Thursday, June 6, 2013


Key Words: homosexual, lesbian, marriage, partnership, philosophy, religion, God, politics, hermaphrodites, anthropology, procreation, economics, productivity, customs, persecution, sympathy ]

Homosexuality odd?
We will comment on the case of homosexuality by looking at some maverick biological cases we often come across that we cannot account for even with modern scientific wizardry at our disposal. Often times we would just examine and take no action as a whirlwind that would trigger panic in what we had considered as a buffered safe zone in our chorography. Alternatively our brainstorming to understand so as to decipher the oddity does not alter the situation that is not inherently our making. When the American natives, Indians, we now call the First Nation Peoples saw Christopher Columbus and his crew landed on their shores with huge ships and no oars, bemused, they simply call them birds of the sea. Though awe-stricken  they were frighteningly complacent. They could not engage them in any war for intruding or welcome them wholeheartedly without trepidation as they were aliens to each other.   In some parts of the tropics there occasionally appear from the wilderness, two headed puff adders or vipers. In  the past local artists captured them in works of arts since they had no photographic technology that proliferate Facebook and electronic media today. They employed what others presently see as primitive art mediums as records of their grandees and for grand events they neither recorded in their scripts nor phonographically. We now marvel these as works of art. However, they should not be viewed from the Western perception or aesthetic appreciation of art. They are Africans sacred records, some persons arrogantly or innocently call primitive works of art.  These are mavericks as the Siamese twins we unexpectedly get in our midst. No matter how grotesque and out of the ordinary they appear, we dare not destroy them. We give them ample space in our world we borrow from the Maker and do our entire maximum best to nourish and keep them alive....When you travel from the tropics where you have no cattle husbandry and abundance of milk to the temperate lands of the West, you get puzzled when you see children and the aged imbibe gallons of milk each day when that after weaning a child in the tropics that is the end of all that is called milk for him or her till the day they head to their Elysium. Knowing that our world is variegated we can now proceed to look at another case in our homes that some of us presently take now for granted yet it is still apparently a novelty in other traditions, the homosexuality and lesbianism.

Defining a  homosexual or a lesbian
In the human biological world, a homosexual is an individual that has feelings or sexual attraction to persons of the same sex. Contrariwise, a heterosexual is one who may have that sexual feeling to people of the opposite sex.  From my observation of homosexuals, men who have sex with men, (MSM), I have seen and heard from a distance, homosexuals’ voices and mannerisms are somewhat effeminate. If not of their male genitalia and physiognomies, one could mistake them from their voices for women. Nevertheless, that is not usually the case. Some have heavy male voices like some normal males. Here are some of the reasons that convinced me to be tempted to conclude that they were not normal persons or were just those that would be classified in the human biological hierarchy as missing-links. I conjectured further that they lacked some biological parts of their bodies that would make them fully human, that is like the heterosexuals. These could be in their brains that are psychological. Then the question was why there was a high concentration of them among the Caucasians or those with a strong Caucasian influence. Why there are not so many of them in S. E. Asia, Africa and among the First Nation Peoples of the Americas. I was tempted to ask if such behavior was related to the sort of diets, medicine or climate or the way society brought up their children or a combination of factors. It meant going to the complex field of research whose technical facilities I did not have. With my gullibility, I was examining them as when the first cousins of Africans looked at them when they met after living in separate climatic conditions for millenniums.  Some Caucasians even called the first Africans they saw noble savages and Africans in return called them sprites of once departed brothers and sisters.

As for women with this sort of biological inclination they are known as lesbians, WSWs. They behaved like men and emulate men in many ways and given opportunities they would even do away with all female parts of their bodies. They are haters of themselves for no reasons of theirs, for something they are born with that they themselves cannot explain. Again, from the biological perspective of procreation the whole gamut of mankind is akin to, the inability of an individual to tend to love but one of his kinds of the same sex is considered an abnormality.  Abnormal as an adjective is departing from what is normal.  Normal is general or customary. This may vary from region to region or society to society and there are several factors that may account for what is normal. Walking stack naked in some primitive communities may be normal but in most advanced societies, this may be interpreted as deviant or departing from the normal. People who are not normal may be considered as being mad and are further alienated in some normal communities. 

