Tuesday, December 15, 2015



The message is as clear as the bright sunshine in summer, as the dazzling ghost in the skyline, that there are some persons or some beliefs out to cause mayhem and bring the rest of the world to their knees by reverting to the Stone Age traditions of dog-eat-dog, eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth. One of their doctrines was that if you did not accept their propositions, you were their enemy and had no choice but to go on a duel with them. We would like to quote at length what I wrote earlier on this blog regarding this subject matter I am skirting around:
·They (radicalized Muslims-my expansion) view non-believers of their faith as pagans and should be coerced to be followers as stipulated in their holy book, Quran. Is that true? Where is one's liberty or human right?
·They view women as inferior creatures that had to be used for man’s pleasure and producers of children. (Is that true as outlined in the UN Declaration of Women’s Right adopted by the General Assembly on November 7, 1967-my italics?)
·They therefore deny women education for fear that if they are educated they could rebel and ask for their liberty or become Amazons and turn round to rule them as some) Western Women. (Would one not be glad to have a Saudi Arabian woman president, as the German Chancellor Angela Merkel with her open-door policy of getting in Syrian refugees and others? What can a Western woman do that a Saudi Arabian or an Arab woman cannot do because of her belief?)
·They proclaim fatwa on persons as Salman Rushdie who questioned even in the work of fiction their beliefs. You can castigate Christianity, you could debate but the Christians will not hang you as ISIS is presently hanging Christians in their caliphate.  [Vide: http://vibanflagbooksinternatinal.blogspot.com/2014/09/religion-and-racism-in-wake-of-isis.html]

This sort of rhetoric cannot be condoned in the 21st century. It cannot be the norm, as it is decadence. The tradition of the modern world is clear in all reasoning persons’ minds; that if you want to bring about positive changes, if you want people to follow your doctrines, and if you want them to follow and remain loyal with you or your philosophy, for as long as you want, you have to do it democratically and not using even a modicum of force. (I have defined democracy below for those who doubt it and want to revert to the old days of dog-eat-dog). If you succeed with your gentle and democratic means, let us call it moral persuasion, your doctrine will last and even level rugged mountains, tear down walls of diamond, level stony and steel huddles on its wake and permeate all walks of life and humankind.

2-Freedom of Apostates to depart
The thing is still as clear as this light that you would not win if you are short-sighted and can only reason that the only option and way forward is senseless butchering of innocent peoples. You might win using force but your winning would be ephemeral as has been proven by history and would turn round to haunt you. Those who follow you because of intimidation would shy away the moment that power wanes away. You would be looking for your doom if you sincerely believe that the only way to woo people to your philosophy, call it your religion; or Islam is to intimidate them with terror, violence and try to cajole your disciples that way. You are instead killing the very Muslim belief you are bent on promoting.

The author has met apostates of your religion or philosophy. They leave your community to live where there is tolerance and are ever happy and many of them regret why on earth they wasted so much time in pursuit of vanities. Where it is stated that a believer in your faith should be part and parcel of it till death is wrong. If you the promoters of your philosophy become excessive and become an embarrassment to the rest of humankind, ‘reasoning’ believers have every right to pack their bag and baggage and quit. It must be understood that where they differ with you and out of intimidation, they may participate but they are actually parroting or acting. They have no choice.  Only an imprudent god of yours would accept such leaders and their prayers. Your followers who follow you out of fear have the right to shelf your so-called doctrine that promotes such violence, hate of other human beings, state of decadence and join the community of decent people. They should have the right to be free and not be intimidated or killed as advocated by your outmoded book of philosophy or what you want to call it.

3-You can beg to resign from what your ancestors inculcated in you
Freedom of worship or not to worship is the right of everyone on earth. You should not assume that because you are born in a community with a certain belief, you are obliged to follow it. You can disagree and it does not mean that you are hater of those who follow it or they should persecute you. That is what is prevalent in most Islamic communities, that inability to follow what one likes. It should be remarked that when you go out of your way to do things to satisfy others first instead of yourself, you have imprisoned yourself. Given opportunity most of them would join other faiths or philosophies or religions. But they dare not because you erroneously believe that by being exposed to your philosophy at birth means that one has to stick to it and that is wrong and cannot be accepted in the modern world you are bent on destroying.
People of the 21st century are not morons living in the dark ages. Let us categorically state this, that victory will be those who are meek, victory will be for those who love their neighbors as themselves, victory will be for those who will exhaust all avenues of peace on the peace table and will not force you to follow their path of philosophy or religion or what you conceive it to be because of the force they exert. Your attention should be drawn to the fact that no one had exerted austere measures in the modern time or even in the past and succeeded indefinitely without drastic repercussions, chaos. Where is communism? It was euphoric at its height as your philosophy but the truth is that it was awry. That is why dictators who give rise to these sorts of euphoric thinking of ISIS, fall woefully. They never dream and state that their fall cannot be in their lifetime. Empires that rose by the use of force have fallen and we stand on the rubble of their edifices to look at those who were considered in the past as soft targets, those they trampled on and those they had used as their minions.

4-Reasoning without bickering and fighting
You will understand that before Muhammad emerged in your land, you now worship his doctrines, a man we are told had his inspiration from neurotic conditions, hallucinations (vide: J.N.Dah's PhD. [1983]thesis Basel Univ., Switzerland:Missionary Motivations and Methods: A Critical Examination....); there were people who believed in what they wanted. There was tolerance some of you interpreted as paganism. Muhammad instituted the use of force as a way to ward off his enemies and survived. People fought over scarce resources, water, fertile oases, dates and animals. They were survival strategies he instituted and urged his followers to adhere to that which you continue to apply with rigor today. You believe that if any other believer does not follow your ways, and even use your language, he is automatically your enemy and was eliminated. If you love Greek philosophy, study it in Greek? How does this enhance comprehension of your belief or strengthen your faith? 

Behind closed doors, you naively tarnish all Westerners and Southerners who would not cooperate with you as sinners and should be destroyed from the face of the earth. That is petrifying as no one has given you the sanction to destroy what God created in his image. It must be an invented satanic god. You did that in the past when you use jihad to forcefully introduce Mohammedanism in Africa, and Southern Europe—remember the Moors in Spain? If an African did not accept your philosophy, he or she was adopted as a slave or killed. You are doing a similar thing in your present ephemeral caliphate, ISIS. As such you have so many descendants of slaves in Asia Minor, present day Turkey, the Mesopotamian and all of the Middle East. 

You feel in the 21st century that your forefathers succeeded and even established enclaves in Spain and that it was time you even use deception to infiltrate the Western world and establish radicalized Islam. Many of you are brainwashed to believe that you are following divine orders. Many have worn green gloves over spiky hands to inflict pains and that is uncivilized.

Let the fact be clear, no one will halt you from worshiping a false god or a true God or following any philosophies. That is freedom you all yearn to have but are not coming out forthright. Nonetheless, people will rise up against you if you dare engage in violence as you have been doing in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and North America. When frustrated people as Madame Marie Le Pain who failed to win the recent French election in spite earlier strong showing because of your barbaric acts in France, people might be surprised to see the results of the 2017 French general election. 

The very confident, high-energy business tycoon Mr. Donald Trump of USA also made what others consider as outrageous statements of suspending the coming of Muslims from areas as Syria to the USA, due to the prevailing unruly Islamic actions in Europe and USA, the San Benadino massacre by a couple who claimed to be Moslims. Many fear to state categorically that there is an Islamic condition or dread for Westerners but that is the fact. Do they have a similar fear of the Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and other believers from other parts of the world? Ask yourselves if there is the same feeling among Westerners when East Europeans who were once dreaded communists enter Western Europe or other ethnic groups of other faiths enter the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? Why do many turn to look back when a gaudily dressed hooded Muslim women or men are in the vicinity? Is that normal? 

We are not fomenting hate but noting what is happening and that is the plain truth. If we seal our mouths or tie our hands it might be interpreted as fear or condoning what ISIS and their sympathizers are doing. If good Muslims so feel that they are being unjustly targeted, they got to go out and weed those bad eggs from their midst. They knew them but dared not hand them over. The 14 persons gunned down in California by an Islamic couple cannot be taken lightly as if one of such dared laid hands on weapons of mass destruction, we all might not be here to ponder upon these atrocities. They proved that they could do it on 9/11 and only those who do not value their lives and those of their neighbors would not take them seriously. Marie Le Pain conservative party won the initial voting in France but for fear of infuriating millions of Muslims, the French rallied after the two opposing parties and she did not win (13 Dec., 2015). In a way, she won as her point was initially broadcast. This is where we can categorically state that losing in certain instances is winning.

5-Westerners are angels?

Ask yourselves if they say go to Latinos, Africans, above all Eastern Europeans that are frantically occupying good old England, UK, France, Italy and others? It is because of your unacceptable beliefs in the world of modernity and intolerance. Come to think of it, most Westerners after the Second World War are angels and most deserve our credit. How many time have you killed their kinds yet they have not opted to flush you out of your dilapidated bunkers or shabby buildings or caves in the Middle East or asked your kinds to evacuate their countries. I bet you that if you were to touch Israel, just for one day, you would have been running harum scarum. You are gambling because there is apparently what you see as a dovish man holding the reign of the Western World whose policy is to pursue rapprochement and not wars. Is that a weakness? Let it be known that it is an opportunity for you to bury the hatchet and tell the rest of the world that you would toe the line and be civilized. The man or woman coming after him will not wait for a day but will come in full force to battle it out with you. That is my prognostication you must mark. It you are defeated as surely they will do, it will not be the first time you have engaged in the use of force, since life is valueless to you,  to enforce your philosophies/government on others.

