Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Forwarded UNPO Newsletter

It is good to learn that there is an organization over there that remembers our fallen heroes and heroines. Of particularly interest is the mentioning of Ken Saro Wiwa's story of Nigeria. It is a story that invokes memories of Pius Njawe of the Cameroun and many more.
Dr. VN

UNPO Newsletter
Newsletter October 2010

Dear UNPO Members and Friends,

Gandhi Day and International Day of Nonviolence, celebrated on October 2nd reminded us of our commitment to nonviolence, one of the 6 core tenets of UNPO. On October 8th, jailed Chinese democracy activist Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize for two decades of nonviolent struggle for human rights. UNPO commends the decision, since it underlines the lack of protection of human rights, which should not be forsaken for economic growth.

On October 24th the United Nations celebrated its 65th Anniversary. Yet the issue of those whose voices are excluded from its halls remains pressing. Despite its successes in many areas, the United Nations system has ultimately failed to adapt to changing global realities. Many have highlighted this anniversary as a day to celebrate the accomplishments of the United Nations; UNPO, however, marks this as a day on which we resolve to do more to bring the voices of the unrepresented to the UN system.

An important development this month was the United States’ reconsideration of its position towards the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, having voted against it at the U.N. more than three years ago. The Declaration confirms the fundamental rights and freedoms of indigenous peoples across the world, and whilst this marks a huge step forward, the document remains not legally binding.

Thirty-eight Mapuche political prisoners continued their hunger strike to draw attention to the leveling of their villages for forestry enterprise. Many Mapuche were arrested on arson and destruction of property charges after the Chilean government sold a large portion of their land to forestry companies, allegedly without their consent. In the first week of October, 24 of the prisoners ended their strike following partial reform to the legislation after pressure from Amnesty International and the United Nations on the Chilean Government. But 14 prisoners remain in Chilean hospitals, continuing the protest fast until all Pinochet-era anti-terrorism laws are repealed.

Significantly, UNPO has been admitted to a prestigious coalition of Dutch NGOs in whose meetings UNPO will have the opportunity to feed into Dutch policy decision making processes, extending our influence to the newly formed government and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs as well as with Dutch embassies worldwide.

On a bittersweet note we like to remind you that it has been 15 years since the execution of Ken Saro Wiwa and this will be commemorated on November 10th. This tragic event will be marked by inspirational festivities intended to celebrate the life and accomplishments of Ken Saro Wiwa who was a truly remarkable leader and gave his life for the cause. UNPO is functioning as chair of a Dutch coalition for the commemoration of Ken Saro-Wiwa's life and campaigns. A public gathering outside the Dutch Parliament will take place followed by a concert "Standing Before History" featuring the internationally renowned singer Nneka. The events will be held in The Hague, The Netherlands, and we would like to invite you all to extend this information to your networks, particularly to those people who would like to be a part of witnessing the commemoration and are able to come to The Hague. Please also visit the website UNPO has designed for the event: www.CleanTheNigerDelta.org

Best wishes and kind regards,

Marino Busdachin

UNPO General Secretary


1 October

Panel discussion on 'Humanitarian Interaction with Armed Non-State Actors'

International Press Center, Brussels, Belgium

UNPO Meeting with Simon Zoltan and Joana Triana on Balochistan

European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

UNPO Meeting with Toby King

European Commission, Brussels, Belgium

2 October

Celebrations Gandhi Day

The Hague, The Netherlands

Gandhi Night with GHRD and City of The Hague

4 October

UNPO Meeting with Bogdan Deleanu regarding Balochistan

European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

Panel Discussion on 'The Emerging Role of Civil Society in Burma/Myanmar'

Brussels, Belgium

5 October

Public debate with José Ramos-Horta, President of East-Timor on Peace and Democracy in Burma

European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

During this debate on the road to Peace and Democracy in Burma, several important figures held a contributory speech. Among them were of course José Ramos-Horta: President of East Timor and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Joseph Daul who is Chair of the EPP Group on the European Parliament, US Ambassador to the EU William Kennard and Catherine Ashton in the function of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The debate ended with a roundtable on the "Views on the developments in Burma" which was moderated by MEPs Jose Ignacio Salafranca and Elmar Brok.

For more details, please see click here.