Politics, Deviance and forced conformity
Not long ago homosexuality was not overtly allowed. This is gradually changing particularly in the Western societies. Even then, there is still resistance from some conservative quarters and in some global churches. In some parts of the USA, some authorities endorse homosexuality and homosexual marriages just to engrave their names in the history of man as being sympathetic to their rights as individuals. Others compromise this for money. For example, although being gay is not idiosyncratic of a town in Southern USA called New Orleans, when the organizers of gays and lesbians' parades offer handsome payments to the authorities of that city they are given green light to march on to satisfy curious crowds. It is true that a homosexual has feelings like anybody else, but the fact remains that they do not have coitus as average persons, hence limiting their procreation is that hard nut that many in the past and even hitherto have been unable to comprehend, crack or fathom. Many had in the past equated their lifestyle to sickness that could be cured. Many in that category of men are alleged to have been cured and that had been a sort of convincing evidence to many that it was a sickness that could be cured.

Sketches of Homosexuality in the Holy Bible and traditional Marriage
The Holy Scripture touches all sorts of sicknesses of man and animal and some yet to come but does not accept sodomy as a sickness, but as profanity, a sort of evil lifestyle. The following is what the Bishops of Cameroon Republic are saying that I will cite verbatim: 
"The identity of sexuality is deeply misunderstood, misused, perverted outside conjugal relationship of man and woman.  Therefore acts experienced in the context of homosexuality are not...; sexual …; but “relationships against nature” (Rom 1, 26).
Marriage is an institution that legalizes sex and parentage for the foundation of a new family.  It is the union of a man and woman who agree to start a family and live together in love.  The homosexual union is not a marriage, it distorts the meaning of marriage by reducing it to a link that is sterile, hedonistic and perverse, “the infamy of man to man” (Rom 1, 26)."
Jude 7 describes the dreaded Sodom and Gomorrah where prostitution, and MSM and women having sex with women (WSW) were common. In Corinthians 6: 9-11; Timothy 1:8-10; Romans 1: 18-32; Kings 23: 7; 15:24; 14:24 and Judge 19:16-24; and Leviticus 18: 22  homosexuality or lesbianism is equally discussed. We also have it discussed as early as in Genesis 19: 1-11. Punishment of death is dished out to people of the same sex who were caught having sex (Leviticus 20: 13.)" From my observation, a true homosexual is different person from the average man. We have not understood him or are not yet equipped with those technological facilities to explore and understand his inner thoughts, thus his deviant behavior.  Nevertheless, we have to accept him as a maverick in our midst but retrain from harming him or humiliating him as in the past. We have to sympathize with him but draw a line on the sand that he may not cross since his type of love relationship cannot be equated to that in heterosexuality unless by some miracle or some yet to be discovered medical props.The Bible acknowledges homosexuals and lesbians but does not accept their sexual activities. Therefore if a homosexual or lesbians were to be alone till he or she died, he was not to be prosecuted by the society or became a subject of the Devil but his or her procreation was to remain out of the equation. Of course, it would have been so as Jesus Christ came for all, pure men and evil ones. If all did not commit evil deeds, there would not have been any reasons of God sending His Son to save man from sin and hell fire. 

Additionally, abnormality is not only confined to men, creatures but to actions of men. Let us look at how one case is handled in Nso ethnic group in the former British Cameroons, Western Africa. Most of you are from societies where dexterous or ambidextrous were frown at and even shunned. It is still the case in some isolated primitive societies in the 21st century. In some societies, abnormal persons, lefthanders were coerced to be normal and you and I know that it was psychologically wrong. Some were damaged for life. Today, we all know the harm we did to those who were left handed. Today we have our Head of State, President Barack Obama of the most powerful nation on earth, USA who is a lefthander. The author of this write-up is ambidextrous. He was born a right handed person. That was what you will call the normal. Then after a ghastly accident in which he lost all his right fingers, he had no choice as a child but used his left hand for all activities. It took a long time for the right hand to heal that in the end he was so comfortable with his left hand. Then lefthanders as homosexuals were not accepted in his society as is still the case. The elders restrained him from using his left hand by tying on it heavy weights that he dared not extricate himself from. It was like being in a pillory and onlookers mocking at him for sins that he did not commit.  If rocks and heavy woods were not tied on his wrist to restrain him from using his left hand, they used solarium, vilun (Lamnso). If he insisted on using that his despicable left hand, he was smacked. At his semi preparatory school he was handed a pencil to write and dare him wrote with his left. He was smacked on the head, back and palms when it was bitingly cold in the mornings. The pains still rankle in his heart till today. He would try to cheat by handling the pencil with both my hands. Of course, that made him to write at a snail rate.  The teacher kept a good eye on him when it was writing and sport periods. He was beaten each time he made that  mistake of using his left hand. At last corporal punishment converted him. Today he writes with both hands but his left hand is still stronger and more flexible than his right hand. That is what his society did to for hin in order to accept him as a normal person. Is that what we want to with the homosexuals and lesbians in order to accept them in our midst? 

