The caption is derived from a title of a write-up to be precise a long treatise by Kim Gordon (www.capitalcitycourier.org) whose theme I am familiar with and have dwelt upon in the past and in an article featuring in my blog posted not long ago. It should be crystal clear that you do not tell your maker, God or whoever you conceive Him to be, to make you of any color or gender and so on and so forth. So to be worried about color in the 21st century tells me that something is awry some where in the history of man on earth. Having said this, there are still pockets of fears by black peoples. It should be the goal of all peace-loving persons to destroy this fear as briefly outlined below.
What I see being miss-defined as color is the economic status of some individuals. To tell me that a rich African-American football player will be worried by color is far-fetched. When it comes to love or love partnership, call it marriage, he can marry anyone he wants of any nationality, color or gender as it is in vogue today. What may influence his choice may be cultural. There are no color barriers as before 1967 in the USA and South Africa. Therefore, I am going to reiterate what I have said and my feelings as per this sticking subject matter.
First of all, I would implore you to be kind enough to direct the author and interested persons to read my book, WHO IS AFRICAN AMERICAN: CROSSING RACIAL BARRIERS. I have answered this burning question posed by the author of the Undercover Brother whose review is cited below besides discussing in some fair amount of detail what the psychiatrist Dr. Franz Fanon (1967), the writer of BLACK SKIN, WHITE MASKS has discussed way back in 1952. Fanon cited Aime Cesaire (page 124) his contemporary in this poem:
...But those without whom the earth would not be
the earth
Tumescence all the more fruitful
the empty land
still more the land
Storehouse to guard and ripen all
on earth that is most earth
My blackness is not stone, its deafness
hurled against the clamor of the day
My blackness is drop of lifeless water
on the dead eye of the world
My blackness is neither a tower nor a cathedral
It thrusts into the red flesh of the sun
It thrust into the burning flesh of the sky
It hollows through the dense dismay of its own
pillar of patience.
...But those without whom the earth would not be
the earth
Tumescence all the more fruitful
the empty land
still more the land
Storehouse to guard and ripen all
on earth that is most earth
My blackness is not stone, its deafness
hurled against the clamor of the day
My blackness is drop of lifeless water
on the dead eye of the world
My blackness is neither a tower nor a cathedral
It thrusts into the red flesh of the sun
It thrust into the burning flesh of the sky
It hollows through the dense dismay of its own
pillar of patience.
I have come to the conclusion that the origin of human color pigmentation in biological studies should be taught in all schools, colleges and other institutes of higher learning. Furthermore, It should be stressed that the blacks were the first to people the earth (not of their making) and any other person on earth is connected to the BLACK PERSON.
I see many naive readers who may dine with Adolf Hitler frowning at this proven statement. By virtue of age of blacks on earth, ideally, all persons should emulate the BLACKS and not the other way round. Do not rush to draw conclusions from the above statement but read on. Then the colonial Caucasians with their colonialism, doctrine of the the survival of the fittest fanned by Charles Darwin (read On the Origin of Species (1859) and other schools of thoughts, slavery and superiority in the economic and industrial fields, appear to make aspiring to be BLACK like making a wrong choice. I will be wrong to lead any person to follow blacks or whites or yellows the three prototypes of man on earth. No one should aspire to take anyone as a prototype as all are equal be they of any color, height, gender, religious or philosophical inclinations.
However, it should be known that you cannot grow under cold climates without shading some of your black color and eventually losing it all together. I am not insinuating that you use chemicals as some low class persons do this, as your skin will do this inadvertently and eventually your genes will take over that determinism. Similarly, a Caucasian cannot come to live in the tropics without building dark tan. That for millions of years will fashion his genes to produce a dark skinned Caucasian, hence we have East Indians, Fulani, Ethiopian types, many living in S. E. Asia and others looking the way they do today. In the same vein, dark skinned turned pinkish as its way to adapt to the cold climates. It is not a one day process but millennial.
Let me underline, that there is no difference between persons of any color on earth. Or do not assume that because you are homo sapient you are biologically better than a dog or a rat. Even when you are born black you should be happy as chances of you having cancer of the skin as some Caucasians are slim. Under this, when it concerns health in certain cases, I rather be dark skinned than being others. That is a wishful thinking as we do not get up to say to our parents to chum up with persons A or B so that we will be born looking like persons C. We may one day do this with the wizardry of biological mechanics I have discussed elsewhere in work yet to be published. So to look down or up any persons because of their colors is rather myopic and moronic. So I am pleading with you not to deny him job because he is white, black, yellow, mixed but consider if he or she is competent to execute the task you expect to be carried out. We should be happy and not throw our siblings in the bins because they are not as what we wanted them to be. We should not abort them because we have done scanning and seen that they will be girls and girls are not wanted as say in China and some African states. Others in the past got rid of them because they were albinos or malformed. They are all equal and should have a place on earth or Mars or any other planet we will people in the future.
What we may discuss as a separate topic is plastic surgery done by persons of any color to get themselves accepted or loved. I see this stirred by nervousness and the clientele is dominated by women as a way of trying to rejuvenate themselves and fool onlookers. It should be known that we cannot rejuvenate the genes, reduce or increase our ages to look what we are not naturally. For those who yearn to change their color to be accepted for fear of rejection by the dominant white color, as in this citation by Gordon, (ibidem),
are offered to those who deny their
Blackness, another thing that causes
some to not want to be Black is fear.
Fear of ridicule, fear of being singled
out, fear of being rejected. And the
fear sometimes cripples a person to
the point of wanting to disappear
into the outer society through either
“conscious” passing or “unconscious” passing. “Conscious”
passing occurs when a light-skinned
Black person consciously erases all
traces of Blackness by straightening the hair, lightening the skin,
etc. and pretends to be White in
order to blend in with White society.
“Unconscious” passing occurs when
a Black person of any shade attempts
to blend in by taking on all of the
outer characteristics and trappings
of White society. They dress White,
talk White, marry White, and in all
ways completely ignore any signs
that they might be Black. Eventually, the “unconscious” passers even
begin to talk negatively about Blacks,
totally forgetting the fact that they
are, themselves, Black. They write
books and host radio shows spouting off every negative stereotype they
can think of about us. There are several who make it into the public eye,
mainly because they’re the ones the
mainstream media and the politicians
like to trot out whenever they want a
“Black” opinion...and a good laugh..."
I have this to say to you: For those having plastic surgery or enhancement of pigmentation, externally they may change, look youthful and handsome or beautiful but their ages are still the same internally. We are in this case like a ptarmigan that looks grey in spring and white in winter but still the same bird under different colored feathers. This changes of color is a survival strategy that manifests on man but takes thousands of years as above explained. African Americans feel that they are being discriminated or are being discriminated because most of them are not as economically stable as their Caucasians brothers and sisters. What happens if the reverse were true? Would Caucasians and others feel that they were being discriminated against by Africans or peoples of African descent? What I will encourage is to imitate scientific knowledge that brings progress of whoever you like of any color and even outdistance them in whatever they have or have had. That is the stuff that will make our world grow to a better perspective. We should all be happy with the color we have, accommodate all that live on earth and even those we aspire to bring from Mars and any other extraterrestrial sphere irrespective of how they look, reason or the amount of wealth they have.
Finally, by keeping on exhuming the color superiority or inferiority or the preferred color of all earthlings by gullible persons, an aspect I feel not as being pivoted on economics, we are not looking ahead but bringing uncalled-for mayhem on earth. Have we forgotten why we had that civil war in the USA? We are smarter than that.