Brain-washed hooded ladies of Saudi Arabia: They will like to show off their legs, faces, hair and arms but their men will make their lives living hell. Liberating them is a task that must be done
Still in the desert land, with time both the inhabitants here came up with a better way to cover themselves once in a sandstorm or under normal conditions. They came out with flowing gowns and head scarfs. Women came with the burqas for women as it was economical and easily sewn. It covered them from the scotching radiance of the sun and dust. There were nothing wrong with these. They were used before the conception and writing of the Quran some stoics allege governs the dressing code of Muslim women hitherto. Wrong!!! Even women who were non-Muslim believers of those regions wore headscarves. In the Christian churches, the Blessed Virgin Mary is often depicted with a headscarf and nuns who emulate her cover there heads too.
If in the past there were moon glasses, what you now call sunglasses and cork-caps available, women of those desert regions would not have been wearing the burqas made of cotton or animal skins. The explanation by some persons that it the wearing of the burqas by women is enshrined in the Glorious Quran is fantastic, unfounded and misleading. As stated, the climatic conditions of the region where Islam was founded made this possible and not the belief. Let what I am saying be crystal clear and not be read out of context. I am not saying this to put down Islam but to let us see the truth and nothing else but the gospel truth.
I have other illustrations from elsewhere. You cannot live in the tundra zone and do not cover yourself during a snow storm or in winter in a special way as dictated by the prevailing climatic conditions. You do not only cover your head and feet but the entire body. If a religion were to be founded in that arctic land, I bet, the founders would be crazy if they insist that followers in the tropic wear the same clothing as they do under subzero temperatures as marks of their outward allegiance to their faith. They would be cumbersome, outlandishly uncomfortable and hot. Wear that in Lagos or Douala or Mombai and you could be roasted from heat.
In some third world countries government ministers out of bogus formalities wear woolen suits under very hot climatic conditions. The only way for them to keep these on is to cruise in 4x4 air conditioned vehicles and only work in air-conditioned offices. They do not count the cost as they take tax payers' money to pay for all these yet they cannot afford to clean cholera prostituted drinking water or plan and clean the streets of cities they inherited from the colonialists.
The irony is that these masked women are admiring naked pictures of liberated Western girls. The truth is that given opportunity most of them would like to be freed too. Has anyone ever been born without his birthday suit? They constantly fear recrimination from their communities.
In addition, if beliefs were founded in those hot tropical regions, there will be no tangible reasons their founders would insist on their followers, women or men to wear garbs that cover them from head to toe. Indeed, before the coming of Europeans a good number of Africans in tropical conditions simply tied some material to cover their genitalia. The Indians in some isolated communities of Amazon still do this. So do the pygmies in some parts of Ituri forest in D.R. Congo and the forested regions of southern Cameroon.
Leave your woolen suit on as you fly in from New York to any Western African International airports... Land at these airports and you will feel like a fish out of water. Unless you are not normal, you will be so hot. The next thing to do is to yearn to wear shirtsleeves or convenient garbs and ideally shorts or short skirts.
Further, when people want to ride on others, for their sexual gratification, above all members of the beliefs of the flesh, they bring all sorts of explanations for insisting that their women are clad that way. They cite books and pseudo-sciences to hammer in their points. I have read many who hammered their points to illustrate the inferiority of Africans when they wanted to exploit them. Those were in the dark days of slavery and slave trade. To some of them, the maltreatment of slaves was considered appropriate as it was believed that they were being civilized or got rid of their animalistic spirits of the so-called 'blacks'. Did we ever read the guide lines for the treatment of slaves by Mr. Lynch whose name gave us the despicable word to lynch? If you ever read the slave history of Southern USA you would not have missed this point! Was that right?
Men came from women and still do, why do some men believe that if they see the flesh of women they automatically become randy and want to poke those women? Do we run after women because out things (penises) stand? A man who would run after any women he sees with an exposed part of her body is just a brute and not a normal man. Such a man needs to be put in a mental asylum. Also, do men not know that women have the same sexual feelings like men? Do normal women run after men when they see them exposed? Is that what happens in nudists' beaches or some gentlemen night clubs? No. Why do some Arab men and those converted to Islam faith assume that only women could cloth their entire bodies and they gallivant bareheaded and bare-chested and go scotch free? Are men who follow the religion-of-the-flesh, that is those who insist on women being parceled from being seen by no other person but their husbands just? Can we say that they lack rational thinking or are decadent? We will love to read from them.