Man had passed through several phrases of his peregrination in what we call life on earth. He has gone through the thick and thin to be accepted and to accept himself. I remember when the black man was not accepted in some parts of the world because he was different from the rest. I remember when the Black and Arab Africans had to be schooled in in a special way in order to attain what was known as the French  or Portuguese or Spanish citizenship in the colonial days. In America, it was not long when the Black man was allowed to vote and share the same public bus and hotel with the White man. Up till 1994, peoples were racially segregated in the Republic of South Africa and even before in what used to be known as the North and South Rhodesia. Let me end at that as we will be tempted t write another treatise on segregation that pops up each day in our media. Today we look back and wonder if we ever had normal  brains.  We are now of a different paradigm of life. As a believer, I fervently opine that we have had some association with the Holy Ghost that has enlightened us. The crucial question is if It has it enlightened us to accept homosexuals as normal persons?  

Many we now call MSMs were persecuted and many were even killed for what they were born with if my interpretation is right! We are talking of more than 100 000. . This may be a conservative figure from Hitler's Germany alone. What of in Italy, and Vichy France during the Second World War? One day we will look at our foot prints in the history of man and ask if we were really the reasoning homo sapiens or just animals masquerading as civilized men. If we can scientifically prove that homosexuality is really extant,  it should be instilled in all normal persons that some men and women are born that way as I have been trying to day in my words. [I will end this section as Dr. Franz Fanon in 1952 in his work The Wretched of the Earth, p. 254: “The pretext of catching up must not be used to push man around, to tear him away from himself or from his privacy, to break and kill him.” The man in this context is the homosexual and his opposite, the lesbian.]

If the majority do not frown at right-handedness, it is because they have been used to since birth. In England many are puzzled that tropical persons  cannot even eat Cheddar cheese many take as a delicacy. When people from the Torrid Zone visit Africa on official visits they are seen wearing suits where Africans are comfortable going downright naked or scantily clad. We will look at an imaginary character called Mr. Chin Nshancarmfery. He visited Turkey and discovered that there were some men who wore gowns and blouses just like women in his country.  When he went to Scotland he found men wearing multicolored tartan skirts. He did not know if they were women masquerading as men or if they were just having fun. It was not just once but some wore these diurnally and went to work with it. When he went to America for the first time, he saw women wearing jeans trousers just like men. He had grown up used to men wearing nothing but gowns and skirts that extended below their knees. His head ran wild with comparison of what was innately his in his home town as in  Tin Tin in Congo by Herge. His discovery of heterogeneity did not end here. America   did bring to a close his peregrinations  He left the Democratic Republic of Congo to the abutting nation in the south called Zambia. He found men whose feet were like their hands. The toes were so long as their fingers and they were able to use them to handle comfortably liter size and even magnum size bottles full of a local brew they call shibuku. Such men could move well in the canopies of primeval rain forests. The irony was that they looked like him and were accepted in their locales. Then Chin went to the Middle East and  found out that people wrote copious literature on slates that they would wash the ink with water and drank so as to digest what they had read. "Strange idiosyncrasies," he concluded. When he visited the coast of West Africa he found out that women were going around semi-clad and they only had public hair covers over their genitalia. He could not take up his head to look at them for he was an exceptionally coy man. No one could conjecture what he was pondering but he has seen differences of persons.

He looked at both men and animals. He remained quiet for he was complaisant that if animals did not wear clothes, but had hair or firs and it was nature's way of clothing them for they could not reason as man to weave clothes to cover and themselves warm and be decent.  One commonality was coming out between man and other creatures. Men who were also a species of animals could not wear clothes as animals too . With this reasoning that man could not bother about clothes, he became normal when he visited Berlin for that matter and found men and women playing volley games in a specially allocated central park as they were born, called the nudists' park. Their penises were dangling and women’s kinks and buttons could be seen without inhibition. He inquired about the strange behavior. He gleaned that they were in their birthday suits and that what inhibited man from doing that always was their inclement, eerie and chilly weather. He was surprised that men did not have erection when they braced their penises on exceptionally beautiful women who were also playing in that park. On further inquiry, he was told that there were so many other parks of that nature dotted around the globe and that what used to be Christian countries were accepting the fact  of  going about naked. Well, he concluded that nudity was as old as man. The first man and woman on earth had no clothes and went around in their birthday suits as what other derogatorily call primitive communities in the Ituri Forest, Papua New Guinea, and the Amazon Forest in South America today.