6 October

UNPO Meeting with Mr Khan and MEP Jean Lambert

European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

7 October

UPR NGO round table discussion

Geneva, Switzerland UNPO's Maggie Murphy attended the UPR NGO roundtable discussion feeding in UNPO’s experience with the UPR process since 2006 and offering recommendations for its reform based on UNPO Member experiences.

Current Cross-Strait Relations and Prospects for the Future

Brussels, Belgium

8 October

UNPO Meeting with International Service for Human Rights

Geneva, Switzerland

Maggie Murphy met with ISHR representatives to discuss UNPO’s involvement in Treaty Bodies and to discuss the situation of the Ogaden and Oromo Members.

UNPO Meeting with international Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims

Geneva, Switzerland

Maggie Murphy met with the Geneva head of IRCTV to discuss UNPO’s involvement in the forthcoming session of the Committee Against Torture, and in particular our plans to bring an Ogaden victim to speak at Ethiopia’s examination.

UNPO Meeting with Graham Fox, Assistant to UN Independent Expert on Minority Issues

Geneva, Switzerland

Maggie Murphy met with the senior advisor to the UN Independent Expert of Minority Issues. She discussed the 3rd Session of the UN Forum on Minority Issues for which UNPO is bringing a large delegation. She also discussed the situation of the Khmer Krom and Degar (Montagnards) in Viet Nam.

UNPO Meeting with Human Rights House Foundation

Geneva, Switzerland

Maggie Murphy met with HRHF representatives to discuss UNPO’s involvement in Treaty Bodies and to discuss the situation of the Ogaden and Oromo Members in particular.

UNPO Meeting with Borys Brzezinski regarding Balochistan

European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

UNPO Meeting with Mr. Gaston Lion on the Mapuche

Brussels, Belgium

11 October

UNPO Meeting with Office of Norica Nicolai MEP regarding Balochistan

European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

Seminar Carnegie Europe: 'US Democracy Policy Under Obama: Rebalancing or Retreat?'

Brussels, Belgium

UNPO Meeting with Gaston Lion & Ana Miranda Paz regarding Mapuche

Brussels, Belgium

UNPO Meeting with Mr. Mehmet Tohti (East Turkestan Representative)

Brussels, Belgium

UNPO Meeting with Mr. Mohamud Daar (Somaliland Representative)

Brussels, Belgium

UNPO Meeting with Mr. Abdul Hamid Khan (Gilgit-Baltistan Representative)

Brussels, Belgium

12 October

Broad Human Rights Meeting (BMO)

The Hague, The Netherlands

In light of the newly formed Dutch Government and the role of NGO's and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in human rights issues, the following topics were discussed: the Dutch Human Rights Strategy, a possible 4 year plan from the Ministry and the concept governing agreement.

Cooperation with NGOs was considered valuable for they have expertise concerning some countries or themes.

13 October

UNPO Meeting with US Embassy regarding Iran

The Hague, The Netherlands

Maggie Murphy met with a senior policy advisor at the US Embassy, informing him of the situation in Iran for minority groups. She attended with Ahwazi Arab representative Mr. Abdolsallam Hasennezhad Nesi.

14 October

Extraordinary Meeting of AFET, DEVE and DSAS on Pakistan

European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

UNPO distributed a concise and effective briefing note on the situation facing all Pakistan’s provinces and occupied territories in advance of the meeting convened by the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET), Development Committee (DEVE) and the Delegation for Relations with South Asia (DSAS). The success of this initiative is being utilized on a national level with the ongoing discussions on Pakistan.

18 October

UNPO Meeting with Mr. Mehmet Tohti (East Turkestan Representative)

Brussels, Belgium

21 October

UNPO Meeting with Mr. Rokas & Ms. Lane

European Commission, Brussels, Belgium

22 October

UNPO Meeting with Ms. Abbey Faugus (African Rights Monitor)

Brussels, Belgium

25 October

"Somalia & Somaliland: living apart together"

Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Andrew Swan represented UNPO in a discussion on Somalia and Somaliland concerning the topics: piracy, Islamic militants, the independence declaration of Somaliland, the lack of recognition and how the diaspora can make a positive contribution. For more details, please click here.

