Friday, January 16, 2009

4 of 5 A Comprehensive Review of AMERICA THE RACIST? by H Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Viban Ngo, PhD

AMERICAN THE RACIST? Vol. I. By Herbert J. Harris, Wilmington: New Paradigm Publishing, 2008, 168 pages, ISBN 0-9748362-5-7 For other details of this book: where to purchase it, etc, visit

A Review by Viban Ngo, PhD, FRGS. Today when I come across incidents of racism, call it racial segregation, my back is spin-chilled and my memory races to one infamous racist leader known to most of us. His rhetoric dominated by racist attitude and doctrine of hate of the so-called inferior races triggered the Second World War (WWII). The war caused untold lost of millions of lives, damages to property and hitherto many are still paying in cash and kind. There is no end in sight. He was an Austrian called Adolph Hitler. After the First World War in which he was badly injured, he became obsessed over the domination of Jews who had permeated all walks of life in his native Austria and Germany. He attributed the defeat of the Germans in that war partly to the Jews. Consequently, he concocted all sorts of bogus theories against them as substandard vagrants whose miscegenation with the native Germans, folkish ways, and philosophies they called religion (Judaism which he disputed) and control of Teutonic economy for their selfish benefits. He advanced that if Jews were left unchecked they could prostitute and debase the blue-eyed Aryans who were the chosen people and bearers of culture. In his personal account Mein Kampf, he heaved all sorts of vituperations against the Jews and other non-Aryan races. As such, he poisoned psyches of decent Germans thus preparing the way for the eventual pogrom of the Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and others by the Nazis and their cohorts during the Second World War. Hitler remarked that South America could not be productive and advance intellectually as North America because the Spanish conquistadors had engaged in sexual debasement of their own race by engaging in intercourse with native Americans the outcome of which was an inferior class of people we now call the Latinos. He continued that North America then predominantly peopled by pure Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic races was ideal and for that reason were to maintain their dominance over other races, in inventions, productivity and retain their intellectual vivacity in all fields and walks of life. Let us purse and ask this question: Who is a racist? A person who discriminates against another based on his or her race (sex and color), who a rational-thinking man will consider as myopic or impromentis. Racism is the false belief that ones own race is inherently superior to others. The departing point is that no one has ever created him or her, not to talk of deciding which race, color or gender he would like to have. All are created by God in His image be they Caucasians, Africans or Mongoloids, the three prototypes of man on earth. Therefore in a levelheaded world, there is no podium where one can stand to proclaim that his race, color or sex is better than that of others. He or she cannot be loved, disdained or punished for his or her race for it is not his or her creation. How can these racial attributes concern Harriss newly released book, America the Racist? and the reader? Harris is talking of racial discrimination in the USA that was instituted by Caucasians some 500 years ago as a tool in the exploitation of African Americans and peoples of African descent for their economic benefits. This is still negatively affecting the vast majority of African Americans of all walks of life in the USA. Hitler we earlier saw, without any shred of scientific underpinning was naively glamorizing that racial segregation in North America and by insinuation the maltreatment of native African Americans who to him and other Christian Caucasians were inferior barbaric people vis vis Aryans, Caucasians. As in Germany during the Second World War (1939-1945), in North America, the clamp down of native African Americans in their places by the whites, and their stoic stance to maintain that status quo led to a bloody civil war (1861-65) whose wounds still rankle today in nearly all fabric of the USA. The history of racism that had been eating the heart of America thin is clearly elucidated in this timely book America the Racist. Herbert J. Harris is of the opinion that so long as racism remains in the psyche of America, her claims of moral authority will be hollow and disingenuous. Knowing the evil and harm racism could do to any society, any work that positively discusses racism and how it could be resolved, should be digested by all to know the raison dtre. Racism has caused so much pains and death in the world and should be stamped out from all decent societies at all cost. If one reads between the lines Hitlers open animosity of the Jews, and people of color, after the German lost of the First World War (WWI) [1914-1918], he attributed to the lack of patriotism of vagrant Jews and others, one could have inferred and even prognosticated the gross outcome, the purification of the Teutonic races that was to follow. If one had read too between the lines the hate that was coming from the mouths of the Hutus in Rwanda against the Tutsis since the 1930s one could have predicted too precisely the massacre of the Tutsis by the Hutus that took place in 1994. Harris takes the recent event, Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans (2005) where the vast majority of African Americans were victims and the government was sort of apathetic, lackadaisical in coming to their rescue as evidence of racism that was still rife in the USA. The author then questioned where there was that liberty for all in one nation under God. He had forgotten that the founding fathers in 1776 had not included the black man that was then considered just up to four-fifth white and could not reason like them. Should they now be considered as equal to other races when that the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments had been promulgated? People rarely change as the leopard will never change its spots even when it grows old. The Caucasians of Southern USA, particularly those of erstwhile Confederacy who were predominantly Christians strongly believed that Africans who were captured and brought in chains from Africa in galleons to work for the Christian whites Americans were just not real human beings and were very close to animals. Some nearly believed that they had no souls. Consequently, they were treated as uncouth horses that had to be domesticated by their white owners employing drastic methods that were used to handle captured wild horses. It was believed that the domestication was to be thorough if not the partially domesticated as any wild animals African Americans were to be dangerous to their property owners. Therefore, the untamed African and his family had to be broken down to submission using all available physically and psychological tools at their disposal. On this project, Harris vividly analyzed, a Briton slave owner was invited from the West Indies to instruct the whites in Southern USA on how to subjugate their African slaves, property. This man was called James Lynch from which is derived the infamous cognomen or five-dollar word, lynching. Herbert J. Harris put verbatim the homily of this infamous racist Briton that was used as the regulations by all whites in their maltreatment of African-American slaves, niggers. Readers have to be warned that any sensitive person reading this citation that struck terror in their heartsput new thoughts into their wooly heads is likely to burst into tears and ponder upon what on earth African Americans did so wrong to the Caucasians to have undergone such torture not only for one year but also for over four hundred years. Among many others, they did not allow families to be built; men and women were branded and bandied as goods, sodomized and raped. They could be bullwhipped to nearly the point of death to exercise

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