The first siblings of the first man and woman in the world who were Africans intermarried. That is what we call inward breading, consanguinity. That relationship was incestuous and not accepted in most decent communities today. In certain part of India cousins intermarried. the effect on children of such intermarrying is left for you to explore. In certain West African communities, or ethnic groups it is strictly prohibited and defaulters are cleansed in a bizarre way and humiliatingly separated in the public bazaars.  The belief is that off springs of such a union are weak and cannot defend the groups in case of alien attacks.   Those who do it do not care so long as such marriage preserve the wealth of their families. 

In some communities it is normal for men to eat monkeys, horses, and all sorts of animals, others call bush meat in Bantu Africa. Some specialize in eating dogs, others cats, and a host of what we call in the West as pets. Some Chinese do this too. Those who relish these creatures do not have the word pet in their vocabulary as all animals are groomed to be eaten.

The anticlockwise climbers
Still on idiosyncrasies,  there are some climbers that would climb clockwise and that is the accepted and known ways for most agronomists and botanists. Then it has been discovered that there are some tropical root crops, yams that climb anti-clockwise. From a distance, they are the same as our normal and odd men and women, albeit, there are differences. They are unusual as our homosexuals yet they produce fat rooted yams that are in high demand for their nutritional values. They are protected as well as those that climb clockwise. The traits of gays and lesbians are that their fluids and eggs for procreation are wasted unlike these unusual yams.  Is this commensurate with the growth of population check by vice as once and other means advanced by Thomas Robert Malthus the theorist on population growth?

Where do we pigeonhole the Sexless by choice
What we have been examining is generally known as oddities. Do people who do not conform to the norm or who look different fall under oddities?  If they do, shall we consider homosexuals and lesbians under these categories? What of persons who grow up and are normal and have sexual drives but decide not for  religious reasons who stay single till they die? We also call them celibates. Most of you know of many. We have applied all sorts of terms in our arsenals of words to describe them. Others may not have that libido to carry out normal dalliance and may be helped by Viagra and related drugs that dominate CNN, NBC, and Bells' commercials for the sexless. Others chose this life style after having had their children and are under the pressure of work, work to pay bills as you will understand that most inhabitants in the West are debtors. For that reason wives and husband who cannot be satisfied this way at home go to the internet to be chummed up with people of their kinds who are out for ephemeral love without strings. In the past a woman who was exceptionally randy or kinky was not welcomed but that is normal today. Such satyrs are applauded today for living their lives so well. They do all they can to have sex. They dress provocatively to attract and have more partners than you will imagine. Men in return work so hard to the point of dying so that they can have more money to woo more women into their cells. Will a MSM do the same as normal persons? We will  attempt to answer this below.

Some Reviews of exceptional cases
When we look at homosexuality, heterosexuality or bestiality or abstinence, we are looking at men or living creatures from procreative perspective. We also look at differences in man's activities. A normal man always has feeling of procreating. You will see that most of what normal persons do is related to that procreation aptly handled by psychologists C.Jung and Sigmund Freud, ). At conception we develop or evolve or assume innately that sexuality. If my understanding is right, a true homosexual is born and not bred. Then there are cases in areas frequented by some deviants where normal children or men are cajoled to take part in sodomy that in the past was punishable by death or imprisonment. These children as the case of the river port of Duala in Cameroon, Mumbasa in Kenya and Matadi in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) take part in sexual activities with homosexual seamen just to get good money to survive on. This is prostitution. These boys are not inherently homosexuals. They are heterosexuals but are cajole by money. They eventually find themselves having feelings for other men when their seasonal sailors or sex tourists have departed. They turn round to pay their other friends for such act. In this regard, they are not true homosexuals (MSM) but are coerced to be by circumstances we cannot safely say beyond their control. That is where the society gets agitated and wants to punish the initiators and their partners. That is why in most of traditional Africa there is a feeling that homosexuality was never there and that it is a new way of life that could be stamped out. Consequently, the type as we have just seen should be discouraged by the Church and even punished by the state. This may be the reason why some churches, particularly in Africa would issue out statements outlining their position concerning homosexuality that is being discussed in most African states.