UNPO Attends at CEDAW

Geneva, Switzerland

UNPO's Caroline de Bruin and Dominic Wall, along with representatives of Ethiopia’s Ogaden minority, attended the Pre-Sessional Working Group of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women in Geneva (CEDAW).

26 October

Conference Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP): Geneva Call Fact-Finding Mission

Geneva, Switzerland

UNPO’s Caroline de Bruin attended the public discussion on Fact-finding during Armed Conflict. The Conference discussed 2009 Verification Mission to the Philippines to investigate allegations of Anti-Personnel landmine use by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). As decided at the 11th Session of the UNPO Presidency, which took place 25-27 September 2010 in Geneva, the MILF have been granted UNPO Membership.

Myths of Nuclear Power - A Guide

European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

UNPO attend event support by the Heinrich Boell Foundation with Rebecca Harms MEP and Fiona Hall MEP in attendance.

Building a Liberal Europe - The ALDE project

European Parliament, Brussels Belgium

UNPO attends book launch of Graham Watson’s latest work, Building a Liberal Europe - The ALDE project’. Mr Watson has been a past supporter of UNPO initiatives in the European Parliament.

27 October

UNPO Attends Meeting of Delegation for Relations with South Asia

European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

Meeting sets forward proposed timetable for 2011 delegation visits to Pakistan.

28 October

UNPO Attends Meeting of Delegation for Relations with Iraq

European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

Meeting notes desire for a hearing on the situation facing ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq.

UNPO Meeting with Cultural Department of the Indian Embassy

Brussels, Belgium

5 November

International NGO Network Meeting

The Hague, The Netherlands

7 November

Elections will be held in Burma

10 November

15th Anniversary of the Execution of Ken Saro Wiwa

UNPO and Dutch coalition (chaired by UNPO) kick-off their commemoration of Ken Saro Wiwa’s life and campaigns, focusing on progress made and future strategies for change.

Niger Delta Public Gathering outside the Dutch parliament

The Hague, the Netherlands

A public rally and debate will take place involving key stakeholders related to the ongoing environmental crisis in the Niger Delta.

Concert: “Standing Before History” in memory of Ken Saro Wiwa

The Hague, the Netherlands

At the invitation of UNPO, internationally renowned singer, Nneka will perform in The Hague to raise awareness about the life and work of Ken Saro-Wiwa.

More information will be available upon emailing info@cleanthenigerdelta.org or by going to the new website www.cleanthenigerdelta.org

23 November

Broad Human Rights Meeting (BMO) hosted by HIVOS

The Hague, The Netherlands

10 December

International Human Rights Day

Tulip Award for Human Rights Defenders

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands

Ms Rebiya Kadeer, President of the World Uyghur Congress, is among the list of nominees put forward, following a concerted campaign by UNPO to win support from national and European deputies.


Kashgar Conference

European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium


Gilgit Baltistan Conference

Brussels, Belgium

Sponsored by Jurgen Creutzmann MEP the conference will examine the human rights and political situation in Gilgit-Baltistan and the impact of recent flooding.

Member Profiles

Please note that UNPO is continuing in its efforts to improve the quality and availability of information about our Members. We aim to have several new member profiles completed by November, all of which will be freely accessible on our website and are becoming an increasingly used and distributed resource by UNPO and its partners in Brussels, Geneva, and The Hague.

Please visit UNPOs new website!


As a result of discussions over several months about how to improve the UNPO website, we were pleased last month to be able to welcome you to visit our new website. If you have not yet seen the new site, we encourage you to have a look at the new site. We are sure you will agree that it is clearer, more professional and has better capacity to better represent your views.

UNPO Donations

UNPO is marking its 20th anniversary in February 2011 and celebrating it throughout the year. The festivities to remember and celebrate UNPO and its members over the past 20 years will take place throughout the year. We kindly ask you to make a donation, so that these plans can be fulfilled.

UNPO is a not-for-profit organization and relies on membership fees, grants and donations, which help the organization sustain its work and activities. Click here to make a donation.

November Newsletter

Please send us your agendas for the coming months so that we can include them in our diary. For any information please feel free to contact the UNPO Secretariat at unpo@unpo.org
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About the Author: Viban Viban NGO, a Canadian You may contact him for further information by writing to him on Email vibanngo@yahoo.com URL http://www.flagbookscanadainternationalinc.com