Saturday, January 9, 2016

Incompatibility of Relationship of continental African men and women in North America: Intrigues trending and other Stories

Incompatibility of Relationship of continental African men and women in North America: Intrigues trending and other Stories.

There is something called assimilation in politics defined as ‘the process of adapting or adjusting to the culture of a group or the state.’: Some Africans delude themselves when they do not believe it that when they are educated in the West and mingle with Westerners they eventually become assimilated and inadvertently or deliberately behave like Westerners.  This similarly applies to those educated in the Western norms and languages and have never stepped out of Africa. To see genuine Africans who have not been touched by outsiders and influenced is very rare and far between. The only differences may be in the level of their assimilation, thorough as in the former French, Spanish and Portuguese territories and less thorough in the ex-British colonies in Africa. Many may still speak their vernaculars, eat their traditional foodstuffs, wear their traditional garbs and outfits but their behaviors are those of Westerners. This erosion of what others call negritude, Africanness is sad for some social science scholars out to study pristine Africans in the wilderness as in the mid-1800s. As for those who reside in the West, when they marry people from Africa who have not been assimilated as they, so to say, they find them not only peculiar but incompatible. In brief, the newly-arrived are not comfortable as they would be with spouses brought and bred back in Mother Africa. In some cases, this leads to friction and eventual separation or divorce of married couples. The feelings by some are that they have married jerks.

[The above is an introduction of a document of 15 pages. Interested readers may drop me a note for the rest of the rendition.]
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