Why Fear Homosexuality
Living things have to spread their seeds to maintain their existence even if they were to die at any time.  Those that were stronger or fitter dominated in the spread of their seeds were eventually dominant in any society or communities. We learn this from the survival of the fittest doctrine of Charles Darwin of normal men or the fittest strive to spread their seeds of procreation. To Darwin, the homosexuals or lesbians will eventually die out as per this explanation underlined by Nathar Tabor some of us are likely to concur:

Under Darwin's process of natural selection, all "beings" — as opposed to the outmoded religious idea of "creatures" — are continually adapting to their natural environment in order to have a better chance of surviving. The weakest and most poorly adapted die off, while the strongest and most improved survive long enough to mate. Their offspring inherit their genes, and thus the species improves from one generation to the next. Darwin "noted that successful species produce more offspring in each generation than are needed to replace the adults who die . . . The species would thus have changed or evolved to favor traits that favor survival and reproduction," ..This means that not only must these beings be able to reproduce sexually; they must actually do so, for evolution to work as posited. Under evolution, then, successful reproduction is the key. Homosexuals would cease to exist because their sexual practices are such that they do not produce natural offspring.”

In the human biological set up the females are fashioned to receive and take part in the fertility of their eggs. Under normal circumstances, an average or normal woman had that inherent urge to have and bring up children. Similarly, normal men had that enthusiasm to see their own kinds produced and would do all even to the extent of giving up their lives to protect their offspring. It is for this reason that none-procreative men were punished or even destroyed in some societies in the past and look on contemptuously in the present. As     said a good number of African states are still not in favor of homosexuality or lesbianism irrespective of any reasoning for their deviant sexual activities advanced by some authorities particularly in the West. In most societies, be they developed or primitive, homosexuality is not entertained as there is ever that feeling that the society would be increased in number for the mutual benefit of all. This was essential in the past and even hitherto as when it came to communal activities, defense of the state, agriculture, communal hunting,  gathering of food, etc., a society that was numerous stood a better chance of succeeding or staying alive. The man and woman who were fertile were welcome in any society as it was considered a blessing from God or what people of those days worshiped.  Therefore, men or women who were not in favor of procreation were not wanted in those societies. Some were even destroyed. We are getting out of that paradigm. 

Why Abnormality is disdained
With this background, it was considered an abnormality or danger to that society if women and men were not productive to the extent that since time immemorial those considered as patients of homosexuality were being treated  It was for this reason that infertile men and women or patients, for whatever reasons were not even wanted in the society and their activities had to go underground as bootlegging in the old days in North America.  In some distance pass, they were sold into slavery or sold to be used for sacrifices or royal burials. For reasons we have seen, in most African societies nowadays, marriage may only be approved when the couple have proven that they were fertile. To be crown as a king in most ethnic communities in Africa, one of one's characteristics or criterion is for one to be fertile, fit, and where possible wealthy.  In the Western set up, one may just marriage for the sake of marriage, that is to have a life-long partner and the idea of procreation will not be the main reason why people marry. In that case, some true irreligious westerners will not see any reason why they should stand on the way of homosexuals who want to get marry whereas other will thwart this endeavor. Even then, it was a tabooed thing and still resented irrespective of the fact that some persons capitalize on this to have deviants' vote them in their election campaign

In the same vein, if it were discovered that the men and women were homosexuals, they were considered as outcast. Having sexual orientation to people of one's sex was therefore a hidden secret no one ever heard of it till those person died. Having said this, it was rumored that in the Hausa society, having homosexual activities were accepted for ritualistic purposes. This was exacerbated by the Sharia laws where men and women were not supposed to be together in the public and young girls had to be given to marriage. When it came to public transport women were supposed to take separate buses from men. In this ethnic group it was erroneously alleged that homosexual act made men to be rich. It was similar to the belief in some primitive societies in Southern Africa that having dalliance with a virgin or infants cured persons who were HIV positive. 

