Thursday, February 12, 2009

Do Not Touch the Hornet’s Nest. Do not touch President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe

Objective commentary on Zimbabwe, Southern Cameroons, colonialism and survival of the fittest doctrine of Charles Darwin… by

Dr. Viban Viban Ngo.

“If there is hardship over in Zimbabwe it is deliberately caused by the very Caucasians who had ever controlled the lands, industries, lucrative mines and still do so as before.”

Early this week, I deplored us using French in this forum and I drew the havoc those who spoke that language as their native tongue did to a once peaceful country like Rwanda and many more. I also highlighted what role they played during the dirty Biafra-Nigerian internecine civil war. The energy they took to push that war forward because they had been promised the Gulf of Guinean oil and that in the River State of Nigeria the Ogoni peoples are fighting for that blinded their reasoning. Again, they are closing their eyes to our interminable pleas to tell their Cameroon Republic friends alone to leave us and their craving for oil is still blinding them. Now, we have to record these as our children will not be myopic as we or our parents were who went on signing bogus agreements at Fumban without an agenda and not knowing the people we were getting chummed up with, Cameroon Republic. Let me not go too far as all these are reiterated in sundry forms. The UNO, UK, France, USA, and the African Union are monitoring it unfolding minute by minutes.

History shows that Africans have never abused their economic and political powers. God earlier gave Africans power and they did not abuse it. Remember the Maurs (Moors), Africans. They could have marched right to Britain after defeating the Spaniards but they were not grabbing like the Europeans Caucasians after the doctrine of Charles Darwin of the survival of the fittest. The fittest, Europeans went every where and grabbed people and their lands and did not care a damn what became of them. Is it not appalling that the Catholic Church is forgiving Charles Darwin by supporting that man actually evolved from some sort of ape? We Africans who have suffered and are still for his so-called scientific research are disappointed.

Today the British glamorize this man by printing his head on their currencies. This Darwin planned to kill himself before his ORIGIN OF SPECIES was published as he doubted the truth of what he had written and did not want to face the negative reaction from Christian believers. The colonialists took his doctrine literally and it was not long before they regarded any non-white creature as inferior and closer to animals. With that belief instilled by Charles Darwin with the tacit support of Europeans governments, it was easier to enter Cameroon and other countries or regions with sophisticated Maxim guns and wipe our people defending their lands from invaders.

Do you still remember what the Germans did to the Heroros in the present Namibia, then called German South West Africa? They drove thousands to the deserts and they died of thirst and hunger just to take over their land? They caught their king, Hendrik Wibooi and hung him as a rebel. Do you rebel when you defend the land that had been yours since time immemorial? By implication, are you Southern Cameroons citizens who want your independence as you were since 1954 rebelling? That will lead me to comment on Comrade Robert Mugabe, the incumbent president of Zimbabwe that should rightly be called Monomatapa Republic.

The crime of President Robert Mugabe is that he had refused to allow a Caucasians-backed stooge to take over the reins of power so as to legitimize the lands that the British colonial government seized from the Shona and Ndebeles and gave to a handful of Britons who were brought from Britain to settle in the then Charterland, later known as Southern Rhodesia. The man who carved this out as his private property, Sir Cecil Rhodes used his company and resources. The settlers in Rhodesia subjected the locals they derogatorily called natives to slaves, took away their fertile lands, seized their livestock, killed some and forced them to live in near desolate tracts they gave the name reserves. These so-called reserves were rugged landscapes where motorized farming was impossible and were full of outcrops of sand stones and some had no running water. The natives there depended on wells for their water supplies. The sites of these reserves had been studied by the white agronomists and found to be less predictive, no minerals and poor soils for agriculture and that was why they dumped the Africans who were less or not humans.