6-How to force-feed others with Satanism and call it an acceptable philosophy-modernity
At present the peace of the world has been preserved, not by statesmen (or rattled headed people as the ISIS-my emphasis) but by capitalists. Benjamin Disraeli.

The interminable killing of Westerners in particular and Christians and other moderate Muslims, handicapped children by hardliners Muslims as their attempt to force-feed others with their Satanism or megalomaniac vision of the world of radicalized Islam is not accepted, will not be accepted and cannot be accepted no matter how intimidating they are, no matter how long they will try, and no matter the cost.

As aforementioned, when Mr. Donald Trumps the US Presidential Candidate threatens a temporary blockade of Muslims entering the USA, he does not imply that he had got a bone to break or scores to be settled with the 1.3 billion Muslims all over the world. No. This interpretation is to draw in moderate Islam followers and start a Third World War and that is totally wrong.  He is referring the sensationalized or drug befuddled ISIS and their cohorts, the Syrian Government of Bashar Hafaxz Halez al-Assad responsible for killing some 250,000 Syrians,  displaced millions of his peoples and other as refugees whom may enter the Western world to perpetuate mayhem. Who would not dread you (ISIS) when you send or incite your soldiers to kill unarmed children dancing or people simply dinning irrespective of their religious or political inclinations? Who would not be running away from you when you publish videos of how you destroy Westerners, other Arabs because you believe that they are pagans.  Whoever defined paganism for you? Whoever gave you the power to execute God's will or punishment?

7-How many Muslims have called for massive demonstrations against ISIS and their beliefs in the name of Islam
The truth is that if Westerners are not ready to face ISIS and their sympathizers, ISIS or their cohorts would one day sit in the White House. So when Dr. Ben Carson one of the Republican presidential candidates stated that there was no place for a Muslim in the presidency of the USA, we believe that he was interpreting the feelings of many persons in the USA. He does not imply that there cannot be room provided they belay their ranting and propagation of the killing of Westerners or are democratic. Changes are acceptable. They come with time and remember that Rome was not built in a day.

Why do you abhor the Westerners? Who have made phenomenal contribution in the industrialization of the world, economic and civil development of the world in the modern days as the Westerners? What have radical Arabs who are predominantly Muslims and propagandists of Islam brought to the world apart from wishing Westerners death every day? If you do not accept what I am saying, how many Muslim groups have come out en masse to demonstrate against these senseless killings? They maintain a low profile and always want to politicize the feelings of many around the world as Westerners’ anti-Islamic rhetoric. Is it? How many have called international Muslim fora to brainstorm and find out what is going wrong with Islam and its export of radicalism around the world? 

The Catholic would have things like the Vatican Council II to iron out grievances and look for new avenues the church should follow based on modernization in the world. What is wrong with other beliefs, particularly Islam followers doing the same? I am certain that level-headed Islam followers would not feel that they are following another infidel community. Would they? Let me pose this for a second time. How many have asked for a revival of their holy book to expurgate those conflicting ideas that create radicals who erode their belief?  Any doctrine needs to move with time and what was in vogue in the 3th century cannot be wholehearted accepted by all today without contentions. Is the moon still revered by some Muslims as a holy satellite that cannot be landed on by man in the 21st century? Then it is outmoded thinking as the Apollo Eleven proved that it was a barren place that may not even sustain life as the Earth. 

Similarly, do we men sincerely believe that a woman cannot govern effectively the continental USA or Russia or China when others have been presidents and head of states in other countries? In the same vein a woman can lead in certain parts of the church as well as men. If the Blessed Virgin Mary is highly revered among saints in heaven, why can’t gentle hardworking women who have proven themselves to be worthy leaders on earth lead? If we do sideline women as a good number of Muslims do, we could make Mother Theresa turn in her grave. Others out of tangible facts sit back and state that other religious beliefs or philosophies were once radicalized. We are glad to hear that they are talking of the past and not the present. How many deaths must we have before we will accept that the Islam of the ISIS is all spiraling out of control? Wondering aloud how many would react to this rendition? None as they are still governed by fear and not reasoning and that is 'animalistic.' Challenge it at its bud and not when it is matured.

There are many stating now that if Muslims are not interested in living with the Westerners or people of other faiths, they are not sincerely forced to come and settle in their midst. The veracity is that in Rome we have to do what the Romans do as the saying goes! The Westerners got to know that they are not essentially disciples coming to preach their doctrine. They come to ameliorate their economic situation and luxuriate in the freedom and liberty capitalism that is buttressed on the Holy Bible is produced through blood, sweat and tears. Point to one an oasis in the Middle East that had never known fighting? In the West they critique on the media, even at Hyde Park Corner, London, UK. Where do they have such freedom of speech in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon that the French endeavored to Westernize and elsewhere where defaulters are eliminated after prayers every Friday? Who had never sin before punishing defaulters with impunity? Do they know what sin is? 

And you too Egypt that is supposed to be westernized do flare from time to time and wag tongues and one wonders where on earth the Middle East is heading to. Essentially, their belief is just a ruse. We have asked why the Syrians are running helter-skelter to Western Europe and not to Saudi Arabia or other Arab countries. They are the ones who want to have their cake and eat it. Sit by young Muslims and hear their adoration of the Western girls and also hear how their girls adore Western men. Why is this so? It is Westernization that they are interested in and that freedom that is denied them. The god of love, Eros is blind and there are western girls who have hazard a risk of chumming up with them and turned to regret it. We will not dwell into this for the mo. 

Many got infuriated when told that they cannot come to the Heaven on Earth, Western Countries, the USA, Britain and a good number of European countries as Mr. Donald Trump, the leading Republican Presidential candidate recently said until they had put their houses in order, he meant stop killing innocent Westerners, their kinds who would not side with them and threatening them. It is because they want to luxuriate in freedom, and peace which they cannot have in their lands where modern progress is obfuscated by religion/philosophy/sharia. They have all they ever want to have, money, oil, food but they have never know peace and freedom to worship the God they like and attend the churches they want to attend given opportunities. They grew up and were forced to attend a cult or philosophy/sharia where they are told that anything other than theirs was imperfect and anyone who digressed was to head to purgatory or hell and was killed (https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6137083940194067924#editor/target=post;postID=5550881652129808355;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=46;src=postname.)

Why on earth can they go to settle in the corrupt Cameroun, Angola to be under a dictators,  settle in Nigeria where they will meet the Boko Haram followers, the Congos,  Central African Republic, Somalia, China, and Siberia in Russia fro that matter? Why do they first think of settlng in the U.K, the USA,Canada and Australia? Saudi Arabia that receives so much pilgrim/tourist money every year from the believers of this faith that cannot be polished to live up to modern standard can accept up to three million? What woos them to the Western countries are the Western freedom, democracy, and sound economies whose laws are pivoted on the Holy Bible many of them have never bothered to read. It is not Sharia some of them in Tottenham, London, UK boost that they would soon export to the House of Commons in the White Hall, London and to the Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. and Champs Elysee in Paris.

Some of the Muslim women in Saudi Arabia voted on Sunday, December 13, 2015, and that is a step in the right direction. The upright Saudi authorities deserve our applause but got to know that they need to open their door of women liberation wider as to educate and expose the woman is to educate, modernize and expose their country. The closed communist countries know more of this and Islamic countries should not be exceptions. They should get a leaf from the fallen once upon a time communist states in the world.  More still needs to be done so that those women could chose the sort of life they want to live, dress as they want to dress and not be dominated by man as if it was enshrined in some biological books that without men they cannot survive. Of course they can and have done that and are doing it in other parts of the world sufficiently and efficiently. Why would other women around the world have had such liberty of education, suffrage, driving their chosen vehicles, doing what they want singly yet most in ISIS and Islam dominated states have been or are being restricted?

They should aspire to be of the status of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel voted for her open door policy as the time person of 2015, President Sirleaf of Liberia. And why not, their girls should compete openly in all sports without hooding themselves as if they have leprosy and win and win as never and always as the American super lady Miss Serena Williams in the game of lawn tennis who is named by the sport illustrated as person of the year 2015. They are exercising their freedom, liberty and democracy as defined by not other than Sir Wilson Churchill:
Democracy… is not based on violence or terrorism, but on reason, on fair play, on freedom, on respecting other people’s rights as well as their ambitions. Democracy is no harlot to be picked up in the street by a man with a Tommy gun. (Winston S. Churchill, 2003, Never Give In!, p. 369)

The way forward is to allow their women to achieve the same freedom as men do and that will diminish the miseries they all have been living in and their ignoramuses will not breed wasted people as ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Sabaab, Boko Haram and the like. An educated and exposed gentle woman will not allow his children to join ISIS.  The men who join or form these sorts of groups are frustrated and disgruntled men who are unable to accept or cope with the Western technologies or decent development. [Decent Islam followers have settled amidst Western Christians.] They are being obfuscated in participating in the the development of the world at large by their belief and that is Satanism.