Fear of Parturition may create Lesbians. 
Where it was the case of the woman being homosexual, lesbian in the Nso ethnic society of the former British Cameroons, the woman was given a husband and elders supervised him having dalliance with his new wife. It was to ascertain that the act of procreation took place appropriately. Also, there were apprehensions that some women would not have contact with men for fear of parturition. So, there are isolated cases where women remained single, sexless and never had children for fear of childbirth pains. Similarly, if a man was suspected or discovered to be a homophile, he was similarly given a wife and the elders sat on vigil by the matrimonial bedside to ascertain that coitus was correctly performed and they made a child (vide: my old Shadows of Fire) that was written to store Nso fast-dying custom as a continuous narrative. At this juncture, it should be made clear that there were no pornographic videos, obscene films or pictures in those days that could be used to teach would-be parents who had not passed through the Western sort of education as today. Today, gathering information on sexual activities and dissemination of such information  among unprotected youths where texting and exchange of pornographic materials is relatively not prohibited or cannot be controlled have made sex education easier than before. Commercials on CNN and other North American media teach children obscenity as soon as they are able to under stand commercial language. They figure out what "Cialis or Viagra are for when the moment is ripe." But do these prevent or encourage MSMs and WSWs?

With the some societal negative views of homosexuality, one grew up to die in some African communities without coming across a homosexual or heard it being discussed. The nearest thing one heard being discussed in biology classes were hermaphrodites.  Anthropologists from the West who came to Africa to find out this deviant sexual activities gathered no information or witnessed nothing to their dismay. They would not come come across homosexuality but heterosexuality. I read Nigel Barley's book, The Innocent Anthropologist: Notes for a Mud Hut, 1983, British Museum Publication, a best-seller in which he was inquiring from youths in Northern Cameroon when a bull was trying to mount a bull for the children’s reaction. He was not far to use the animistic examples as some males animals used this to settle scores such as some dwarf chimpanzees, lions, dolphins, and so on He was trying to elicit from them if there was such a thing in their society, Dowayos. He had to concluded that Africans were not used to homosexuality. His conclusion was drawn from a very small sample and his findings could have been taken with a pinch of salt.

Homosexuality and Economic Ramification
Furthermore, the society saw people or siblings as money. We still see them today as wealth. The economic graph for this may be different if quality is taken into consideration. The higher the population of a nation state, the higher its demand for goods and services, therefore the more wealth such an economy generated. On the quality of population, what may be considered as one poor family of four's economic consumption in Canada or North America may be equated to thirty families in some parts of Africa and S. E. Asian.  Apart from looking at it from the strength of consumption of commodities, if one were to invest in China or India the most populous nations on earth, one was likely to get good returns than say one where the population was scanty. If there were to be war or famine or any pandemic or epidemic diseases where millions were dying, the chances were that Chinese were to survive and would still  wax on unlike say Botswana that was only up to 2 098,018 (July 2012 est.) inhabitants.  If say there were pandemic diseases in the later, the entire population was likely to be wiped out and that would have been a sad day for that nation state. [This is just hypothetical and I should not be cited as a blogger wishing this to happen. This state is a good example where the income per capital is perhaps one of the highest in Africa owing to it production of diamonds (leading producer in the world) and it is a success story].In that case, if the people were not sexually productive, it was the concern of a caring society. 

Big family equals big demand plus productivity
Furthermore, if one was to have more children, one was to be spurred to work hard to bring them up the right way without leaving them to strain themselves. In some primitive societies, the grand size of your family became your wealth and consequently that of you society. Well, Westerners have to consider having a large family or scaling it down and having more money in their pockets for their homes or jalopies. The consequence has been a drastic shortage of labor in countries like Canada, Germany, and Switzerland to name just a few. They had to make up for this by exporting their industrial activities abroad or importing provisional or permanent labor forces from developing countries. The defect of importing ephemeral labor is that the workers tend not to invest in their new countries.  Secondly, they caused brain drainage and that could in the long run lead to more and more leaving their countries of origin to emigrate to Europe and North America. This attitude of getting foreign workers and consequences were demonstrated in Uganda where the British Colonial government brought in East Indians to work in the construction of the then British East African railways and work in fields. They eventually settled and did not wholehearted considered their host countries as theirs after some third or so generations. They were repatriating their wealth to their original mother country India and called themselves British Indians. In consequence the infamous General Idi Amin Dada (1971-1979), President of Uganda took drastic measures to repatriate Asians, particularly Indians and Pakistanis to leave in 90 days’ time to their original homes and that caused hardship and bitter feelings. Many of those expelled ended up in Canada and Great Britain but they still feel or saw Uganda as their home irrespective of having homes in Canada, UK, Australia and USA. Some eventually returned to Uganda with the coming of a democratic government of a level-headed President Yoweri Museveni.