Africans there were used as reserves for labor supply in whites-owned industries and domestic purposes. Even in reserves, the so-called natives were not allowed to own landed properties. They were restricted from planting tree crops that is, citrus, avocadoes, apples, vines, and even exploitable trees. It was one way to ascertain that the Africans depended on them as the slaves in Southern USA were made to depend on their white owners. They were not allowed to study beyond Standard Six level which you the senior cadres in The Southern Cameroons took for granted. If one was lucky to go beyond that as Joshua Nkomo, one had to go abroad to a country like South Africa where one was still subjected to extreme racism. If not, one had to escape to sympathetic countries like Tanzania, Ghana and you will remember that we had some who studies at Sasse. We also had some Darfurian who studied at St. Augustine’s College, Kumbo, and others at PSS Bali. Do they also help us now that we are in dire need? Stories have come to our ears of South African security men running after our boys seeking asylum in South Africa as economic migrants. Did Southern Cameroons elders call South Africans and Zimbabweans economic migrants when they were running away from persecution?

Nkomo was persecuted while studying in South Africa simply because he was allowed by a white widow to drive her in her late husband’s car. A black was not allowed to sit next to a white lady not to talk of sharing the same means of transport. The Jim Crow rule in the southern USA applied. Interested executives who could afford it should read the autobiography of Joshua Nkomo entitled NKOMO. It is a must for all our executives as we are likely to face what he and his cohorts went through under colonialism as you in The Southern Cameroons are being subjected to by Cameroon Republic.

When Africans are screaming that Mugabe be eliminated and that all the hardship is because of his bad governance, they tend to forgot what the British Government did when late Ian Smith declared the UDI and economic sanctions were imposed on that country. Africans were dying like flies. What measures did the British Government take? We Africans tend to forget so fast.

Mugabe is there because of his gorillas that fought and defeated Ian Smith’s government and unless they deem it so, no one can replace Mugabe. Mugabe is a guarantee to the security of Africans. They could have galloping inflation, did anyone write of this when the UDI was declared by Ian Smith? Africans are not new in undergoing these sorts of hardship. It was appalling under the UDI. Would we in The Southern Cameroons claim that we are better off under the autocratic ruler Paul Biya than under Dr. E.M L. Endeley or under Augustine N. Jua? Be honest!

President Robert Mugabe was one of the leading defendants of Africans when the rest had folded their hands as they are folding their hands and watching Southern Cameroons being trampled on by Cameroon Republic. When tomorrow will come, will some person stand up to destroy our leaders who have been having sleepless nights looking for strategies to liberate us with little of no shed of bloods as inscribed in our motto? President Yar Adua of Nigeria could be instrumental in broking the peace of The Southern Cameroons and Cameroon Republic but Nigerians never bother. They are only concerned with taping electricity from Cameroon Republic for their industries. All these can happen if there is peace next door. Of what good are Nigerians to us as our western neighbors? Tomorrow electricity that they badly need will be coming from the River Congo Basin via The Southern Cameroons. They would need the sanction of Southern Cameroons and they better pave their ways right now and not tomorrow. They should remember that we are there indefinitely and we better sing their praises instead of regretting their presence.

When the British Government was asked to invade Southern Rhodesia to impose majority rule when successive meetings in Europe could not change the hardened mind of Ian Smith to share power with Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe, what did the British Government of Prime Minister H. Wilson do? When Smith’s regime went about poisoning water wells in those African reserves and African-Rhodesians were dying from drinking it like flies where were these Westerners and Africans who are now sympathizing with the whites of Zimbabwe? When Ian Smith notorious scouts bombed refugees’ camps in Zambia and surrounding Southern Rhodesia and hundreds died and were buried in mass graves where were these Westerners and Africans who are now crying that Mugabe is killing his people with cholera? When it was suggested in the past that water be tapped from Lake Caribba to supply towns and villages, where were these very whites and Africans who now sympathize with the whites? The whites were the ones with their South African cohorts who argued that it would reduce the supply of water that run the hydro electric generators in the Carriba gorge that was in turn used in South African apartheid industries. Why do they levy the blames on Mugabe?

When Mugabe and his senior partner Joshua Nkomo were trying to reason with Ian Smiths, they were rounded up and imprisoned. How long was Nkomo in high security prison? Since Mugabe came in after the Lancaster Gate Agreement in 1979, how many whites, Rhodesian Caucasians did he imprisoned. How many did he kill? None. He forgave that son of Scotland and a British agent, Ian Smith and he lived in Zimbabwe as free as a bird till he died naturally. Was he ever tried for war crimes against African Zimbabweans? No.