8-Adoration of Barbarism
People who have been travelling using light at night cannot suddenly extinguish it to walk in darkness because of some obscurantists are pushing their belief with the barrel of the gun on them. That is mayhem. You will see that the bullets and bombs are blind and do not even discriminate Muslims from the so-called infidels. That is the nature of the doctrine of devil incarnates mushrooming in the Middle East and Africa and presently permeating the Western World. We will be reverting to the dark ages, to the days of barbarians of the former region (Barbary States) that is now composed of the states Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia in North Africa.If we sit and suddenly draft plans on how we would like others to follow our views and want to impose them by mercilessly killing (as the Muslims called ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Al Sabaab and others have been doing in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Cameroun, British Cameroons, Chad, Mali, Libya, Tunisia, France, Israel and Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan with plans to permeate all of Europe, and reach the USA and Canada), we are delusional.

It should be known that those Westerners and those friends who had worked with them in tandem to bring about the peace we have all enjoyed from 1945 to 2015 are peace-loving people. They have worked hard and sacrificed to bring peace in the world and it is their unperturbed desire to continue to live in peace and work with whoever wants peace and not war; respect their faiths and not settle scores through wars. The First and Second World Wars stand as testimonies to the sacrifice of man to bring about social justice and peace. That will not be allowed to be taken down the drain by our kowtowing to the ragtag miscreants, senseless killing-human machines with no plans called Boko Haram, ISIS and their cohorts. Let us reiterate, the advances in technology you all are luxuriating in, is owed to the peace Westerners and their supporters in Africa, Asia, Russia and around the world have worked hard and fought for to achieve. They are NOT prepared to go again for another third World War or throw them away because you wish it to be so or because of your hallucinatory, fictitious world dominated by your kind of Islam.

9-The Acme of your life is dalliance?
Let it be emphasized, if you will push them, Westerners too hard as you have been doing, and corner them as you are cornering the French, the Jews in Israel, the Americans, other innocent and peace-loving Arabs, they will bounce back. You will not have a level-headed and dovish man like the President of the Western World Barrack Obama of America to calm down everyone to reason before reacting. Americans might give you a firebrand, no-nonsense Donald Trump to accelerate your flight to purgatory to have your 72 virgins as your wives since your acme of life is dalliance. Whoever gave you this false information is a satyr as you are. If they, Westerners and their allies react, there will be no winner. Therefore, take this opportunity to apologize before you face the brunt of war as never ever been fought in the history of man. The chemical weapons, antipersonnel bombs, all the weaponry in your arsenal and the tunnels you are frantically digging now will not halt their marching to you before you all commit mass suicide to go to hell and meet your virgins. Which is preferred, living alfresco and scurrying from cave to cave or in musty tents for fear of being bombed or asking for forgiveness from the rest of the world and the Americans and be saved? Ignore these words of wisdom and opt to continue to corner those Westerners and they will have no choice but to fight. Many had done this in the past. I am not thinking of the Spartans and Zulus but others here in the heart of the West, America. The created god of ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Sabaab, Al Qaeda who cannot fight for him or herself but send mad human beings to fight for him or her, will be the one to defend you. Such a god is an imaginary pagan god, one for infidels like yourselves and will not come come to defend you.

Gamblers heed to no warming. If you are gamblers with no purpose on earth, carry on. We are certain that your god will be preparing to give you the virgins in purgatory as your suicidal remunerations. Wish yourself good luck and always remind yourselves that you are a bunch of misfits, losers living on an illusionary grandeur that will never ever be realized in living memory. It is not the Mesopotamia of Hammurabi (1790s BC). You are operating now in desperation for only less witty persons who cannot make positive worldly contributions can join forces with you. We are telling Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Kuwait, U.A.E., Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan…some of whose elements phlegmatically believe that you are defenders of Islam to really sit down and reason.

Those countries owe their wealth and peace in their country to the Westerners. If Westerners leave them scotch free as some of them blindly want, they would not even be in the position to defend themselves from their own kinds as they plan to rise. The West and the rest of the world could sit and give them room some of them want to sort themselves out and they would never emerge from the rubble to yearn for Westerners or their supports. Remember Sadam Hussein was given the same lecture before he opted to seek sanctuary in the toilet. "Dead ears do not hear the tinkling bells of death." We are ringing them now and this should be filed for posterity. Millions who flock into your home the European created for you will not blindly come to fight your civil wars for they know that you are wrong starting them; wrong using the funds they toiled hard to bring to you each year to flush in the toilets of ISIS and the rest.

10-Should desperadoes emulate success stories?
It sickens beyond words why a people who are losers economically, scientifically, industrially and instead of coming out low to find out how winners go about it, instead take up arms made by those winners to fight them back. You have forgotten that even the oil money these use to fuel their fighting is extracted and bought by your so-called enemies, the Westerners, Turks, Lebanese, and other obscure buyers. The wells could be destroyed or blocked as those in Syria and Iraq now and the money could be frozen and they would wonder if that was really a Christian Crusade as they want to designate it. It is not. They are the ones creating it. Who started the massacre of those who would not agree with their outmoded decadent views; the gross misinterpretation of the Koran? Who set precedent in the decapitating of Western and even eastern journalists and brazenly displayed their decapitated heads and torsos for the Westerners and the rest of the world to see using the media they, the Westerners have invented? What will your decadent doctrine leave to the rest of the world for posterity? You are desperadoes and should never have been born for you have done nothing to benefit anyone and your satanic god in your caliphate, ISIS.

11-Blind supporters cautioned
Let those Arab states that want to maintain a low profile yet are assiduously supporting these blood-thirsty fighters in the eyes of all other nations on earth know that they would not be exonerated from the blame. They are seen and followed day in day out. They are backing the wrong horses. Again we will advise you to steal a leaf from the First and Second World Wars. When those who were supporting the Kaiser’s Regime were known they paid for it heavily. Similarly that happened during the Second World War where the Turks, Japanese, Italians and others backed the wrong horse for it was outdistanced. Those wars sow the seed of your chaos. It is a known fact that Kuwait which some Americans shed blood to liberate its citizens from the fangs of Sadam Hussein has forgotten and is now siding with ISIS to butcher Westerners as infidels that must be destroyed according to the Koran. Where are their reasoning faculties? Iran that is being helped by President Barack Obama to have nuclear power for ‘peaceful purposes’ is stupendously showing the rest of the world that it would use it to make weapon of mass destruction to finish their supposed to be enemies, Westerners and Israel. Iran is supporting ISIS, the bad guys in Yemen and Sadat’s regime that is responsible for this mass exodus of moderate Arabs, Christians, and other minorities. President Vladimir Putin of Russia has one in a life-time opportunity to forge a union with the West to make a positive change irrespective of being ignored for invading Crimea but has decided to back a moribund regime in Syria that is out to destroy all that had been constructed for years to start construction from the ashes from scratch. One wonders if he rules without advisers by acting without a podium. The dying Syrian regime that has cost Putin a plane full of innocent Russian passengers, is it just a fry and not a matured sturgeon worthy of sacrificing or dying for? The US foreign Minister John Kerry is asking him to side with him and flush the belligerent and tactless Bahar Hafaxz Halez al-Assad out and set on a new democratic government and he is shying away. The impression is that he could have that old part of Ottoman Empire by backing Damascus alone.

Owing to this emigration, bad guys or the ISIS are infiltrating in the human streams of emigrants to come to the West with some dubious plans to start imposing their doctrine of an eye for an eye of Hammurabi as witnessed by the massacre of youths in Paris. Gullible persons state that there is no evidence. Bad guys will never admit that they are bad guys at your interview room. The San Benadino radical Islamic couple did not. Some of their neighbors even shielded them. .Isis is  using the immigrants as a Trojan horse and this will never and should never be accepted. In consequence, Mr. Donald Trump we earlier referred to, had an honest plan of temporary deferment of immigrants from Syria in particular and some persons who have not been moved by these senseless killings of the tugs do not see it as a security strategy but scream as they want to woo votes from the American Muslims. What is politicking but persuasive talk to get votes and live comfortably. It is sad when blind faults and are seen are paragons.  Some Saudi Arabian lords are using the oil money that the Americans or Westerns help them to pump from the ground and even buy from them to support the ISIS. Hope they have enough provision to feed their killing-machines? As it stands, they are having enough weaponry to go for another three years; they are receiving fleets of brand new sport utility Toyota trucks and other Japanese pickup trucks to go on massacring sprees and to indoctrinates naïve persons to come and cause mayhem as the one we had in Paris where some 130 people without provocation were butchered. On November 20, 2015 their cell in Mali killed 27 and more persons are killed as their way to copy what you ISIS are doing. These cannot be accepted.