Canada subtly solves its shortage of skill labor by importing semiskilled laborers from India and Pakistan and this is causing a stir in some service industries as banking and catering. The locals are deliberately kept out of jobs and foreigners who are paid a pittance are employed. The author knows of a Canadian trained PhD specialist in heat-seeking missiles who had been unemployed for donkey years. Bringing in semi skilled aliens to take up Canadian jobs is not taken lightly by the unemployed Canadian citizens. In the case of the USA, jobs are exported abroad as it is cheaper to pay foreign workers than to employ the locals. Also, locals can afford to stay unemployed for long as the one family-two-children-unannounced policy meant that the siblings could rely on the income of the parents for long and could also dictate to the employers the sort of jobs they want and even salaries. In the long run that will not be good for the Canadian economy that had to be competitive.    ....If it was defense, economic productivity, and demand for labor and so on, you were to provide positively.  Therefore, the society approved of what you were doing. On the contrary, if you were a homosexual, the society felt that you were not to be productive as they saw no motivation from the familial part of your life. You were considered like gypsies who roamed around and were not productive to higher capacity as the society expected them. For a homosexual or lesbian, the society would observed that after you, that is if you died from whatever causes, there was the end of your world and no one to succeed. It became a ridiculous situation where selfish individuals dedicated their wills to their pets and most critical societies did not take that kindly.  

Would homosexuals and lesbians be exonerated if they adopt heterosexual children?
Even if you adopted children, there was that feeling that you will not give in wholeheartedly to their upbringing as if they were your biological children. Serious studies have not been carried out on this and it is still at the state of wait-and-see before conclusions are drawn.  I am seeing many readers objecting to this as they may have successful cases lining up. They are telling me that we need to redefine the family as known naturally. Indeed, there were successes of pseudo-families, as there will be of homosexuals bringing up children or their pets but successes measured in terms of a true family made up of father, mother and children will not be there. If they are there, they are artificial and some sort of strain is left in the hearts and minds of the children who are unfortunately brought up by such a pseudo-families of MSM or WSW.  

It had been observed that some adopted children did not perform well in schools and often had the feeling is some cases that they were being mistreated because they were adopted or considered as not being biological children. They had seen that few or no homosexuals would die for such children. Often, where such children had the means, the quit such families when they had the slightest opportunity. I know of a case in London, UK where the adopted would not even attend the funeral of one of his adopted parents for reasons that they were too hawkish towards him.  Some children would not address their adopted parents as PAPA in the case of MSMs and mama in the case of WSWs as in a normal case, the moment they discovered that they had natural parents somewhere. Also, the children under their care did not feel that attachment as in their biological parents. 

Additionally, the society felt that homosexual were selfish even though they advance the so-called scientific feelings that they were born the way they were. As said as recently as in 1992 there were still some physicians who believed that homosexuals were deviant patients and all sorts of psychological means were used to try to cure them.  Another intrigue was their lifestyle that was not conforming to what the society from a normal or a decent person. The society observes them and found out that they did not have a single partner they anchor to with whom they stayed for long till they die. They were promiscuous and changed partners at random and such behaviors put them on harm's way. Where children were entrusted in their care, even after knowing that those children were heterosexuals, they still tried hard to wore them into what others call sodomy. This was and is still true of teachers who are homosexuals or lesbians. This was not taken lightly and it is for this reasons that the debate over mixing normal and homosexual boys and girls guides in the USA is causing a stir. 
Putting all cards on the the table to be accepted and scouting
The patients or homosexuals are doing all they can to be accepted in the community of normal persons and would do anything out of desperation to be accepted. Should they work hard for this if they are naturally born the way they are? They may be given green light as is apparently the case. Does it imply that they were not to be tempted not to woo normal children into their net for sexual gratifications? This type of pervert is called a child molester. Would you give him room to lead your boy guides because you sympathize with the way he was "born"? He fully knows that the children or men he wants to woo are normal yet he goes on.  Will he be fair or shall we sit by and witch because we want to get him into the realm of normal persons? That is another point of contention that must be debated. It is for this reason that parents must ensure that normal persons are in scouting camps and jamborees and not to be hoodwinked. It should be mentioned here that some persons may join the scouting movement as their way of getting more gay friends. Nothing wrong in this but that will negate the purpose of scouting and scout movement. It is not a forum designed for like sexes to chum up. It is not a bar or ballroom dance where songsters ululate beguines and people looking for sexual gratifications congregate. In the modern set up when it concerned sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) homosexuals, men having sex with men, (MSM) were seen to harbor or distribute more of these than heterosexual men and women That triggered the question why if the children entrusted in their hands will not copy what they were doing and similarly become promiscuous. 

