Slavery Reparation still Burning.

I recently commented that if the slavery and associated maltreatment of Africans were not addressed in a positive manner by those who were concerned, I mean the descendants of slave owners and dealers(Europeans and Arabs), the issue will still hang on their necks and ours as an albatross. I reiterated that if the Jewish state of Israel still have financial compensations from the German Government of today on crimes that the present generations of Germans never committed or where not involved during the Second World War, it stands to reason that Caucasians and Arabs who are still enjoying the fruits of the slave labor of African and enslavement of Africans should also be made to compensate Africans and their descendants whose parents suffered slavery and various inhuman treatments and death in the hells called the Middle Passage and the scorching heat of the Sahara. Your comments are commendable and I will endeavor to dig and peruse your previous postings and the literature you have drawn my attention to. Let me end by thank you for the timely reply.
Dr. Viban Ngo.

Ending the Slavery Blame-Game: REPLY‏
From: H-Net Discussion List on History and Study of West Africa ( on behalf of Becker Charles (beckerleschar@ORANGE.SN)
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:43:02 PM

Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 09:03:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: Brotha Pruitt

Greetings Viban Ngo,

Good to hear from you again. There is another side to the reparations
arguement, when discussing Africa or the Repatriation Model of
reparations, that you or Skipper Gates are not considering. As a amtter of
fact it is a crucial part of the Repatriation Model reparations.

The part you both are overlooking is that history proves Africa and her
people were damaged much worse by Europeans and Jews. The role that
Africans played in harming Africa and their people was a fraction of a
fraction and nearly invisible compared to hundreds of years of severe
brutality and exploitation of the European Invasion of Africa. Have either
of you ever read Chancellor Williams, The Destruction of Black

Now calculate or make an educated guess of how much Europeans and
Jews gained from the wealth transfer of unjust enrichment from Africas'
natural resources and forced slave labor. Then you will realize
how INSULTING it is to say ending the slavery blame game. This statement
is a vicious blow to me as a Reparations Expert. I know people do not
understand the depths of the negative impact and legacy of slavery and
colonialism, when they make such statements. They would not make such
statements if they simply list and study the damage that has been done to
Africa and Africans all around the world!! Let me provide a list of 30
reasons for them to review in the third attachment.

We need to have an All Black Tribunal prior to an all inclusive Truth and
Reconciliation Process, so the truth can come out. Then people who do not
know as nearly as much as I do about the demise and destruction of Africa
via Colonialism and Slavery, will sit back and listen, instead of talking
about an issue in which they obviously lack understanding.

Please have Skip Gates and the others read the two Position Papers I have
written for blacks in America, Africa and throughout the Diaspora to win
reparations. They are the first two attachments called the Five Phase Plan
and the Reparations Proclamation. It is time to stop hiding and making
excuses for those who inflicted great physical and psychological damage
to descendants of slaves. Then we can get to the most serious part of all
three models of reparations, which are to repair the damage done to Africa
and blacks on a global scale.

If anyone wants to reply please send your reply to This email address has become
flooded with nasty filthy emails, so I mostly use this email address to
send messages.

In memory of our ancestors,
Brotha Pruitt
Reparations Leader and Chairman
Committee for African-American Reparations (CAAR) CA
Reparations Union Lobbying Association (RULA) NC
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