12-It is never late to bury the hatchet and barefacedly surrender?
Have the Westerners not been good to you? They have given them the technology, the guns they use to shoot them down, the knives they use to decapitate even the messengers Westerners and Southerners sent to report and ask them for rapprochement. It is ironical that 3/4 of them have been trained by the very Westerners they abhor now for the spurious reasons that they would sit complacently and allow them kill those who disagree with their outdated doctrine. ISIS have not listened to their messages or given the information to give to the Westerners on what they want. All they have demonstrated is to kill them and plan to kill more with handicapped children as if they deliberately chose to be born that way. If they were to serendipitously have weapons of mass destruction, they would not hesitate using them as witnessed by what they did in Paris, California and planning to do elsewhere or inciting others to do for them, in the name of their invented god/cult/sharia. Only the next generation of Westerners could sit and watch them killing right to their bedrooms. They better bury their hatchet now or face the brunt of all peace-loving humankind.

13-Inaugural strategies deprived of seriousness of purpose
Ask yourselves where the other giant 'Goliaths' are? Let us start from Mohammed Ghaddafi the one time demigod, Sadam Hussein of Iraq whose void space you occupied, Idi Amin of Uganda once befuddled by radical Islamism, erstwhile Mubarak of Egypt and many more to follow. Apparently the Americans are still afraid of the bullets now and coming by to fight with you by air and with drones. How does a hawk confront molls deep in borrows when flying in the skies? After the US 2016 Federal Election, they would not be coming by air alone alone and no depths of your bunkers, density of the forest you are hiding in, or neither swamps, nor dilapidated buildings that you have leveled down when getting thrills from the firing of American machines guns would shield you. Some of you are remnants of the maddened Sadam Hussein and had experienced that kind of baptism of fire. We believe that 'once beaten twice shy' aphorism applies to witty men.

How callous are you and dictum of your religion of the flesh to even punish the innocent and show no remorse. Children, aged, and women marching out of their havens they had known since birth now become mendicants in the Western World. How do you expect them to pray for your success? The exodus of Syrians beamed on TV screens all over the world painted a deep picture of your kind of insensitive cult you call religion. Where is the largess you radicalized Muslims talk of? It has failed as a philosophy/government/sharia or what you want to call it. They are bitter with you and cannot wish you success as the Jews under Nazis would not have been praying for their success.

At least the Moors came and settled in Spain from the position of being witty and strength but you have nothing to offer to the rest of mankind. The vandals and Ostrogoth were better than you. They did not chase away peoples from their habitations. The Arabs whose forefathers created this tradition are not bad people. Remember they once offered some fundamentals of mathematics to the scientific world. However,  with the incessant fighting and your jealousy of the Western advances in science and technology, instead of copying them, you are burying your heads in the sand. Even the ostriches know that with their heads in the sand they are still soft targets for the hyenas and lend the world their ears. You do not have a clue; if not why on earth would you put a bomb to kill Russians on the plane air over the Sinai Desert? Only gutless peoples would attack tourists, children, women and unarmed men.  If not why on earth would you send your killing-human-machines to shoot at innocent children simply dancing or dinning in Paris? Why did not you declare open warfare on the French and have a duel as was the things of the past? These are signs of desperation. You are losing a pointless battle in ISIS and want to go down in history text books that you once were defeated by the allies. You want to get other Muslims to sympathize with you. Intelligent ones cannot be caught with chaffs. They value the future of their children and their religion. You will not be the last or the first to go into this path. The question we would like to pose to you is, of what good are your strategies without seriousness of purpose? Furthermore, let us assume that you could hold on in your enclave for another year, how you would get on when you have run out of supplies. The Turkish and Lebanese borders would not continue to be porous. No states in the world would recognize you if they do not want to start a third world war you want to go down in history as having started. What is infamy that is after demise? Let those who are tacitly supporting you in the belief that they are not being seen know that a friend of our enemy is our enemy.

Copyrighted © Viban Viban Ngo, PhD, Dec., 2015

Post Script.:
 The above article was serialized so as to enable if fit into other media that do not accept long comprehensive articles. This is now the revised and authenticated draft that may be cited for academic and review purposes only. 


3-You can beg to resign from what your ancestors inculcated in you
Freedom of worship or not to worship is the right of everyone on earth. You should not assume that because you are born in a community with a certain belief, you are obliged to follow it. You can disagree and it does not mean that you are hater of those who follow it or they should not persecute you. That is what is prevalent in most Islamic communities, that inability to follow what one likes. It should be remarked that when you go out of your way to do things to satisfy others first instead of you, you have imprisoned yourself. Given opportunity most of them would join other faiths or philosophies or religions. But they dare not because you erroneously believe that by being exposed to your philosophy at birth means that one has to stick to it and that is wrong and cannot be accepted in the modern world you are bent on destroying.
People of the 21st century are not morons living in the dark ages. Let us categorically state this, that victory will be those who are meek, victory will be for those who love their neighbors as themselves, victory will be for those who will exhaust all avenues of peace on the peace table and will not force you to follow their path of philosophy or religion or what you conceive it to be because of the force they exert. Your attention should be drawn to the fact that no one had exerted austere measures in the modern time or even in the past and succeeded indefinitely without drastic repercussions, chaos. That is why dictators who give rise to these sorts of euphoric thinking of ISIS, fall woefully. They never dream and state that their fall cannot be in their lifetime. Empires that rose by the use of force have fallen and we stand on the rubbles of their edifices to look at those who were considered in the past as soft targets, those they trampled on and those they had used as their minions.


The message is as clear as the bright sunshine in summer, as the dazzling ghost in the skyline, that there are some persons or some beliefs out to cause mayhem and bring the rest of the world to their knees by reverting to the Stone Age traditions of dog-eat-dog, eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth. One of their doctrines was that if you did not accept their propositions, you were their enemy and had no choice but to go on a duel with them. We would like to quote at length what I wrote earlier on this blog regarding this subject matter I am skirting around:
·They (radicalized Muslims-my expansion) view non-believers of their faith as pagans and should be coerced to be followers as stipulated in their holy book, Quran. Is that true? Where is one's liberty or human right?
·They view women as inferior creatures that had to be used for man’s pleasure and producers of children. (Is that true as outlined in the UN Declaration of Women’s Right adopted by the General Assembly on November 7, 1967-my italics?)
·They therefore deny women education for fear that if they are educated they could rebel and ask for their liberty or become Amazons and turn round to rule them as some) Western Women. (Would one not be glad to have a Saudi Arabian woman president, as the German Chancellor Angela Merkel with her open-door policy of getting in Syrian refugees and others? What can a Western woman do that a Saudi Arabia or an Arab woman cannot do because of her belief?)
·They proclaim fatwa on persons as Salman Rushdie who questioned even in the work of fiction their beliefs. You can castigate Christianity, you could debate but the Christians will not hang you as ISIS is presently hanging Christians in their caliphate.  [Vide: http://vibanflagbooksinternatinal.blogspot.com/2014/09/religion-and-racism-in-wake-of-isis.html]

This sort of rhetoric cannot be condoned in the 21st century. It cannot be the norm, as it is decadence. The tradition of the modern world is clear in all reasoning persons’ minds; that if you want to bring about positive changes, if you want people to follow your doctrines, and if you want them to follow and remain loyal with you or your philosophy, for as long as you want, you have to do it democratically and not using even a modicum of force. (I have defined democracy below for those who doubt it and want to revert to the old days of dog-eat-dog). If you succeed with your gentle and democratic means, your doctrine will last and even level rugged mountains, tear down walls of diamond, level stony and steel huddles on its wake and permeate all walks of life and humankind.

To be continued......

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Foreign Investment and untapped man power resources in Africa: A reaction to the appended article on IT and Africa.

How not to be in darkness in the alleged 'dark' continent, Africa should have been the caption of my commentary but I digressed as you will uncover. While visiting Africa three years ago I managed to have access to the  Internet in a remote  village without electricity and internet providers. How did I do it? I would sent my computer via a bike rider what you call in London escort rider with it to be charged in the  town and pay Orange, a fiduciary company for a special USB that enabled me to capture signals in the bush. I had to send the computer every other day to get it charged in a nearby town before I could browse what you guys were writing in the USA or Europe and around the English-speaking world. I can tell you that I yearned for a solar computer as my solar Casio maths calculator that I have been using for donkey years without any hassles.

The lions and lionesses of Africa want your IT industries and many more before it is too late
There were villagers who had lived in big cities and were IT savvy. Some had old Compact computers that were languishing there. They longed to use them for their credit union transactions but had no electric power supply. They wanted to get on with them, but had no electricity. Even those persons in the cities could not, as the supply of electricity that was rationed was intermittent as it is still at the time of writing. Woe betide those who did or do not back up their electronic data.  

How many of them could even afford laptops, tablets things that are mandatory in all households in Malaysia a country that started with most African countries when they had their political independence? In most European states computing is part of the curriculum and it is introduced at kindergartens. The good news is that Smart Phones are gaining popularity in Africa at an amazing rate and permeating all villages with the availability of microwave systems. The question is how many are making good use of them to learn new technologies? They mostly engage in chatting and texting, then that is still good as information is exchanged faster and cheaper unlike in the days of analogue letter writing or where people had to catch bush taxis to visit friends  or business partners so as to carryout transactions or exchange information.  With smart phones they gain time and accelerate businesses.

How could they benefit from the projects mentioned in the article appended below? A nice one though with a weighty message that Africa has got IT talents and it is the dream of all and sundry to be versed in information technology (IT) and perhaps to outdistance the leading countries in the distant or near future. Could they have or be given a chance as in other continents?