Also, if the very reverend sisters or nuns cover themselves, it is of their own accord and not coerced as the Arabs and Arabicized African women are. They are not forced but Islam women are forced by men who want to exercise their authority over them. They deny their women basic human rights: being educated in the Western ways, attending schools and colleges, driving vehicles, going about alone to do simply tasks as shopping most of you of other religious beliefs take for granted, working to be independent, etc. I think that they are demode and need to wake up instead of thinking like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram or Taliban. Naive ones will lie to you that they are not forced. They do not have a choice you the non-believers or believers have.
It will be recalled that during the war of independence in Algeria, Arab women concealed weapons in those juju clothes their fighters used to kill the French colonialists. They easily passed manned checkpoints with them. That was the advantage. They still do in Afghanistan, Israel and now that Osama Ben Laden is flushed out of Pakistan by the Americans soldiers all and sundry in the West need to be more vigilant when they see those masks-carrying women. Ideally, they have to be seriously screened electronically before they enter the subways, metros, public transport as they have not been trusted in the past and even today.
Readers, I am sure you will not want to subject your loved women or girlfriend to this sort of life for spurious 'religious' reasons. The God or Allah they strive to see for eternity is and of love. I do not think He will allow men to treat women that way and call it love. What those who advocate this dressing code are after is hatred of women. We call them misogynists. Women of those desert areas have been brainwashed. Their men see them only as sex commodities just as slave masters saw Africans in the past as cargoes to be exploited and nothing more. Would we in the 21st century want to subject women who are our mothers under this spartan and inhuman condition?It is the prerogative of all decent men and human right lovers in the entire world to tell all Muslim believers to set their women free. Women of the West and those of Africa, if you really remain apathetic to this, there will be a time when you all will be confined to the harems as nothing but sex objects. You must stand up for the rights of all the women in the world and not only those of your back yards or in your household. When all will be freed, you will be free.
Would you support the fact that your mother be hooded like Grassfields masqueraders because if men see any part of her flesh they would commit adultery by thought and deed? Do you think God who so loves you will entertain you subjecting women who are your mothers like that?
Similarly, slaves owners did not see it wrong maltreating their slaves. The world awoke from its slumber and saw that it was wrong and put a halt to it. If Westerners with more-seeing eyes do not stamp this out, as they did with slavery and slave trade of Africans in the 19th century, in the next fifty years the streets of Victoria and London, New York, Lagos, Brisbane, Tokyo, etc, will be full of black hooded women. We will turn in our graves because we sat silently and the fanatics believed that we were giving them the green light to turn women to doormats.
Recall that in the case of slavery and slave trade some Europeans slavers cited your Holy Bible where slaves were urged to obey their earthly masters. It was and still injustice and no level headed and God-fearing man should support the fact that Islamic women wear those burqas unless it is for health reasons. The French recently did a great job to ban those hooded women from their streets. In the Algerian war of independence from France, armed men wore those things and concealed deadly weapons in them that they used to wipe out French settlers. Men also disguised as women and wore them. Knowing now that fanatics do not hesitate to conceal bombs and other deadly weapons under those clothes, it should totally be banned from all Toms, Dicks and Harries irrespective of their political, religious or whatever inclination. There is no traditional African religion that subject women to that low position, perhaps it was owing to the climate that prevailed in Africa that did not call for all these. Women in most part of Africa walk stack naked and there were no rapes or they were not seen as sex objects for the gratification of randy men. No real African or citizen of the world should advocate the wearing of burqas. Women all over the world, it is your right to fight for the freedom of those who cannot be freed like you. You will remember that it was not long ago, male students in Oxford University did not even advocate that female students be enrolled to follow up courses like men. Male students burnt effigies of women in protest. They were all wrong. Today we do not only have female graduates and dons from Oxford University but there is not Western university that will bar women from attend any level of education and be free all over the world. In a nation state like Russia, there are even more women with doctorate degrees in pure sciences than men. Therefore why does the men in Muslim countries humiliate their women for spurious religious reasons?
ps: pass this on to any 'level headed' Islamic believer.