I was browsing Daniel Defoe's book which if you could not read in your school days, I would recommend that you read it today after the hurly-burly at work instead of playing video games so many persons are addicted to that scholarship is falling at an alarming rate in North America and other advanced parts of the world. In some parts, people only read to pass their high school examinations after which books of any genre become boring and are used as door wedges or discarded. It could be because of the e-versions but that is still far-fetched reason for most youths texting in awful shorthand English instead of reading. They should not for what people say over media are written in books and not in games. The internet is not the solution to all. It is a new comer and most of our inventions were before our artificial intelligence that blossomed in the 1980s.
The senseless destruction of nine African Americans by a youngling, called Dylann Roof age only 21 at Charleston Church, South Carolina in the holy of the holiest place of worship, is a very sad tragedy and perchance the tip of the iceberg if we are not vigilant and reconsider our stoic stance towards the possession of guns and weapons of mass destruction as our rights. Remember that right was when we were green and could not be protected by law enforcement officers. We are in the modern era and have to live and think in the modern way.
Let me cite William Shakespeare's Macbeth. Remember that "there is no art to find a mind's construction in the face" if not those who gave Mr. Roof the green light to possess a gun should have known the consequences in the hands of deranged racist. So back ground checking may not necessarily be a good measuring rod. Many like Roof still look at dark-skinned citizens of their beloved country as aliens who have come to take their jobs, their schools and government which if they were allowed to them singly, they would have been richer and their dream of creating a heaven on earth with the Caucasian race being the rulers materializing. That would be wrong. However, a negative of this caliber shows that a Satan like Adolf Hitler is born and not bred. Roof stated from his mouth that he does not like African Americans. We do not believe that he was schooled. Even if schooled at his age he got to know that to kill is wrong and there are consequences no matter his anger.
Ideally, it should be African Americans who should be angry or Africans in the continent of Africa who should be angry for Caucasians who came and changed the trajectory of their lives, economies and enslaved them in their homes and in diaspora not only for one decades but for 600 years. Instead they are not but are accommodating. Instead they are not angry for many of them know that Africa was the original home of man and man emigrated from there to the rest of the world. Therefore, for them to be angry with some Caucasians who do not understand and turn into devils for they do not want to know their history of their relationship with African Americans (for spurious economic reasons of using them as makers of their wealth in the past and then discarding them) is myopic. They need to be corrected and I challenge the American schools to teach the truth about the origin of man in the world and his spread to other continents from Africa. The teaching could halt creating misguided people like Roof. A lost sheep must be brought back to the flock and schooled to remain with the flock for the well-being of all and sundry. When found, there should be celebration. For that reason Africans turn out to forgive their Caucasians brothers and sisters when they are shot in the back and when they are killed while praying not only for themselves but for everyone, blacks, whites and yellows.
A man who wants to destroy you because you are born looking different from him is not only an evil man but a less intelligent man and we have to pray to God to convert him and educate him. We do not have to fear him but know he is not an enemy as Man Friday in Robinson Crusoe but would be our savior. On that note let us read the philosophical analysis of Daniel Defoe in chapter XVII of this children's classic.
“So little do we see
before us in the world, and so much reason have we to depend cheerfully upon
the great Maker of the world, that He does not leave His creatures as
absolutely destitute, but that in the worst circumstances they have always something
to be thankful for, and sometimes are nearer their deliverance than they image---nay,
are even brought to their deliverance by their means by which they seem to be
brought to their destruction.”
It is the African, the African American who will save the Caucasian who may hate him now for the way their Maker has made him to be the way his is and looks. He had stood by him in the past during internecine civil and World Wars we are all witnesses. The fact remains that in a billion years a Caucasian will never be an African American by virtue of differences of experiences which are ingrained in his genes. Even when he fakes to be African American, the rest are not happy with him for the assumption is that he or she is choosing a wrong and inferior side. Is it? Who set the criteria for the right side to be taken? If it is based on economic development who again set the standard? And why on earth do you think that your criteria is the best and must be followed?
The Caucasian would not devil for the Africans as Africans have done so for him by coercion. Yet Africans are never bitter but pray for them and for everybody to open their hearts to understand that where possible, all should share that wealth and remember that there is life after this one no matter how scientifically sophisticated we all are and not to strive to build that exclusionary and imaginary heaven on earth putting materialism at the forefront.
It should be clear that no African American will destroy his brother and sister, the Caucasian because of the color of their skin or because their great grand parents once used them as slaves and lynched them. That is why we see interracial marriages as never before and integration today. That is why we see peace in Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia) and South Africa today unlike when it was all ruled by Caucasians, the dream lands where minority whites were supreme over blacks of Mr. Roof who has shorten his life for a day of malicious fame by killing nine of his fellow country people. The African American, the African of mother Africa have a long long long long time ago forgiven the Caucasians. They are more forgiving that you cannot imagine as witnessed by the reconciliation commission in South Africa with the coming of black majority rule in 1994. The Caucasians had long admitted that slavery and slave trade or the maltreatment of a person as a second class citizens because of his or her color was not right since 1807. A bloody civil war in the USA was to stamp out racism, slavery and slave trade.To yearn for such wars in the 21st century is preposterous and cannot be allowed by all decent people on earth. We cannot allow that train of peace to be derailed by a frustrated killer who wants to bring in another killing of innocent people. Americans are too intelligent to act without reasoning and to bring down the fast economic, social, and political train that has changed the entire world for good because of a bunch of disgruntled persons who cannot reasons.
You will see that the wrong had been righted and that is why it was a Caucasian lady who even directed the police to arrest the suicidal Dylann Roof, the 21 year college drop-out who turned his economic frustration on his other citizens of the world and not to himself. Let us learn from this as voiced by Daniel Defoe. Peace brothers and sisters of all colors, race, and philosophical beliefs. Your are all related wherever you are in the world whether you believe it or not. This is the gospel truth. Remember, if we build this world on a sandy foundation of racial hatred, we would have done nothing since the abolition of slavery and slave trade and our children will have nothing to be proud of when we had long gone. God watches all of us, the believers and the agnostics and no one will bring our destruction. True African Americans are not novices in grief that made them strong to beat the troughs and crests of Atlantic Ocean waves to be in North America.