In Ghana and Nigeria that I know, an educated person looks out of place if he or she does not operate upon a computer. Many are dabbling in programming, some doing great jobs of it and others frantically repair them along swarming avenues and alley ways. Surprisingly many working on computers are graduates from top universities and colleges in ICT and are literately waiting for opportunities being offered by Americans to other graduates in the sub continent of India and many states in S.E. Asia. Taking samples from these two African countries alone, I see burgeoning untapped workers all over Africa in this field. Then, could they set up their silicon valleys and woo investors and buyers as the Americans? Now American investors in the electronic industries stream to India, S.E. Asia and Africa is being neglected. Why?

Africans are not wanting  in IT programming and others as seen from a distant. They are sidelined by North Americans who even have avenues for Indians to come and work as temporary workers in America and Canada but do not taken in young dynamic African graduates even to work from their homes at a dollar an hour, a pay they would be so grateful to have. The situations in a good number of African states are better than those in the Philippines where some American IT firms operate from. The question is why none in the electronic industry operate from Africa. It is still the darkness of Henry Stanley looming over Africa that makes Americans not to see the bright sites of Africa? This attitude in this field keeps Africa 'darker'still and its problems are being banked for the future American and European generations.  No one likes economic migrants of the type that drawn in the Mediterranean Sea year in year out attempting to cross to Europe in search for better economic climes. Should it be so? 

What are others doing that exposed Africans cannot do even better given opportunities? Should we attribute their being sidelined to racism or to some unreliable African governments that are chasing away foreign investors with their outlandish policies? Superficially, I would say no. True business ventures out to make profits, know no colors but looks for hardworking and perfect workers. Electronic industries cannot be restricted in one domain by artificial barriers. That is why your inquiries anywhere in North America on IT are answered by some persons in China, India or other SE Asian nation states. They speak with strange accents, yet perform the required tasks and earn cash for living. They do not therefore have the inclination to come en mass to settle in North America and Europe. Then why are Africans not included even in those regions where electricity supply is guaranteed and there is peace?

The brewery, telecom, logging, petroleum, agriculture and mining industries are the best kept secrets among foreign investors in Africa. Even where there are wars or other interminable skirmishes there are North American investors there in full force battling for space with the new comers, the Chinese who do not care a damn about the nature of African governments (democratic or dictatorship) they are dealing with and are ever well protected. If IT is lagging behind then, why do we have the above-named industries? They yield interests a thousand-fold. Also, Africans are still lagging behind in certain technologies and managerial skills to make use of their natural resources and export finished products. In consequence, prices of their raw materials are rock bottom cheaper than elsewhere in the world. 

Furthermore, when it comes to drinking, some Africans rather die than to belay drinking beer and whiskeys daily. They celebrate every blessed minute and alcoholic beverages are part and parcel of those celebrations. For example, the Heineken Company has got one of the most sophisticated breweries in the world in Nigeria, Africa and not in North America or Europe. The French Beaufort brewery had been in Africa since 1948 and had been growing from strength to strength. It is because there is a huge market that is expanding exponentially. These breweries have some of the most sophisticated distribution net works that rival FED-EX or the postal services in Great Britain, USA and Europe. There are no physical or artificial barriers to halt them from timely delivery of their coveted goods. If other industries were to be like them, capable of penetrating all known hamlets, villages, towns domiciled by man irrespective of appalling road conditions, law enforcement officers stopping vehicles at every hairpin bend for bribes and others, Africa would rival Europe in the next thirty years in its industrial development. Could they and why are there huddles?

As mentioned, North Americans focus on tapping human resources particularly  in electronic industry from  SE Asia and Latin America. Is that their interpretation of globalization? Then it is one-sided. One day these providers would flex their muscles after mastering the technologies (as the Japanese once did to the Europeans) that are being given to the China and others by the West for free. Perhaps, these foreign investors might think of the unemployed or under-employed human resources that is languishing in Africa. Would they? They better be fast as the next wave of investors, the Chinese, Indians and Japanese are not trumpeting to the world their love for African investments. They are doing it quietly, slowly but surely. Then where are the men from Rus? Some of these are coming to stay for good and will be natives and Europeans and North Americans of today endeavoring to put their feet in Africa will be aliens to them.  The question is for how long will it take for the modern Westerners to invest massively in Africa, the last continent yet to be developed willy-nilly? Also, what should be the role of African leaders? 

African governments got to motivate foreign investors by developing their infra structures, power resources, roads, housing, health facilities, managerial skills, water, good governance, stamp out bottlenecks, rampant corruption and many more to meet modern Western standards. If others are doing it in SE Asia, and Latin American states, why not them? They got to encourage manufacturing using their raw materials instead of importing second hand and often cheap, ephemeral goods from China made using their raw materials. They got to be modernized and stop thinking of living off the land as their great grand parents once did. They are living in a modern world and have to accept modern changes and not glamorize outmoded traditions of the past as those engaged in internecine wars for them, as sadly in the case of some Islamic countries. When we see the budding yet booming automobile industries in Tanzania, Ghana, Nigeria and of course South Africa, there is a gleam of hope.  Then, they should not be like the Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that have been exporting copper vital in the electronic industries for the last 50 years but they cannot manufacture a simple television set, not to talk of a common wireless radio set. Are Africans not ambitious and want to advance as the rest of humankind? 

From what I experienced over there at one village in the Cameroons, rural electrification was welcomed and it was euphoric. The government sent 29 million francs, CFA, (that is a huge sum by local standards) and the villagers (700 strong) provided the required labor force. They dug holes, provided and planted the treated eucalyptus pools, carried sand and rocks for the building of the power house gratis. They used their human muscles. That was four years ago. Today (12/8/2015), the pools the poor villagers planted with the encouragement of a German expatriate who asked an honorarium of a roasted pig for his dinners and some Bamileke (Cameroun) business persons are still standing un-anchored to the ground and without a shred of high tension cable in its rightful place. What happened is the question I posed lately to a head villager and no one is able to give me an honest answer. The money has been siphoned and the hydro generator that was carried to the falls with pomp and pageantry is rusting in the bush. The question is, those villagers who could work from home if they had cheap electric power supply where they would not pay rents, or buy food stuffs, as in exorbitant townships, cannot live with promises  and planning that are never ever fulfilled. Is the shelving of the project the fault of the government of the day, that of the providers or villagers? With this attitude, other perspective investors advancing in foreign investments and developments as in India, China and South America are indirectly chased out. Once more, Africans are under-developing themselves. Then for how long will it take for some of these economic and political wrongs be righted and Africa join the bandwagon of the industrialized world? How are decentralization and rural development the government of most Africans talk of to halt the exodus of rural population be realized when the electronic industry, a prerequisite of the modern industry is not wholeheartedly encouraged?


Friday, October 2, 2015


Often times maintaining a low profile does not mean that we are not strong and cannot fight back. Also fighting back when provoked or not without rationales when all options have not been explored make us look like some Don Quixote. Did this character ever win in the long run fighting windmills? Let the literati ask Miguel de Cervantes.  Did President George Bush jr.ever win the Iraq war? Often some winning is a failure. Did the USA win Saddam Hussein? I hear mixed answers, not clear-cut. Others state that they were cajoled by political chicanery for fame to enter Iraq in the first place. Others state that it kept America safe. Could sanctions have done the job that cost thousands of lives of Americans and Iraqis? Our question is now hypothetical and no one can give a clear-cut answer by insinuations. Where are George Bush Jr.  now with his lieutenant Collin Powell? 

You could cajole the masses with your eloquence, persuasive talks, bogus philosophical reasoning but when ratiocinating, the masses may find out that all you were up to was bunkum. In the future many will not side with you or even with you successors for they had been disappointed and do not want to take chances. The country could have been saved from another 911, but all too are conjectures. Whether there were the Bushes or the Obama holding the reign of power, if the nation was attacked, they had to fight back with the tacit approval of the Congress. Nonetheless, do we fight for the sake of fighting or because we have armaments at our disposal and are strong? Then, that is school day bullying and puerile. Our prowess could never last indefinitely; others may rise and emulate us as surely they will, come what may and outdistance us. We will then ask where on earth we went awry.

If fighting was like what used to be in the Wild West in days gone by, then we have a golden opportunity now for the USA to fight Russia in Syria and Iraq unless they advance convincing reasons for being there. However before we leap we have to look and forward too, we have to visualize the ramifications, that is, be 'augural' if we do not want to regret it. 

The Russians are bombing the factions fighting to overthrow President Assad of Syria who had used chemical weapons against those who will not kowtow. Those fellows from Rus want to put Assad back on the reign of power instead of defeating decisively the callous, senseless and dreaded suicidal ISIS that decapitate innocent Western journalists, Christians, gays and lesbians before our eyes. 

The so-called rebels fighting the dictatorial regime of Assad were being trained by the Americans. By virtue of that, they are American friends.  If President Putin of Russia is bombing those Americans friends, in a way, Russia is declaring war against the USA and its allies and that cannot be tolerated or looked at lackadaisically. Why is this taking place at the moment?