When he, Ian Smith was ruling his Southern Rhodesia, all Caucasians had to be armed to the teeth and one never traveled without one’s AK47 clogged and readied for action. Again, how many Caucasians Zimbabweans have died since Robert Mugabe took over in the hands of African Zimbabweans? None. How many go around carrying their guns openly? None. The irony is that those Rhodesians who ran away when Robert Mugabe took over to Canada, USA, Australia and the UK have been applying to come back. Why? They had the highest standard of living in the world. One man with acres and acres of free land, massive mansions, strings of servants, and gold underneath their homes. Where else could they live like that today in this world? No where.

If there is hardship over in Zimbabwe it is deliberately caused by the very Caucasians who had ever controlled the lands, industries, lucrative mines and still do so as before. They are the ones who have deliberately blocked financial aids to Zimbabwe. Why because they are comfortable and only Africans are suffering. They stashed money abroad in the hope of strangling Robert Mugabe’s Government to submission so as to bring in a quisling like Morgan Tsvangirai who would not take away the land from them and give to their rightful owners, African Zimbabweans.

How many Caucasians Zimbabweans stood up against Ian Smith when he seized power from the British colonial government by coup d’etat? We all knew that he was gambling with the lives of British and other European settlers including Jews. They shied away because they really wanted to prove to the world that the Caucasian British were still as tough and 150,000 Caucasian settlers could rule 6,000,000 African Rhodesians. We over heard some British saying that it was true that one white was equal to eight Africans?

When Africans are bending low because of their fear of God, the whites conclude that it is because they are weak. Are you Africans, including you of Southern Cameroons really weak? Is the fact that you cannot raise your arm to strike a Cameroon Republic citizen when he is molesting you, stealing your resources a sign of weakness?

The stubborn stance of the whites even when Africans were literally dying under them was still the survival of the fittest doctrine of Charles Darwin that was being implemented. Perhaps a break to this will come if the socialist Chinese stand firm but they are proving to be more exploitative than even the extreme right wing capitalists that I have ever seen. They do not bother dealing with the autocratic government of The Sudan to get their oil from the Southern Sudan, my Equatoria. This was the name it was known when Sir Gordon was still the British Governor of The Sudan before he was beheaded by the Mahdi Arab fundamentalists as they still do today in Darfur.

The massacre in Darfur does not deter the Chinese and some Europeans and North American firms from investing in the oil industry in the Sudan. Who put money before human lives and even God? You see that given opportunities, some Europeans and Arabs could still revert to slavery and slave trade. Some have not equated Africans to themselves. Africans are still viewed in some quarters as inferior noble savages. Progress of Africans is still interpreted as maverick achievements and that is very sad indeed when we know what the man from African has contributed to the technological and economic grown of the world. On account of the grabbing attitude of the Chinese, The African Union may have to monitor China and speak with one voice against blind investment and exploitation.

Many Africans are opening their doors to the Chinese settlers even you in The Southern Cameroons. They, Chinese must agree to be Africans and not to transfer all their gains back to China as once did the Indians in Uganda before Idi Amin Dada got infuriated and repatriated most of them.

If Africans remain fragmented and pretend that they had been made so by the Europeans and are to stay sacrosanct they may be in for surprises. Having advanced this point, I am not in for the union of Cameroon Republic and The Southern Cameroon State and that of Morocco and the Arab Saharwi Republic, former Western Sahara where the formers sit on the later countries as slaver dealer on his slaves. You will recall that one of the reasons advanced by the USA, and the UK for not sending their nationals to fight the Rwanda Government Forces (RGF) and Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) of President Paul Kagame of Rwanda was that it was in Africa and Africans had better defended their people. When it was the First and Second World Wars did they say that Africans better remain home not to defend France against the belligerent Germans? Are Africans still looked down on as very inferior apes by Caucasians in the 21st Century? Is Charles Darwin’s doctrine of the survival of the fittest still operational?

Their priority was Yugoslavia, being white that was being torn apart to enfeeble communism that had ever been on their way. Having said this, I am not going to go down in history that we should unite with peoples or countries that will turn round to be more imperialistic and exploitative than the former colonialists. I am referring to Cameroon Republic that is using the power of the barrels with the tacit support of another colonial country with the worst colonial records in Africa, France.

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