Some MSM marriages are morganatic and a travesty of marriage as found in the New Testament
This is a strong statement that me underline my that I am not a proponent irrespective of some sympathy demonstrated. It was also considered that MSM relentless fight to have legality of their wedding approved was simply for economic partnership and not in the real matrimonial sense we have in most heterosexual relationship. Some still continued having partners outside their wedding domain. It was therefore in consequential to equate their marriage to that of normal persons or heterosexuals. To be on the safe side and for our record, we will call it economic cum sexual union of MSMs or WSWs.  ....When pushing hard on this question of homosexuality particularly when it comes to lesbianism, some persons argue that most women are lesbians and that prior to getting married they would have lesbian affairs with other girls. In the society that may be considered as primitive, it had been observed by the grandees that some women were shy or feared men and the only way to do away with pusillanimity was to give away their girls in marriage at an earlier age. This is the case in some African and Islamized societies. Also, where there is bride price, the parents want to ascertain that they get some money for having raised their girls. In that case it was to their advantage to get the girls chum up with the right male suitors they wanted that were eligible financially.  It means someone who was to pay for their bride price. A woman suitor was not likely to pay this sort of money. In societies under consideration, women were not generally rich. You will not have rich women in any primitive Islamic society as one, they do not allow their women to venture engaged in some trade or education that will liberate them. Therefore, there was no question of getting women to pay for bride price so as to marry other women. In that case lesbianism, if at all it existed was only confined in the harems and not outside. 

End word
These issues were similarly examined in the past and it was concluded that homosexuality was not good for the society and their future was relatively guaranteed.  When it came to defense, men and women fought gallantly to defend their children, and hence their society. If there were no children people were fighting to leave their tradition with, there was lack or no incentive in fighting and they ended up being in the jaws of their enemy. If there were children to inherit property, the owners worked harder with the belief that in the end, the children were not to leave their wealth and start from scratch or go about begging. They were further motivated to put in their best performances. These attitudes were good for the economy in which they lived and the world at large. You are now seeing what motivated the NAZI party in Hitler’s Germany to go on the rampage of homosexuals and other ne'er-do-wells in their societies. [Once more dear readers, by making this statement, I am not suggesting that it should be the case in the modern society of the 21st century. It is for us to understand what might have spurred the killing and hatred of the homosexuals in some societies so that such should never ever happen]. 

Having made these statements, most Western Churches that follow the Holy Bible on which most of the Western laws are pivoted, did not and still grudgingly do not approve of homosexual activities. Some states  will even imprison those promoting homosexual propaganda as in Russia today Nevertheless, they may be  accepted as sort of mavericks. The wedding of two healthy men (MSM) in France a couple of days ago to the chagrin of many was considered as anathema.  Finally, there are certain things man will be forced  or inveigled to accept but deep within him, he is convinced that they are all wrong and he will stand stoically by his convictions till he is called to heaven. Still to many, homosexuality is one of them. Modern states, vogue, some religions, or philosophies, or inveiglers may advocate euthanasia, homosexuality and abortion, and may use their persuasive skills as some persons in jurisprudence do, vice, force or buy reasoning peoples to side with them and their apparent contradictory views, nevertheless, the naked truth is that deep in their hearts, minds and prayers, they will never be in favor of their action or equate their union with holy matrimony as sanctified by God. It will never be wholehearted voted for even when it even comes to rotten boroughs. I will join those who refuse to join this queue of the modern savants irrespective of all persuasions, threats, cajoles, and worldly sympathies that are detached from God who loves the examined, believers, none-believers and sinners. As persons proven to be born that way beyond reasonable doubts and scientifically proven, I will stand by them.  When it comes to marriage sacrament as in the true church instituted by Jesus Christ, I will love them as my brothers and sisters and never their perverse sexual activities. 

Viban Viban Ngo, PhD.
[PS: As this is still a drafted treatise, readers citing or reviewing it may have to acknowledge or seek the consent of the author.]

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