The Russians have seen loopholes in Obama's presidency, weaknesses on his insistence on rapprochement with some senseless enemies as Iran, what he calls the "path of cooperation." Do we cooperate with mad people who have lost their reasoning? How many times have their leaders stated that the pogrom of the Jews during the Second World War (1939-1945) was fiction? How would we sympathize with a people like that to the extent of allowing them to manufacture weapons of mass destruction with the ruse of doing so for peaceful purposes. Don't they have enough oil to run their diesel run generators or rivers to harness hydroelectricity. Who is fooling who? 

Before we proceed, we must  cure them first of their brain-rattling before negotiating with them. How do you start when they believe in their heart of heart that they are not mad and that you are the mad one and a pagan? As an outside observer, we saw this feebleness of Obama starting from the Crimean occupation by the Russians to backing insurgencies in Ukraine and others. Apparently the end is not in sight. It appears to them that the sky is the limit. Is it?

They sensed that Obama cannot fight as witnessed by his withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan for economic and other reasons. The end result is this mass exodus and the USA will have to pay to keep those emigrants. Again the Russians are now bombing the people the US Government have been training and supporting to fight against the infamous Isis and Assad's tottering regime of Damascus. The apprehension now is that of the new Government that will take over from Obama, be it that of sharp witted Donald Trump or the diplomatic Hillary Clinton with experience or any other may be tempted to tell the Russians that they have crossed the line Obama drew on shifting  sand.  The Russians may be in for surprises when such a government will want to show the world the grandeur that was the USA and flex its muscles. It may then have sympathetic ears. The truth is that the Rus should have cooperated with the Americans to defeat decisively ISIS as ISIS's plan is to export it caliphate even to Rus and China where there are Muslims as it might be doing now with some heading to Europe in the guise of running away from them.

Israel and their European allies will not sit by as spectators. China may stay out as this is really touching the hornet's nest if Russian bombing is not admitted as a grievous mistake. 

We do not want to speculate on what we see as Russians adventurism in the Middle East. Is it President Putin's attempt to glorify himself instead of cooperating with the West for the good of all? Then he has not done his homework as the sleeping lion in his backyard might be emboldened to stand up and face him. How many Muslims are Russians?  Or is it his attempt to divert the attention of the West from his incursions in Crimea and eastern Ukraine? If that were the case, he must be mistaken as Westerners of which he is striving to emulate have more seeing eyes than he can conceive. They may not be caught in his political trap of a bargaining chip but he into theirs. 

If there is a fight where the USA intensifies their support of the fighters of Assad regime, how will the scenario look like? The apprehension is that when the elephants fights the grass below suffers. The grass will be all of the Middle East and the giant steps in the open economy the Russians had taken could be regressed and the days of the gulag and rationing of meals and amenities in the former Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)could be a child's play. No reasoning person would dream or cordon that.

Even, the perpetually lagging behind African states could outdistance the Russians in economic development if this were to be the case.  Putin must be told by the Russians not to sell them for his political ambition and bogus gains. After him, Russia will be and must find ways to live side by side with the West. The days of the cold war are over.  

The Russians and Putin got to know that as tottering as the Middle East is, it is the US economic territory. There is no way Donald Trump or even Hilary Clinton with her questioned truth of checkered telephone messages will put their hands on their laps to let the Russians enter their coveted territory. Although Great Britain as the rest of the European Union (EU) are plagued with immigration, over population, unemployment and politicking issues. They will remember the reasons why once upon a time they under Disraeli deemed it necessary to have a footing in Egypt to control the route to the Middle and Far East. It was economic and the fear of letting Ottoman Empire spread more than it was necessary. The relics of the Ottoman Empire can never be left to be controlled by Russia in the 21st century when such attempts were halted before. The Russians are unpredictable particularly at this critical moment and their activities cannot be looked at casually in that region. VVN.



President Obama’s Speech to the United Nations General Assembly 2015

SEPT. 28, 2015  New York Times

Obama Addresses U.N. General Assembly


The strength of nations depends on the success of their people — their knowledge, their innovation, their imagination, their creativity, their drive, their opportunity — and that, in turn, depends upon individual rights and good governance and personal security. Internal repression and foreign aggression are both symptoms of the failure to provide this foundation.
A politics and solidarity that depend on demonizing others, that draws on religious sectarianism or narrow tribalism or jingoism may at times look like strength in the moment, but over time its weakness will be exposed. And history tells us that the dark forces unleashed by this type of politics surely makes all of us less secure. Our world has been there before. We gain nothing from going back.
Instead, I believe that we must go forward in pursuit of our ideals, not abandon them at this critical time. We must give expression to our best hopes, not our deepest fears. This institution was founded because men and women who came before us had the foresight to know that our nations are more secure when we uphold basic laws and basic norms, and pursue a path of cooperation over conflict. And strong nations, above all, have a responsibility to uphold this international order.
Let me give you a concrete example. After I took office, I made clear that one of the principal achievements of this body — the nuclear non-proliferation regime — was endangered by Iran’s violation of the NPT. On that basis, the Security Council tightened sanctions on the Iranian government, and many nations joined us to enforce them. Together, we showed that laws and agreements mean something.

I realize that in many parts of the world there is a different view — a belief that strong leadership must tolerate no dissent. I hear it not only from America’s adversaries, but privately at least I also hear it from some of our friends. I disagree. I believe a government that suppresses peaceful dissent is not showing strength; it is showing weakness and it is showing fear. (Applause.) History shows that regimes who fear their own people will eventually crumble, but strong institutions built on the consent of the governed endure long after any one individual is gone.
That’s why our strongest leaders — from George Washington to Nelson Mandela — have elevated the importance of building strong, democratic institutions over a thirst for perpetual power. Leaders who amend constitutions to stay in office only acknowledge that they failed to build a successful country for their people — because none of us last forever. It tells us that power is something they cling to for its own sake, rather than for the betterment of those they purport to serve.
I understand democracy is frustrating. Democracy in the United States is certainly imperfect. At times, it can even be dysfunctional. But democracy — the constant struggle to extend rights to more of our people, to give more people a voice — is what allowed us to become the most powerful nation in the world. (Applause.)
It’s not simply a matter of principle; it’s not an abstraction. Democracy — inclusive democracy — makes countries stronger. When opposition parties can seek power peacefully through the ballot, a country draws upon new ideas. When a free media can inform the public, corruption and abuse are exposed and can be rooted out. When civil society thrives, communities can solve problems that governments cannot necessarily solve alone. When immigrants are welcomed, countries are more productive and more vibrant. When girls can go to school, and get a job, and pursue unlimited opportunity, that’s when a country realizes its full potential. (Applause.)

President Obama said “there are no easy answers to Syria” and called for the cooperation of all the states in the United Nations General Assembly to end the fighting and help the victims.
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS on Publish Date September 28, 2015. Photo by Michael Appleton for The New York Times.                                                                                                     

The following speech was delivered by President Obama at the United Nations General Assembly as transcribed and released by the White House.
Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen: Seventy years after the founding of the United Nations, it is worth reflecting on what, together, the members of this body have helped to achieve.
Out of the ashes of the Second World War, having witnessed the unthinkable power of the atomic age, the United States has worked with many nations in this Assembly to prevent a third world war — by forging alliances with old adversaries; by supporting the steady emergence of strong democracies accountable to their people instead of any foreign power; and by building an international system that imposes a cost on those who choose conflict over cooperation, an order that recognizes the dignity and equal worth of all people                          

That is the work of seven decades. That is the ideal that this body, at its best, has pursued. Of course, there have been too many times when, collectively, we have fallen short of these ideals. Over seven decades, terrible conflicts have claimed untold victims. But we have pressed forward, slowly, steadily, to make a system of international rules and norms that are better and stronger and more consistent.
It is this international order that has underwritten unparalleled advances in human liberty and prosperity. It is this collective endeavor that’s brought about diplomatic cooperation between the world’s major powers, and buttressed a global economy that has lifted more than a billion people from poverty. It is these international principles that helped constrain bigger countries from imposing our will on smaller ones, and advanced the emergence of democracy and development and individual liberty on every continent.
This progress is real. It can be documented in lives saved, and agreements forged, and diseases conquered, and in mouths fed. And yet, we come together today knowing that the march of human progress never travels in a straight line, that our work is far from complete; that dangerous currents risk pulling us back into a darker, more disordered world.
Today, we see the collapse of strongmen and fragile states breeding conflict, and driving innocent men, women and children across borders on an epic scale. Brutal networks of terror have stepped into the vacuum. Technologies that empower individuals are now also exploited by those who spread disinformation, or suppress dissent, or radicalize our youth. Global capital flows have powered growth and investment, but also increased risk of contagion, weakened the bargaining power of workers, and accelerated inequality.
How should we respond to these trends? There are those who argue that the ideals enshrined in the U.N. charter are unachievable or out of date — a legacy of a postwar era not suited to our own. Effectively, they argue for a return to the rules that applied for most of human history and that pre-date this institution: the belief that power is a zero-sum game; that might makes right; that strong states must impose their will on weaker ones; that the rights of individuals don’t matter; and that in a time of rapid change, order must be imposed by force.
On this basis, we see some major powers assert themselves in ways that contravene international law. We see an erosion of the democratic principles and human rights that are fundamental to this institution’s mission; information is strictly controlled, the space for civil society restricted. We’re told that such retrenchment is required to beat back disorder; that it’s the only way to stamp out terrorism, or prevent foreign meddling. In accordance with this logic, we should support tyrants like Bashar al-Assad, who drops barrel bombs to massacre innocent children, because the alternative is surely worse.
The increasing skepticism of our international order can also be found in the most advanced democracies. We see greater polarization, more frequent gridlock; movements on the far right, and sometimes the left, that insist on stopping the trade that binds our fates to other nations, calling for the building of walls to keep out immigrants. Most ominously, we see the fears of ordinary people being exploited through appeals to sectarianism, or tribalism, or racism, or anti-Semitism; appeals to a glorious past before the body politic was infected by those who look different, or worship God differently; a politics of us versus them.
The United States is not immune from this. Even as our economy is growing and our troops have largely returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, we see in our debates about America’s role in the world a notion of strength that is defined by opposition to old enemies, perceived adversaries, a rising China, or a resurgent Russia; a revolutionary Iran, or an Islam that is incompatible with peace. We see an argument made that the only strength that matters for the United States is bellicose words and shows of military force; that cooperation and diplomacy will not work.
As President of the United States, I am mindful of the dangers that we face; they cross my desk every morning. I lead the strongest military that the world has ever known, and I will never hesitate to protect my country or our allies, unilaterally and by force where necessary.
But I stand before you today believing in my core that we, the nations of the world, cannot return to the old ways of conflict and coercion. We cannot look backwards. We live in an integrated world — one in which we all have a stake in each other’s success. We cannot turn those forces of integration. No nation in this Assembly can insulate itself from the threat of terrorism, or the risk of financial contagion; the flow of migrants, or the danger of a warming planet. The disorder we see is not driven solely by competition between nations or any single ideology. And if we cannot work together more effectively, we will all suffer the consequences. That is true for the United States, as well.
No matter how powerful our military, how strong our economy, we understand the United States cannot solve the world’s problems alone. In Iraq, the United States learned the hard lesson that even hundreds of thousands of brave, effective troops, trillions of dollars from our Treasury, cannot by itself impose stability on a foreign land. Unless we work with other nations under the mantle of international norms and principles and law that offer legitimacy to our efforts, we will not succeed. And unless we work together to defeat the ideas that drive different communities in a country like Iraq into conflict, any order that our militaries can impose will be temporary.

Just as force alone cannot impose order internationally, I believe in my core that repression cannot forge the social cohesion for nations to succeed. The history of the last two decades proves that in today’s world, dictatorships are unstable. The strongmen of today become the spark of revolution tomorrow. You can jail your opponents, but you can’t imprison ideas. You can try to control access to information, but you cannot turn a lie into truth. It is not a conspiracy of U.S.-backed NGOs that expose corruption and raise the expectations of people around the globe; it’s technology, social media, and the irreducible desire of people everywhere to make their own choices about how they are governed.
Indeed, I believe that in today’s world, the measure of strength is no longer defined by the control of territory. Lasting prosperity does not come solely from the ability to access and extract raw materials. The strength of nations depends on the success of their people — their knowledge, their innovation, their imagination, their creativity, their drive, their opportunity — and that, in turn, depends upon individual rights and good governance and personal security. Internal repression and foreign aggression are both symptoms of the failure to provide this foundation.
A politics and solidarity that depend on demonizing others, that draws on religious sectarianism or narrow tribalism or jingoism may at times look like strength in the moment, but over time its weakness will be exposed. And history tells us that the dark forces unleashed by this type of politics surely makes all of us less secure. Our world has been there before. We gain nothing from going back.
Instead, I believe that we must go forward in pursuit of our ideals, not abandon them at this critical time. We must give expression to our best hopes, not our deepest fears. This institution was founded because men and women who came before us had the foresight to know that our nations are more secure when we uphold basic laws and basic norms, and pursue a path of cooperation over conflict. And strong nations, above all, have a responsibility to uphold this international order.
Let me give you a concrete example. After I took office, I made clear that one of the principal achievements of this body — the nuclear non-proliferation regime — was endangered by Iran’s violation of the NPT. On that basis, the Security Council tightened sanctions on the Iranian government, and many nations joined us to enforce them. Together, we showed that laws and agreements mean something.
But we also understood that the goal of sanctions was not simply to punish Iran. Our objective was to test whether Iran could change course, accept constraints, and allow the world to verify that its nuclear program will be peaceful. For two years, the United States and our partners — including Russia, including China — stuck together in complex negotiations. The result is a lasting, comprehensive deal that prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, while allowing it to access peaceful energy. And if this deal is fully implemented, the prohibition on nuclear weapons is strengthened, a potential war is averted, our world is safer. That is the strength of the international system when it works the way it should.
That same fidelity to international order guides our responses to other challenges around the world. Consider Russia’s annexation of Crimea and further aggression in eastern Ukraine. America has few economic interests in Ukraine. We recognize the deep and complex history between Russia and Ukraine. But we cannot stand by when the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation is flagrantly violated. If that happens without consequence in Ukraine, it could happen to any nation gathered here today. That’s the basis of the sanctions that the United States and our partners impose on Russia. It’s not a desire to return to a Cold War.
Now, within Russia, state-controlled media may describe these events as an example of a resurgent Russia — a view shared, by the way, by a number of U.S. politicians and commentators who have always been deeply skeptical of Russia, and seem to be convinced a new Cold War is, in fact, upon us. And yet, look at the results. The Ukrainian people are more interested than ever in aligning with Europe instead of Russia. Sanctions have led to capital flight, a contracting economy, a fallen ruble, and the emigration of more educated Russians.
Imagine if, instead, Russia had engaged in true diplomacy, and worked with Ukraine and the international community to ensure its interests were protected. That would be better for Ukraine, but also better for Russia, and better for the world — which is why we continue to press for this crisis to be resolved in a way that allows a sovereign and democratic Ukraine to determine its future and control its territory. Not because we want to isolate Russia — we don’t — but because we want a strong Russia that’s invested in working with us to strengthen the international system as a whole.
Similarly, in the South China Sea, the United States makes no claim on territory there. We don’t adjudicate claims. But like every nation gathered here, we have an interest in upholding the basic principles of freedom of navigation and the free flow of commerce, and in resolving disputes through international law, not the law of force. So we will defend these principles, while encouraging China and other claimants to resolve their differences peacefully.
I say this, recognizing that diplomacy is hard; that the outcomes are sometimes unsatisfying; that it’s rarely politically popular. But I believe that leaders of large nations, in particular, have an obligation to take these risks — precisely because we are strong enough to protect our interests if, and when, diplomacy fails.
I also believe that to move forward in this new era, we have to be strong enough to acknowledge when what you’re doing is not working. For 50 years, the United States pursued a Cuba policy that failed to improve the lives of the Cuban people. We changed that. We continue to have differences with the Cuban government. We will continue to stand up for human rights. But we address these issues through diplomatic relations, and increased commerce, and people-to-people ties. As these contacts yield progress, I’m confident that our Congress will inevitably lift an embargo that should not be in place anymore. (Applause.) Change won’t come overnight to Cuba, but I’m confident that openness, not coercion, will support the reforms and better the life the Cuban people deserve, just as I believe that Cuba will find its success if it pursues cooperation with other nations.
Now, if it’s in the interest of major powers to uphold international standards, it is even more true for the rest of the community of nations. Look around the world. From Singapore to Colombia to Senegal, the facts shows that nations succeed when they pursue an inclusive peace and prosperity within their borders, and work cooperatively with countries beyond their borders.
That path is now available to a nation like Iran, which, as of this moment, continues to deploy violent proxies to advance its interests. These efforts may appear to give Iran leverage in disputes with neighbors, but they fuel sectarian conflict that endangers the entire region, and isolates Iran from the promise of trade and commerce. The Iranian people have a proud history, and are filled with extraordinary potential. But chanting “Death to America” does not create jobs, or make Iran more secure. If Iran chose a different path, that would be good for the security of the region, good for the Iranian people, and good for the world.
Of course, around the globe, we will continue to be confronted with nations who reject these lessons of history, places where civil strife, border disputes, and sectarian wars bring about terrorist enclaves and humanitarian disasters. Where order has completely broken down, we must act, but we will be stronger when we act together.
In such efforts, the United States will always do our part. We will do so mindful of the lessons of the past — not just the lessons of Iraq, but also the example of Libya, where we joined an international coalition under a U.N. mandate to prevent a slaughter. Even as we helped the Libyan people bring an end to the reign of a tyrant, our coalition could have and should have done more to fill a vacuum left behind. We’re grateful to the United Nations for its efforts to forge a unity government. We will help any legitimate Libyan government as it works to bring the country together. But we also have to recognize that we must work more effectively in the future, as an international community, to build capacity for states that are in distress, before they collapse.
And that’s why we should celebrate the fact that later today the United States will join with more than 50 countries to enlist new capabilities — infantry, intelligence, helicopters, hospitals, and tens of thousands of troops — to strengthen United Nations peacekeeping. (Applause.) These new capabilities can prevent mass killing, and ensure that peace agreements are more than words on paper. But we have to do it together. Together, we must strengthen our collective capacity to establish security where order has broken down, and to support those who seek a just and lasting peace.
Nowhere is our commitment to international order more tested than in Syria. When a dictator slaughters tens of thousands of his own people, that is not just a matter of one nation’s internal affairs — it breeds human suffering on an order of magnitude that affects us all. Likewise, when a terrorist group beheads captives, slaughters the innocent and enslaves women, that’s not a
single nation’s national security problem — that is an assault on all humanity.
I’ve said before and I will repeat: There is no room for accommodating an apocalyptic cult like ISIL, and the United States makes no apologies for using our military, as part of a broad coalition, to go after them. We do so with a determination to ensure that there will never be a safe haven for terrorists who carry out these crimes. And we have demonstrated over more than a decade of relentless pursuit of al Qaeda, we will not be outlasted by extremists.
But while military power is necessary, it is not sufficient to resolve the situation in Syria. Lasting stability can only take hold when the people of Syria forge an agreement to live together peacefully. The United States is prepared to work with any nation, including Russia and Iran, to resolve the conflict. But we must recognize that there cannot be, after so much bloodshed, so much carnage, a return to the pre-war status quo.
Let’s remember how this started. Assad reacted to peaceful protests by escalating repression and killing that, in turn, created the environment for the current strife. And so Assad and his allies cannot simply pacify the broad majority of a population who have been brutalized by chemical weapons and indiscriminate bombing. Yes, realism dictates that compromise will be required to end the fighting and ultimately stamp out ISIL. But realism also requires a managed transition away from Assad and to a new leader, and an inclusive government that recognizes there must be an end to this chaos so that the Syrian people can begin to rebuild.
We know that ISIL — which emerged out of the chaos of Iraq and Syria — depends on perpetual war to survive. But we also know that they gain adherents because of a poisonous ideology. So part of our job, together, is to work to reject such extremism that infects too many of our young people. Part of that effort must be a continued rejection by Muslims of those who distort Islam to preach intolerance and promote violence, and it must also a rejection by non-Muslims of the ignorance that equates Islam with terror. (Applause.)
This work will take time. There are no easy answers to Syria. And there are no simple answers to the changes that are taking place in much of the Middle East and North Africa. But so many families need help right now; they don’t have time. And that’s why the United States is increasing the number of refugees who we welcome within our borders. That’s why we will continue to be the largest donor of assistance to support those refugees. And today we are launching new efforts to ensure that our people and our businesses, our universities and our NGOs can help as well — because in the faces of suffering families, our nation of immigrants sees ourselves.
Of course, in the old ways of thinking, the plight of the powerless, the plight of refugees, the plight of the marginalized did not matter. They were on the periphery of the world’s concerns. Today, our concern for them is driven not just by conscience, but should also be drive by self-interest. For helping people who have been pushed to the margins of our world is not mere charity, it is a matter of collective security. And the purpose of this institution is not merely to avoid conflict, it is to galvanize the collective action that makes life better on this planet.

The commitments we’ve made to the Sustainable Development Goals speak to this truth. I believe that capitalism has been the greatest creator of wealth and opportunity that the world has ever known. But from big cities to rural villages around the world, we also know that prosperity is still cruelly out of reach for too many. As His Holiness Pope Francis reminds us, we are stronger when we value the least among these, and see them as equal in dignity to ourselves and our sons and our daughters.
We can roll back preventable disease and end the scourge of HIV/AIDS. We can stamp out pandemics that recognize no borders. That work may not be on television right now, but as we demonstrated in reversing the spread of Ebola, it can save more lives than anything else we can do.
Together, we can eradicate extreme poverty and erase barriers to opportunity. But this requires a sustained commitment to our people — so farmers can feed more people; so entrepreneurs can start a business without paying a bribe; so young people have the skills they need to succeed in this modern, knowledge-based economy.
We can promote growth through trade that meets a higher standard. And that’s what we’re doing through the Trans-Pacific Partnership — a trade agreement that encompasses nearly 40 percent of the global economy; an agreement that will open markets, while protecting the rights of workers and protecting the environment that enables development to be sustained.
We can roll back the pollution that we put in our skies, and help economies lift people out of poverty without condemning our children to the ravages of an ever-warming climate. The same ingenuity that produced the Industrial Age and the Computer Age allows us to harness the potential of clean energy. No country can escape the ravages of climate change. And there is no stronger sign of leadership than putting future generations first. The United States will work with every nation that is willing to do its part so that we can come together in Paris to decisively confront this challenge.
And finally, our vision for the future of this Assembly, my belief in moving forward rather than backwards, requires us to defend the democratic principles that allow societies to succeed. Let me start from a simple premise: Catastrophes, like what we are seeing in Syria, do not take place in countries where there is genuine democracy and respect for the universal values this institution is supposed to defend. (Applause.)
I recognize that democracy is going to take different forms in different parts of the world. The very idea of a people governing themselves depends upon government giving expression to their unique culture, their unique history, their unique experiences. But some universal truths are self-evident. No person wants to be imprisoned for peaceful worship. No woman should ever be abused with impunity, or a girl barred from going to school. The freedom to peacefully petition those in power without fear of arbitrary laws — these are not ideas of one country or one culture. They are fundamental to human progress. They are a cornerstone of this institution.

I realize that in many parts of the world there is a different view — a belief that strong leadership must tolerate no dissent. I hear it not only from America’s adversaries, but privately at least I also hear it from some of our friends. I disagree. I believe a government that suppresses peaceful dissent is not showing strength; it is showing weakness and it is showing fear. (Applause.) History shows that regimes who fear their own people will eventually crumble, but strong institutions built on the consent of the governed endure long after any one individual is gone.
That’s why our strongest leaders — from George Washington to Nelson Mandela — have elevated the importance of building strong, democratic institutions over a thirst for perpetual power. Leaders who amend constitutions to stay in office only acknowledge that they failed to build a successful country for their people — because none of us last forever. It tells us that power is something they cling to for its own sake, rather than for the betterment of those they purport to serve.
I understand democracy is frustrating. Democracy in the United States is certainly imperfect. At times, it can even be dysfunctional. But democracy — the constant struggle to extend rights to more of our people, to give more people a voice — is what allowed us to become the most powerful nation in the world. (Applause.)
It’s not simply a matter of principle; it’s not an abstraction. Democracy — inclusive democracy — makes countries stronger. When opposition parties can seek power peacefully through the ballot, a country draws upon new ideas. When a free media can inform the public, corruption and abuse are exposed and can be rooted out. When civil society thrives, communities can solve problems that governments cannot necessarily solve alone. When immigrants are welcomed, countries are more productive and more vibrant. When girls can go to school, and get a job, and pursue unlimited opportunity, that’s when a country realizes its full potential. (Applause.)
That is what I believe is America’s greatest strength. Not everybody in America agrees with me. That’s part of democracy. I believe that the fact that you can walk the streets of this city right now and pass churches and synagogues and temples and mosques, where people worship freely; the fact that our nation of immigrants mirrors the diversity of the world — you can find everybody from everywhere here in New York City — (applause) — the fact that, in this country, everybody can contribute, everybody can participate no matter who they are, or what they look like, or who they love — that’s what makes us strong.
And I believe that what is true for America is true for virtually all mature democracies. And that is no accident. We can be proud of our nations without defining ourselves in opposition to some other group. We can be patriotic without demonizing someone else. We can cherish our own identities — our religion, our ethnicity, our traditions — without putting others down. Our systems are premised on the notion that absolute power will corrupt, but that people — ordinary people — are fundamentally good; that they value family and friendship, faith and the dignity of hard work; and that with appropriate checks and balances, governments can reflect this goodness.

I believe that’s the future we must seek together. To believe in the dignity of every individual, to believe we can bridge our differences, and choose cooperation over conflict — that is not weakness, that is strength. (Applause.) It is a practical necessity in this interconnected world.
And our people understand this. Think of the Liberian doctor who went door-to-door to search for Ebola cases, and to tell families what to do if they show symptoms. Think of the Iranian shopkeeper who said, after the nuclear deal, “God willing, now we’ll be able to offer many more goods at better prices.” Think of the Americans who lowered the flag over our embassy in Havana in 1961 — the year I was born — and returned this summer to raise that flag back up. (Applause.) One of these men said of the Cuban people, “We could do things for them, and they could do things for us. We loved them.” For 50 years, we ignored that fact.
Think of the families leaving everything they’ve known behind, risking barren deserts and stormy waters just to find shelter; just to save their children. One Syrian refugee who was greeted in Hamburg with warm greetings and shelter, said, “We feel there are still some people who love other people.”
The people of our United Nations are not as different as they are told. They can be made to fear; they can be taught to hate — but they can also respond to hope. History is littered with the failure of false prophets and fallen empires who believed that might always makes right, and that will continue to be the case. You can count on that. But we are called upon to offer a different type of leadership — leadership strong enough to recognize that nations share common interests and people share a common humanity, and, yes, there are certain ideas and principles that are universal.
That’s what those who shaped the United Nations 70 years ago understood. Let us carry forward that faith into the future — for it is the only way we can assure that future will be brighter for my children, and for yours.
Thank you very much. (Applause.)
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About the Author: Viban Viban NGO, a Canadian You may contact him for further information by writing to him on Email vibanngo@yahoo.com URL http://www.flagbookscanadainternationalinc.com